
Hand-Pulled Noodles

Lin Fan looked at his mother not knowing what to say, suddenly the room's door opened and a man whose hair was almost completely white and with a wrinkled face that reflected his age entered the room.

the man slowly turned his face after closing the door, taking a look at Lin Fan, surprise flashed in his eyes.

"you're awake!"

Looking at his father, Lin Fan couldn't help but feel sorrowful at his predicament, unreasonably fired from his job even though he was always a diligent worker, life sure is unfair.

he tried doing his best in his studies as to help his family by getting a decent job later on, but unfortunately, he wasn't blessed with extraordinary intelligence nor was he blessed sports wise either, a professional sports career was out of the question as well, he once tried joining a football team but he was the team's laughing stock because of his poor skill.

"Mhm", Lin Fan just responded by nodding his head.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Not bad, I think I am healing quite well,"

he saw his father raise a brow before asking "How did you end up like this?".

Lin Fan looked at his mother and saw she still had her head in her hands.

before responding, his mother already answered his father.

"He fell of the mountain path while returning home"

he saw his father's face turning ghastly pale, "You fell of the mountain path? how?!"

"a thief stole my phone, I acted on impulse and chased him, who would have known that he would try kicking me, I tripped and fell".

"are you and idiot?! why would you chase someone on such a thin pathway!"

"I am sorry okay! like I said, I only acted on impulse, I am fine now, that's the most important thing right? besides, mistakes are there to be learnt from, aren't they?"

Lin Zhou looked at his son who he might have lost, he couldn't lash at his son anymore, he might already have a mental trauma from the accident, surviving such a fall...nothing short of a miracle, it's all fine if he's well.

he patted his weeping wife's back trying to comfort her with a few words, reminding her that it's all fine since their son is well.

Lin Fan looked at his parents, especially at his weeping mother, feeling guilty at how much pain and worry had he caused them.

"I will go check with the doctor if it's fine for Lin'er to leave the hospital,"

after his father left, Lin Fan looked at his mother "I am sorry for making you worry mum"

Jasmine looked at her son and couldn't help but tear up again, "as long as you're fine, sweetheart"

"Mum! don't call me sweetheart, i am already 17, it doesn't feel right" said Lin Fan trying to lighten up the mood.

Jasmine burst into a laugh and said "You will always be mother's sweetheart"

Lin Fan couldn't help but smile, feeling content being able to lighten up his mother's worry.

"Mum, I will close my eyes for a bit, "

"Mhm, rest well,"

Lin Fan closed his eyes and couldn't help but remember everything that happened to him, from the fall to the mysterious cultivators, even witnessing a man being slaughtered.

he couldn't help but shudder at the thought of that devil, the man who kills without batting an eye, Lin Fan was sure that killing for the man was like breathing, a natural thing.

If he found out that Lin Fan still remembers everything, he would just kill him this time, he might also kill his parents just to make sure he didn't tell them about him, 'I guess it's better to not tell anyone about this, better be careful than to regret it later'

'But still, how do I still remember everything, oh well, I will just take it as God giving me a helping hand and return to my normal life later on'

Just as he was thinking to himself, his father returned.

"The doctor said it's fine for Lin'er to leave, he prescribed a few anti-inflammatory painkillers and a few stretching exercises, the doctor will arrive soon to show Lin Fan how to do them properly in a while"

"Alright, we will be leaving after he arrives then,"

one hour later.

Lin Fan was currently with his parents returning home, Lin Zhou was driving the car, it was quite jammed today, while Lin Fan was dozing off, he saw a familiar face walking on the nearby pavement, It was Shi Song, the devil himself, while Lin Fan was gazing at him, unexpectedly Shi Song looked back at him, as if sensing his gaze.

'oh my god, he saw me, what do I do, what do I do...YES! smile, let's smile, no one smiles at his attacker in a friendly manner,'

Lin Fan looked at Shi Song and smiled, a sweet smile that you would give to an uncle on the street.

Suddenly the car started moving again and the nearby Shi Song slowly started to fade.

"Looks like that Idiot doesn't remember anything, and he didn't become a vegetable as well, lucky guy. Anyway I'll go have dinner, maybe some hand-pulled noodles?," said Shi Song with a stupid grin on his face.

Lin Fan was sweating bullets in the car, 'did that work?!'.

Jasmine looked at the back to see her son sweating like crazy, "Lin'er are you having a fever!"

"I am okay mum, I-It's just quite hot in here that's all, let me open the window,"

"Alright sweetheart, do tell me if you are feeling uncomfortable in anyway,"

"Mhm, thank you mum" nodded Lin Fan.