
Chapter 43: An Accidental Confession

"Go to the women's restroom," Orlando says. "I'll follow in a moment."

Obediently, I rise from my chair. My heart is thumping in my ears, drowning out the murmur of voices around me. Everything is fuzzy, as if I'm listening underwater.

I don't let myself glance toward Nadia's table. Or lock eyes with anyone I pass. I only focus on the urgent pulse between my legs, of the need that has taken over every part of me.

I wonder if he fucks his other distractions in restaurant bathrooms. It's the only thought of that kind that I allow, and I suppress it again quickly. I've already decided to do this, and I won't turn back now.

When I reach the women's bathroom, though, I realize there might be a hitch in our plans. All three stalls are occupied, and there are two other women waiting for their turn. Disappointed, I turn and leave.

Orlando shows up only a moment later.

"There are too many people in there," I whisper to him.