
Chapter 37: Into The Pool

Just when I'm beginning to think this might go on all afternoon - and still end up with me being hauled off in handcuffs - I see movement out of the corner of my eye. For a terrifying moment, I'm convinced some other member of the family has appeared to make this even more awkward, but to my relief, it's Orlando.

"There he is!" Luca says, smiling again. "Just the man who can clear up this whole thing."

Orlando's surprise fades to a frown as he takes in his brothers - including a still-dripping Dante. His gaze finally lands on me, but he doesn't let it linger.

"What's going on?" Orlando demands.

"Do you know this woman?" Dante asks, still glaring at me with narrowed eyes.

Orlando stops right next to me. He looks absolutely exhausted, like he's just climbed a mountain through the snow. I wonder how much sleep he actually got on our flight.

"This is Maggie," he tells his brothers, slipping an arm around my waist. "And yes, I know her. I invited her to stay with me."