
Chapter 36: The Other Fontaines

Awkwardly flapping my arms, I manage to twist around and get my feet under me again. When I turn, there's a man standing on the edge of the pool. A man I recognize.

"You're Dante Fontaine," I say.

He looks exactly like he does in the tabloids - tall, dark, and handsome, with a perfect square jaw and eyes that remind me so much of Orlando's. He's always had a reputation for being serious, even brooding, and at a glance I can tell that the rumors are true. He looks like a man who means business, and he shares something of Orlando's intensity. But while Orlando's fierce nature is born of a deep passion for what he does, Dante strikes me more as a man whose intensity comes from a need to be in control of every situation - or perhaps I'm just projecting my ideas of how an oldest sibling must think and behave. He certainly looks like he's ready to do anything on behalf of his youngest brother.