
The Forgotten Hob-Goblin Cultivator

Life was as simple as it could be until one God screwed things over by making instead one soul swapping into another lin ji or ji ji for short was the one who got messed up in all of this but it definitely wasn't his fault

Noah_justyou2 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Hob Gobs Stats

{}Stats: {}

{}strength:2 {}

{}fortitude:1 {}

{}agility:2 {}

{}mind:1 {}

{}mana:1 {}

{}unspent stat's points: 2 {}NOTE average 16 yr old human is 0.9 in every thin but mind is 1.2 -1.3 {}


{}g#d$ gr@(3 (gold) (no des.)

{}57 (silver) leaf clover at the most useless times your the luckiest man alive (sucks to suck -- lady luck)