
Never Felt So Cool

George was still looking from afar and could see Lu Bu using the binoculars, but it didn't look like Lu Bu was disturbed by the situation, nor did he show any sort of guilt; he was looking at his watch and waiting for it to end.

"So that guy doesn't care huh?" George said as he looked through the sniper scope and aimed at his head. He touched the trigger and felt his heart burning, 'Why the heck would he want me dead?' He thought before moving his finger away from the trigger, deciding that shooting Lu Bu wouldn't be the smart thing to do.

He then turned his attention to the gravity manipulation hunter, who was using nothing but a revolver to shoot from afar, Bang! And the gravity manipulation hunter fell to the ground, lifeless.

But before he could aim at the others, he could see the rest of them running to take cover, "Shit." He muttered as he struggled to aim at the moving targets. He was a good soldier, but he only had the basics of the sniper down and could only shoot down a stagnant target.

He then started to crawl back to the truck, "Corporal, what are you doing here?" Major Ivan asked while holding his hand that was bleeding.

"Sir! Stay still!" George shouted while putting the Major in a more comfortable position. He then tore the sleeve of the Major's shirt and saw that it had been shot.

"Corporal! You haven't answered my question, why are you here?" Major Ivan asked, looking extremely angry.

"They have hidden, and it seems that they are crawling their way here... I am not a good sniper." George replied as he looked down in guilt.

"Shit. Sigh, why is this happening?" While closing his eyes, the Major said.

George looked at the Major with a confused look, "Sir, you might think I am crazy but, I saw Lu Bu, the hunter we met just now. He was with the 9 guys."

As the Major heard this, he gritted his teeth, "I knew he was a son of a bitch, but I didn't know he wanted to kill us... But why?"


As they heard the footsteps outside of the truck, Major Ivan Sharp and George sat there silently. "You guard the doors in front. I guard the back." The Major whispered.

George nodded as he crawled as silently as possible and held a pistol in both hands, pointing at both of the doors.

But a finger appeared in front of the windshield and shot George in the chest. "Ah!"He shouted before shooting the man in the head and dropping to the floor.

Both of the doors were broken down, and two guys came inside the car with assault weapons. However, he shot both of them multiple times in the head till they fell to the ground and died.

Ratatat! He could hear multiple gunshots being fired behind him. And as he stood up with all of his strength, he could see the Major moving around with his left hand and shooting using his right hand.

George stood up and aimed his gun at one of the enemies to help the Major, but right in front of him, the head of the Major was shot right open. "Noo!!!" He shouted as he tried shooting using the gun he had in his hand, but all that came out of the gun was a clicking noise. 'No... not now...' He dropped to his knees, knowing he had no ammo left.

"Very impressive that you have survived this long. Even the hunters that have trained for decades couldn't kill you..." Lu Bu stated as he entered the truck.

Arthur stared into Lu Bu's eyes, "Why are you doing this?" He asked.

"Since you are about to die, I guess I can tell you. I didn't want to kill you, it was an order. But I know that your death serves a higher purpose, for the Goddess Alia. Hail Alia." Lu Bu said before drawing a gun and aiming it at George's head.

"What the hell are you talking about?" George asked as he bit his lips in anger.

"Goodbye corporal." Lu Bu said as he pulled the trigger. Bang!

"Ahhh!!" George woke up with his eyes widened. He could still feel his head filled with lead.

But as he touched it, he was not hurt, not one bit.

He looked around and realized he was in the hospital; as he looked at himself in the mirror, he could see the number right above his head.

It showed the number 17, but then it showed 17-1 and slowly turned into 16+4, 20+5, 25+4, 29+3, and lastly, 32.

"32?" He said as he looked at the final number above his head, he then thought, "Wait... I had 17... it was the original number, but after I died, and got here it deducted 1, and then it plus 4 separate numbers, which signified the 4 people I killed. Wait a minute..." He said while looking back at the number above his head, "Could this number stand for the number of life I have left?"

But before he can finish his thought, another person enters the room, "Private George. Nice to meet you." As he entered the room, Officer Major Ivan Sharp stated.

George turned towards the Major, "Major Ivan Sharp, nice to meet you."

Upon seeing George's reaction, the major raised an eyebrow, "Private, were you expecting me to come?" He asked.

George smiled, deciding to play a joke on Major Ivan, with whom he had just spent a life-or-death situation: "Yes. And I think you mean, Corporal, am I right?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

Hearing this, the Major took a few steps back, "Wait, I am sure that nobody told you... I was told that you didn't know about it." The Major said as he wondered how George knew he was promoted to Corporal even though nobody entered the room before him.

George faked a confident look and puffed up his chest, "Major, I have my ways. Let me see... Is a C-rank hunter named Lu Bu waiting outside for me?" He asked confidently while pointing at the door.

"How the hell?" The Major looked at George in amazement. "Yeah, Lu Bu, you can come in." He said while looking at Lu Bu entering the room.

Lu Bu was also shocked, "I heard the conversation from outside... How did you know I was outside?" He asked. "Even Major here didn't know I was coming, so how did you?"

"Again, I have my ways," George said while almost bursting into laughter. He never felt so cool in his entire life.