
The First Mage On Earth

After the disappointing first day of high school, Oscar fell into some weird cave. What he found at the cave changed his life forever. He discovered the mana! With the discovery of mana, everything around him changed. While he was learning magic, he noticed that the world around him isn't as simple as it seems. From an immature and inexperienced high school boy, he will rise to become the legendary figure in history books. He will face the darkness of humanity and the enemies who are beyond humans. This is the new version of my previous story which has the same name. The story will be slow-paced. There isn't much action in the first chapters. Everything in this story is fictional. The names of the people and institutions made up by me.

Shadow_Smoke · Fantaisie
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111 Chs

The Library Of The Hex Clan

I slowly descended into the basement. This is where grandpa kept the records and the knowledge of the Hex Clan. Yeah, turns out we have a clan. Ugh... No, we are a clan. I searched the study room more and find some more journals. In those journals basically some part of our family tree and the records of our family being called Hex Clan.

Anyway, it's time to discover what the library of my clan holds. The basement was huge and all of it was the library. There were many shelves and all of them were full of books. There should be at least thousands of books in here.

"Amazing. This all belongs to my family and me."

The words just come out of my mouth. This was so impressive that I ended up muttering. I mean there are supernatural secrets in these books so this alone makes them something ridiculously important. And I don't really know what else is in there. This makes me excited.

I have to pull myself together. Remember what you came here for. Ï have to find a way to defeat death and bring back my friends. I start searching for anything related to death and life in the library. There were many kinds of books so it took a lot of time to gather some books that are related to what I'm looking for.

For the rest of the day, I read all of the books I choose. Unfortunately, there wasn't much help. They mostly wrote about the death and how it came or some supernatural abilities related to it.

Because of reading, I skipped lunch so I was starving by the dinner time. I quickly prepared something to eat and went to bed afterward. Doing my usual routine of exhausting my mana while circulating also helps me relax from the usual tension of the day. My mana reserves already went passed the middle of the inferior class and slowly got closer to the high level of it. I should also practice my mana control can't lose that just because my mana increased.

The next morning I woke up early. I begin the day, as usual, circulating my mana. But this time I tried something new. I circulated elemental mana. Earth element to be precise. Why earth element? Because I wanted to increase my familiarity with it. The earth element is as versatile as the water element but I can't control it much, for now. Also, my defensive abilities would increase as I got better at it. My sand armor idea could happen.

While circulating earth mana throughout my body I felt that my body suddenly became tougher. It was different than the normal reinforcement, it felt sturdier and stronger. But as soon as circulation stopped my body went back to normal. Hmm... I should work on this more. But it has to wait until I find what I'm looking for here.

After exhausting my mana I went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. I don't have many rations but I still have enough for a few days. I should finish this as soon as possible. After eating something I directly went to the library.

I quickly went through the books. I found something useful in the books. It's a theory about hex. The theory is simple, as Hex is produced with burning vitality in your Hex Organ you actually get diluted life energy. This is also the reason why it directly improves the body overall. But this theory can't explain the special abilities.

Still, the part about life energy is intriguing. As its name implies life energy is the energy that keeps creatures alive. It isn't like mana, aether, or hex. Its only purpose and ability is to keep things alive so it can't be manipulated. But hex can be considered as the closest type of energy to life energy because of its origin.

"Unless it's a special ability it isn't really possible to bring someone else back, huh. Wait, it is still early to give up. Let's look into the formations and seals. Maybe I can find something in there. If that won't work then I will look into runes."

Since I couldn't find what I was looking for in the books I read, I begin to look for formations. They are strong and powerful and if I can combine them with hex maybe I can somehow achieve what I want.

After three hours of searching about formations and seals, I found a lot of things. Years ago someone from the clan found a way to negate the side effect of shortening the life span of hex usage. Its... rather non-ethical. It basically works as sealing someone else's life energy inside your own body. This way you won't burn your vitality while using hex instead you burn the sealed vitality. I don't really like the idea of taking someone else's life to just use hex or achieve more power. But this is still a step forward for me.

I continue to search from that point. I found records of similar usages of seals. There are seals that can extract life energy from a person. There are also seals that are used to attract life energy. A rough draft is starting to appear inside my head. I need a seal or a formation that can interact with souls.

Torment Of Renegade: A formation used to punish traitors. It effectively targets the soul of the one who is punished. It tears apart the soul slowly and burns the parts that have been torn apart. When this formation is used escaping it is almost impossible.

It took me another hour of searching but I finally found what I'm looking for. A formation that can interact with the soul. I won't use this as is but I will modify it after I locate the part where it allows the interference with the soul. It's like runes. They are written in a specific language. I immediately start studying it. With the help of my special hex ability, it only took me a day to learn the necessary parts of this formation language. I then spent another day on it to design a formation that can bring back Mason.

The final result was both good and disappointing. The good side was I could easily resurrect Mason. I had Kairi keep his body from deforming or rotting. Since his body was still in a state where it was between life and death I could call his soul back to his body. And this is also the bad part. It works in Mason's case but it won't work on Nora. It's already been a year since she died so her body already start rotting a long time ago. It's unfortunate but I have to find another way to bring her back. Well, bringing back Mason is enough for now.