
Lakeside lodge

"Wake up Lagus we're here"

"Huh, what"

"I said we're here"

"Why Scarlet why couldn't we have taken a car... or the bus... or walked"

"Stop it you drama queen, you're only a little green"


I can't believe my mom actually let me come. I didn't even have to lie to her and she said she wouldn't tell Scarlet's parents either. Man my moms the best.

"So where even is it anyway Scarlet."

"About half an hour away, we can rent a car"

"Jeez Scarlet how long did you save up for this trip, I mean the food, the tickets, the car. Plus you don't have a job so how did you get any money."

"Well Lagus you see, I sold drugs"


*hmph* "Not really, I get an allowance of 5 dollars a day and I have been thinking of coming with you here for years now. I only started saving up about three years ago though. We have about 5,500$ if my math is correct plus whatever you brought. My parents bought me my ticket and you got yours for free because, well it's a long story"

"Wait, you get 5$ a DAY, I sometimes get 5$ a week. I don't have much, if you had told me about this sooner I would have saved but, between my allowance and my paycheck I only got about 500$ I can spend, I gotta ask for a raise at Pet Smart"

"That's perfect Lagus, this means we got about 6,000. That'll last us the couple days considering all we need is food and jet ski fuel."

"Why the jet ski fuel"

"Trains Lagus... It's for the jet skis, you forget this is a LAKESIDE summer house."

"OK OK I just thought they would have fuel there"

"Sure you did Lagus"

"Oh shut up Scarlet"

"Finally we made it, come on Lagus I'll show you around"

Jeez, someones in a hurry. At least I get to spend the rest of my vacation with someone I like who isn't family. There is never a dull moment with Scarlet around.

"I said come on Lagus"

"Yeah, I'm coming"

"This is a pretty cool place Scarlet, but whats with that tree house over there"

"Oh that, It was just the place I went to get away from people when I was younger. We can go check it out if you want"

"I've always wanted a tree house, Your parents are so rich Scarlet"

"No there not Lagus"

"Surrre, but their lake, three story house, lakeside summer house, always going on trips, and jet skis says different"

"OK, my parents are rich, can you stop now"

"Sure, we can check out the tree house later, lets go swimming"

"Sounds good"

Man we've been swimming for so long I'm actually getting worn out. I don't know how Scarlet stays in such good shape with all the junk food she eats. I can't let her know I'm tired or she'd make fun of me, plus I'm having fun anyway.

"Pass the ball Scarle- woah"

"What the hell Lagus, WHAT ARE YOU DOING"

"I dont know"

"It's like a wool pool but, bigger."

It's sucking us down. Why do I feel all fuzzy? Is Scarlet OK? Whats going on?
