
Chapter 33: This Was A Terrible Idea

Dante moves first, rolling off of me and onto his side. But he keeps one of his arms around me, letting his fingers trail lightly, soft as a kiss, across the skin of my belly. Part of me longs to lean into him, to keep the connection between us, and the other part wants to get far away from this - from him - as fast as possible.

I sit up, still trembling.

"Not yet," Dante says, his strong arm sliding around my waist. "I'm not done with you."

He pulls me back down, right against his chest. I sink back, melting against the familiar, heady scent of his skin. His body is still slick with perspiration. God help me.

His lips are at my neck, warm and velvety and intoxicating. His fingers drift down between my legs, down to where I'm still wet with the evidence of our ecstasy. Part of me wants to sink into that feeling, to drown in him again, to forget about all the heartache this man has caused me.

But the other part of me can never, ever forget.