
Vincy Stops Arae

Arae decides to build again Floral Palace. 'The two pillars stand out there. You can leave the stroke one there. The kingdom room stands in front of the terrace.' Vincy asks Arae, 'You gonna build again Floral Palace. Are you the queen? You're not a queen, is me. You're weaker than me. I must be the first stand out to shoo all the priests. I reject your grace to be a queen in this palace.'

Arae doesn't accept Vincy request. She has a fight with Vincy. Arae asks, 'How dare you prevent me?' Vincy answers, 'I've sacrificed lot to this palace. What about you?' Arae laughs, 'How about make scare people? I'm smarter than you!' Vincy angers to Arae, 'How can a vampire being the queen?'

Vincy welcomes the flood through the land nearby Floral Palace. Arae pleads to Vincy, 'I won't see my luxurious ville sunk. I give my power to you!' Vincy laughs, 'You're the loser!' Arae goes to another side, 'I realize power couldn't bring happiness. I've treated Flo so worse. I gonna ask for apologize to Flo and Or.' Vincy throws all the Arae property, 'I would lead the world forever. Everything without disturbs anyone.'

Flower hears Arae story. 'It's for you to repent!' Arae cries regretful, 'I promise never make noise again through the human. I don't want to marry you. Bless me with Lil!' Orchid forgives Arae, 'You're gonna be repent soon!' Flower gives Arae space to stay, 'You can use this room. The room belongs to Rem when he was a boy. I gonna make servants to clean it up. Sleep well soon!'

Little Fish brings bouquet tomorrow. 'I'm ready to hear you accepted my proposal. Ar, I've been waiting long here. We can lead the world together. I've prepared our reception today. I would invite all the ghosts and demons.' Arae kisses Little Fish. 'I know you never can wait for these moments. We gonna make the world in calm. We promise not to deliver noise again.'

Flower comes through the wedding. Little Fish kisses Arae. 'Would you love me forever?' Arae answers. 'Love till the end of world! We're endless.'

Vincy disturbs Arae wedding. 'I gonna stop all your done! You've taken Lil from me! We can fight to show our strength! Face me now! I know you're afraid like scardy cat.'

Vincy fights with Arae. She wants to make Vincy realized. 'This world not belong to you!'

Vincy pushes Arae to wall. 'I know you weak! Get up, loser!' Little Fish attacks Vincy back. 'You've so stingy! You can't hurt my wife!'

Flower helps Arae. 'You must be cured!' Arae uses dark medication and palm transplantation skill. 'I must recover my energy! Let's take avenge on her! I can't receive as a humiliated.'

Flower asks Little Fish. 'How she learns the skill of Floral Palace well?' Little Fish opens up all. 'How can you confuse? I've taught her through a book. I told her to use as well as possible.'

Little Fish asks Arae. 'How your body?' Arae answers, 'I'm fine!' Orchid has another plan. 'We've to take a payment for them. All the Floral Palace must be under our controlled.'