
The Difference Beetween Vincy and Flower

Vincy returns her flashback through dark meditation. 'Turn me through my past!' Vincy goes back through 30 years ago. She was a beautiful girl. 'Happy after day! I gonna make surprise to Nofa.'

Nofa is waiting for Vincy. He calls Vincy. 'Vincy, I gonna make surprise today for our anniversary. The first time, I feel so lovely. You make me flirty one by one day.' Vincy asks, 'Are you sure, you wanna celebrate ours?' Nofa orders a restaurant for reservation, 'I gonna put this necklace into you. I wanna propose you.' Vincy accepts the proposal. 'How can you interested to me? Honey, it's so amazing!'

Nofa drives Vincy surrounding the city. Vincy amazes by Macau light. 'We can take photo there. It's so pretty nice. We can come up with the new feed in story. We can print it and take the album. You can take me there. It's all so amazing. Light the Macau now!' Nofa takes photo of them. 'We gonna print it. You buy a new album and then put it. I gonna take another person to see our happiness. We can celebrate the night together now. Come up with the new style!'

In the other side, Nofa tries to ask for bless from Vincy parents. Nofa asks. 'Can we get marry so soon?' Anne, Vincy mother, answers. 'Mention the date!' Nofa plans, 'What about the end of year?' Anne agrees. 'Try in Christmas day!' Nofa asks, 'Why not trying it?' Vincy agrees, 'Let's do it on Christmas day! Come, then, we gonna be happy! Honestly, I can't wait!'

The other era, Flower tries to keep torture. He keeps kicking down Orchid. 'You should obey to me. You musn't run from me. We gonna live happily ever after. You never can beg to me. I'm your husband, your leader. Dear, just follow my order! I encourage you to follow my rule.'

Orchid feels so tired. Orchid complains to Flower. 'I feel so tire. I never can sleep. I need more energy. I try to stay healthy. I gonna take some medicine.' Flower forbids Orchid, 'You just only a servant for me. A slave should serve the boss. You're not my wife, only a slave.'

Orchid cries every night. Orchid prays to God. 'Bring me to Heaven! I can't stay in this avenge marriage so long.' Master Star gives her tea, 'You should drink something relaxing. Calm down! You should control your emotion.'

Flower celebrates the anniversary. Master Moon asks. 'Haven't you wanna had children? Are you 25 now?' Flower answers, 'I'm in the stage of 26. I gonna make touch of Orchid. We can try the pregnant program from teacher. I've Concubine Yan to teach her.' Orchid doesn't agree, 'Stop, you only wanna my ovum!'

Concubine Yan teaches Orchid. She tries to get elastic time to pregnant Orchid. 'You should take the aerobic dance every morning. I gonna teach you soon. You should relax at your wrist. You must try to hold your own hip.' Orchid complains, 'I can't sight. It's so heavy. I should get through my body hump.'

Orchid breaks her leg. Concubine Yan shouts. 'You must be brought to doctor.' Flower complains to Orchid. 'How you so careless? I never can have children again. Why don't you try to be patient?' The doctor announces, 'Your wife positively pregnants. Congratulation, Sir!'

Flower lives so happily. He thanks to Orchid. 'You really pregnant. I believe this child could stop my avenge. If it's fail, I gonna torture you whole life. You should be careful to take care the child.' Orchid feels so happy, 'I gonna be a Mom now.'

Nofa learns something about his flashback and Flower. He explains. 'I'm a vampire. I never get old.' Flower prides of his honesty, 'You've opened all. You and me the difference are about happiness and fate.' Nofa shouts. 'Real fate and live!' Flower laughs, 'Everyone's their own fate and live, you and me are contrasting.' Nofa shouts, 'You become me, I become you!'

Flower learns something about Nofa. Nofa confuses. 'You live with your avenge, I live with my decision. You and me decide to have happy wedding life.' Flower explains. 'You've hurt Vincy. You've seduced her with never marrying in real. You should ask forgive to Vincy. She's so sorrowful.'

Nofa finds out Vincy there. Vincy guesses him. 'Return to your world!' Nofa refuses. 'I fall in love with human. I can't leave her. Please, understand me!' Vincy angers with Nofa. Flower stops her. 'Learn to sincere him!'

Nofa goes back to his home. Elle asks Nofa. 'What are you doing?' Nofa answers, 'I just walk around this day. How about you?' Elle answers, 'I've been waiting for you. I gonna celebrate our anniversary. Why don't you buy some meals?' Nofa kisses her, 'That's a good idea, dear!'