
The Forbidden: Female Warrior

You know those fairytales where the girl gets saved by her handsome knight in shining armor? { Yeah well this is so not that type of story { This is the story of a 19 year old girl who always craved adventure, so when it comes time to take that adventure Charlotte Stonbroth dose without hesitation { Into battle she must go the only catch , well she has to pretend she's a man and will be killed if she's found out but no big deal right? { This simple farm girl will be going on the adventure of a lifetime meeting Dragons, ogres,elf's and more along the way { Charlottes always wanted adventure but will this adventure be the death of her ?

Anya_ONeil · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

my eyes shoot open, I begin nervously scratching head, my once long red curls are now gone and it's rather insane to not feel them right now.

But why the hell am I worrying about my hair when today is officially my first full day pretending to be a boy named Charlie.

I get up from off the ground, I look over to see silver eyes still asleep. Carefully I walk out of the tent the suns not yet risen and it seems like I'm the only one awake. Guess I'm still use to farm life

I walk over to my horse Violet and begin speaking to her.

"Morning beauty, your the only one here I can trust." I say as I place my forehead on hers while gently scratching her neck.

The sun begins rising and I can see the silhouettes of men waking up, so I make my way back into my tent.

"Where have you been so early?"

I look down and see silver eyes now awake

"Just checking on my horse"

"You really are a little farmer aren't you"

"Yeah, I guess" I say awkwardly as he stands up shirtless

"Would it kill you to wear some damn clothes?!" I shout

"How about I keep covered when you stop swearing like a bloody pirate"

"Fuck off" I say stomping out of are tent

I've actually never said that word before but if I'm going to play a man I might as well talk like one.

"If only Mary Margaret could see me now" I let out a small laugh


I feel a thud on the back of my head

"Come on red don't want to be late to your first day of training"

"Ouch, you big oaf!" I say as he walks ahead of me with a smile painted on his face

I make a speedy walk towards the soldiers

The first thing they have us learn is how to fight with a sword. They give each of us long wooden sticks and pair us in groups of two. I get put with Patrick and despite what you might think he's actually rather good with the a sword. Maybe I'm just terrible,either way he's kicked my ass

I'm completely covered in bruises from this activity every hit packs a hell of a punch. I must pull myself together and keep strong I'll never survive this war if I can't fight.

Just then a confident smile spread across Patrick's face.

"Take that smile off your face before I kick it off" I say

"I'm so scared, honestly Charlie you don't even know how to hold that thing"

"Yes I do... I think" I say with a confused look on my face

"Grab it here the way you're holding it is completely throwing your balance off" he says while demonstrating where I should put my hands

Once I'm finally holding the wooden stick the correct way me and Patrick continue practicing and he continues knocking me down. We've been doing this all day, the sun is now begging to fade. With both blood and sweat running down my body I'm feeling ready to give up when finally my fake sword hits his real chest.

"Dead! Yes I did it you lose"

"Yes Charlie you got one out of about a hundred"

"Oh you're just jealous cause I'm a much better swordsman than you" I start patting myself on the shoulder

"Oh yeah let's give it another go then and see who wins"

"Fine by me Patrick" I say as I get myself into position

he too gets into position, he quickly swings I dodge, I swing he dodges we keep going back and forth like this for a while. He trips over a small rock, this is it time for me to make my move, I jab him in the chest.

"Dead" I shout, I swear I've never been so excited in my life

But before I have any real time to gloat the soldiers tell us we're done training for the day and we make are way towards the food.


"I bet all that losing makes a guy hungry" I say to Patrick trying to annoy him

"Just wait Charlie I'll kick your ass some more tomorrow and wipe that stupid smile right off your face."

We t both begin laughing, I've never had a friend before but I think Patrick will be a great first friend. Although I'm not really here to make friends but having one isn't going to kill me.