
The flash twin brother with a system

My flash story following the TV show The Flash and going to add my own parts to the story.

The_forgotten_ones · Fantaisie
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Chapter 4 School life


About 9 years and 2 months later, the twins were already 10 years old.

Bart was coming out from his classroom and was going to meet Barry in the cafeteria as planned. As he reached the cafeteria, he saw Barry chatting and laughing with a black-haired lady who seems to be the same age as them at the entrance of the cafeteria. Bart continued approached them , but both of them still did not notice Bart at all as they were like in their own world.

Bart : " Ahem !"

Barry : " Oh, sorry Bart ! I did not see you there. "

Bart : " So, what is the name of this lady? "

Barry : " Arr, oh .... Bart , meet Iris West. Iris meet Bart Henry Allen, he is my older twin brother. "

Bart : " Hello, Iris. Nice to meet you."

Iris : " Same here."

Bart : " Let's all go and have our lunch together."

Iris got to know Bart better after their conversations over the lunch like Bart's favorite color is dark green as well as he is more sociable and outdoor than Barry, After this incident, she took more interest in Bart , but Bart wasn't interested in her at all. He knew that Barry had a crush on her and in the future, she will be the wife of Barry and it was no secret Bart was talking to a girl name Caitlin Snow when he goes out alone.

Days and months passed, Barry and Iris spend most of their free time with each other and became best friends. Slowly, Iris also grew a crush on Barry , but they still do not show their true feelings to each other. Iris's father, Joe and Barry's parents got aware of their relationships and their crush with each other. When Barry and Iris were spending time together, Bart was there too, being a third wheeler most of the time. The only reason why Bart was there because of the missions provided by the system : 'Help Barry and Iris to develop a crush with each other!' and ' Spend time with your sister-in-law !'.

Time-skip again

On 18th March 2000,

As Bart was walking down the hallway, he overheard a commotion" Come on, stand up, Barry ? Can't take a beating ? What a LOSER ! " and saw Tony Woodward beating up Barry. Bart ran quickly there and pushed Tony away from Barry.

Bart said, "Are you okay, Barry? " He then asked Iris who just came, Iris, bring him to infirmary ! "

'DING!' 'New Mission : Teach Tony a lesson!'

Reward : Increase in Iris's affection towards you

100. 000 GC

Hearing it, Bart said , "So you need a large group of people to bully just one person, Tony?" while looking at Tony and his mates. Bart continued saying sarcastic, " What a winner ! Bullies people and then think that himself is a winner." Tony was angered and swung his right arm at Bart . Bart parried that punch and grabbed the opponent's arm, placed the arm at the back of the neck then tripped the opponent with a sweep of the leg. Tony was forced to the ground and lost his conscious due to shock and the force applied by Bart .

A teacher came and dispersed the crowd. He asked, " What happened here? " .

Bart explained to him what had happened and told him that the reason why he attacked Tony was self-defense. Some students came out and explained more to the teacher ; the teacher said, " Bart , next time when there's a fight, please report to any nearby teacher first. " Bart nodded his head and was released by the teacher.

At night, Barry was comforted by Nora and Henry. They were proud of Barry and assured him that he had a good heart, and Henry was proud of him and Bart for winning the fight. After that, they said goodnight to Barry and Bart and the twins went to their bedroom to sleep.

In the middle of the night, a commotion occurred in the house, waking up Bart and Barry.....