
The Flash: TITAN

Stuck in the body of Barry Allen’s bully from childhood, watch as our MC takes back control of his life. Frosted Dao, back at it again, got this idea recently after watching the flash for the 5th time, and I thought about Tony Woodward, the guy that’s able to turn his skin into metal, and I thought, "What wasted potential" Anyway, enjoy the story and take it easy on me, will ya? No, Harem hate that crap. I might do Caitlyn as a romantic interest, but I am not sure yet

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Tony's appearance is a blend of resilience and subtle strength, shaped by his experiences and the transformative encounter with molten steel. Here's a rundown:

Build: Tony possesses a sturdy and athletic build, a testament to both his past experiences and the physical enhancements gained from his steel manipulation abilities.

Hair: His hair, often tousled and slightly unkempt, adds a touch of ruggedness to his appearance. The color cis a sandy shade, complementing the overall aura of his character.

Eyes: Tony's eyes reflect a mix of determination and the weight of the secrets he carries. The color is a deep grey, intense hue, hinting at the complexities beneath the surface.

Attire: In everyday life, Tony may lean towards practical and comfortable clothing, reflecting a desire to blend in. However, when in action or dealing with his steel-related endeavors, he might adopt a more utilitarian and protective outfit, incorporating elements that facilitate his steel manipulation.

Stance: Tony carries himself with a mix of confidence and caution, a result of navigating the dualities of his existence. His movements might hold traces of the training and discipline required to master his unique abilities.This description aims to capture the essence of Tony's appearance, highlighting both the ordinary aspects of his life and the extraordinary nature of the powers he conceals beneath the surface.


 1. Steel Transformation: Tony can transform his entire body into a steel-like substance. This transformation grants him enhanced strength, durability, and resilience. His steel form is immune to most conventional physical harm.

 2. Selective Steel Manipulation: Over time, Tony gains the ability to selectively turn specific parts of his body into steel. This control allows for more strategic use of his powers, adapting to various situations or challenges.

 3. Molecular Manipulation: As his mastery deepens, Tony learns to manipulate steel at a molecular level. This skill enables him to alter the properties of steel, enhancing its durability or making it more pliable based on his needs.

 4. Telekinetic Control of Steel: Tony can telekinetically control steel, shaping and manipulating it from a distance. This power extends beyond basic control, allowing him to create intricate forms, structures, or even weapons with his thoughts.

 5. Enhanced Strength: While in his steel form, Tony's strength surpasses normal human limits. He can lift and manipulate heavy objects with ease, making him a formidable force in physical confrontations.

 6. Regeneration: Tony's steel form grants him a form of rapid regeneration. Minor injuries and wounds, especially those gained during the transformation process, heal quickly, leaving minimal scarring.

 7. Steel Sensitivity: Tony develops an enhanced sensitivity to steel, allowing him to detect its presence and properties in his surroundings. This sensitivity aids him in understanding and manipulating steel with precision.

 8. Temperature Resistance: Tony's steel form provides resistance to extreme temperatures, whether it be exposure to high heat or extreme cold. This resistance contributes to his overall durability.

 9. Steel Communication: In advanced stages, Tony gains a form of communication with steel. While not verbal, it's an intuitive understanding of the metal's nature, enabling him to anticipate its behavior and utilize it more effectively.