

For many years now no one can identify nor be able to tale if the land do exist,

they was boy called (Joseph) who's his father was a farmer before he pass away,and the mother is just a house wife,before the father died he show him so many of his land and also showed him how to start up a farm business. but he never dreamed of becoming a farm or a business man.but his dream is to become to hunter because he loved hunting and he had alot of fun doing the hunting.

Every monday wednesday and saturday he always do his hunting as usual.

Until a day came when he was hunting on wednesday evening he saw a beautiful girl called (sarah) she was so skillful in hunting. The day Joseph saw sarah he fell in love immediately and he was like:

(joseph): wow,i this is the moment of my life i can never forget and he said

(sarah):are u a hunter!!..?

(joseph): eh eh yh sure wat are u doing down here by this time of the night

(sarah):im a hunter too..

This book is covered with the history of magic hidden treasures

Chima_Josephcreators' thoughts