
The Flash( AU) : The Fastest man alive

My name is Alexander Stone, I am a normal guy who was bored with his life and the real world but a friend showed me the path to the world of fiction and one little mistake changed my life forever. -------xxx------ A/N: This fanfic takes place in the flash universe but there will be new characters and new enemies and Metahumans created for the Mc and the flash himself to fight, so stay tuned.

darkstar12 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

[*Electricity Crackles*] *SHWOOSH!*

I used my super speed to wear it and went to the speed lab. The place is a big room with big tubes connected in a circular form.

[*Electricity Crackles*] *SWOOSH!!!*

I started running as I increase my little by little until I reached my maximum speed.


{"My name is Harrison and tonight the future begins. The work my team and I will do here... will change our understanding of physics... will bring about the advancement in power... advancement in medicine. And trust me, that future will be here faster than you think."}

Harrison's voice came out of the T.V. I'm currently in the sitting room of my house watching the announcement before the activation of the particle accelerator.

{"Mr Wells, can I ask a question about your particle accelerator?"}

Just as Harrison finished speaking, a voice spoke out and accompanying suddenly raised her hand and asked, the cameras' turned to the direction where the voice came from and it was from Linda.

{"Yes... yes, you can Miss Park."}

{"So you said that the particle accelerator with bring advancement in medicine and I we want to how much when compared to the latest invention of Mr Stone, the regeneration cradle?"}

The regeneration cradle was what the press conference I had three months ago was about and it came out a month later. I developed it after years of studying myself and normal people's cell and tissue regeneration. With it, people can regenerate their dead cells and tissues thereby prolonging the life span of humans and it can regenerate limbs too.

{"That question I can't answer as I don't know how much the advancement is gonna be."}

I turned off the TV right after he said that. I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to get something to eat as I felt hungry from the running I did earlier. I took ingredients to prepare the dish I want to eat and started cooking, I was an excellent cook in my past life and an expert in this life too.


It's been more than forty minutes now since the particle accelerator went online and there has been no abnormal occurrence since the accelerator went online except the rain.

I took out my phone and dialled my mom's numbers I had a bad feeling for some reason.

"Hey, mom where are you?"

She picked up the call the second it went through and I asked her whereabouts.

"I told you this morning where I will be at this time."

She answered with a somewhat devastated tone that confused me but now isn't the time to be confused.

"If you're at S.T.A.R Labs right now then get out of there right now, I'm on my way there."

I hang up the call right after I said that and contacted Linda a second after that. But the call didn't go through I tried a second time but it still didn't go through.


Just as I was about to start running to S.T.A.R Labs, I heard the explosion of the particle accelerator followed by a wave of energy. I don't know how these energies will affect me if I come in contact with them but I didn't about it as saving my mom was my highest priority and with that in mind I started running at my top speed which is more than Mach 100.

[*Electricity Crackles*] *SWOOSH!!!*

Everything around me came to a sudden stop as I race through the streets of the central city and headed for S.T.A.R Labs. When I got there I saw my mom coming out of the doors of S.T.A.R Labs but she was already shrouded in the energy wave, I quickly took her in a princess carry and brought her to my house before going back to look for Linda but she was nowhere to be seen so I went back home.

"Friday, put up the shields."

The moment I entered the house, I instructed Friday to deploy the shield that will protect us from the energy wave.

{Already on it, sir.}

I light transparent shield began surrounding the house after Friday deployed it. I spent years of my life developing this shield, I used the concept of atom displacement, mass particle displacement and energy displacement to create it for this very day.


The energy waves hit the shield hard but it was not able to break it and pass by the building. I focus my attention back on my mother as she seems devastated for some reason.

"He knew, Alex. He knew that the particle accelerator would blow up if he turn it on but he did it and he smiled when doing it, Alex. The Walls I know will never endanger people's lives no matter how important it is to him."

Tears started coming out of her eyes as she spoke to me. This is what I wanted to avoid happening when kept the death of the real Harrison Wells from her but it seems it was about time that she knew the truth.

"Mother, I have been keeping a very big secret from you... I didn't want to see you like this when I decided to hide it from you but I think it's about time I told you. The real Harrison Wells that you knew and loved is dead... He died fourteen years ago and was replaced by someone with powers like mine."

I said to her with tighten heart and look her in the face no matter how heartbreaking it is to see her sad face. I had one parent in my past life and I loved her greatly, I felt devastated when died and the same love and care applies to my current mother. Eobard Thawne will pay for every single tear that will come out of her eyes.

Through the years that have passed, I wondered to myself why the reverse flash didn't come after me and my mother and after thinking about it, I came to two conclusions, either he doesn't care about us or he didn't know the relationship between me and Harrison.


"Friday, show me the damage reports on the S.T.A.R Labs explosion."

It's been a day since the S.T.A.R Labs explosion and I am currently in the lab section of my base running some tests on my mom and Linda's blood to see if they were affected by the energy from the explosion.

{Here they are, Sir.}

Friday projected dozens of holographic interfaces that show the amount of damage the explosion caused to the city. Though it was nowhere near the destruction I caused when I turned the city into an ice land but the damage was huge.

"Friday, begin setting up a plan for the organisation to help those who lost something when the explosion happened... He may be an enemy but he is still using my father's face and name, this is the least I can do as a son."

{ok, Sir.}

After I was done going through the files, I directed my attention back to the test results of my mom's and Linda's blood. The result came out positive but their Meta-genes were inactive.

I left the lab after I was done with everything I was doing and went back home.


[1 Month after the explosion.]

{Sir, there have a sighting of an abnormal phenomenon.}

It has been a month since the S.T.A.R Labs explosion. There has been an unusual increase in criminal activities but there has been no sighting of any Meta-human until today.

"where and what?"

I came out of the training room when I heard Friday's voice.

{At the western side of the city and it seems to be a human touch.}

A video started playing on my phone and the video shows how a man in his late twenties walked into a jewellery shop and started taking pieces of jewellery, after he was done he shot the jeweller in the head before setting the shop on fire.

The abnormal thing is that when he set the shop on fire he didn't use anything but his hands. Flames came out of his hands like a flamethrower.

{I found this footage after I hacked into the security system of the shop and the crime happened fifteen minutes ago.}

"My first Meta-human."

I couldn't help but be a little excited after showing the footage.