
Chapter 36: Crossing Professional Lines

My boss just told me he wants me. I can't believe it.

"You do?" The words fall out of my mouth.

Roman smiles. "I don't think I've exactly made a secret of that fact, my little seductress. You know that quite well."

I have no response for that. My heart is beating so loudly in my ears that I'm not sure I've even heard him right. But you knew, a little voice in my head tells me. You knew all this time, you just didn't buy it.

Roman is watching my response carefully. "Does that frighten you?"

Yes. No. Honestly, I have no clue. But at the same time, the longer I stare in his eyes, the more I feel like my body's reaction is beyond my control.

"It... confuses me," I admit finally.

"Because you don't know how you feel." It's not a question.

"Because I don't believe you."

His thumb brushes across my jaw and up to the soft valley between my chin and my bottom lip. "Why not?"

"I'm not..." How do I even begin to explain? "You... you could have any girl you wanted."
