
No man left behind

At first, everyone was worried about the operation to blow up the Beiwan Bridge. But now, they no longer had to worry about it.

Zhang Xiaoman felt that everything seemed to always go quite well in battle when fighting alongside Ren Xiaosu. Never mind the battle at Shichuan Village, now that they were attacking the fully reinforced Beiwan River, the Qing Consortium stepped forward and said, "Don't fear, we're friends with Ren Xiaosu, so let us fight for you!"

Could he fucking be the "chosen one"? No wonder Commander Zhang chose him!

Of course, Zhang Xiaoman also wondered if Commander Zhang had done so because he valued the close ties between Ren Xiaosu and the Qing Consortium.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Zhang Xiaoman sat on the ground and pondered things. "If the Qing Consortium helps us attack the Beiwan River, we won't have anything to do."