
The First Mage On Earth

After the disappointing first day of high school, Oscar fell into some weird cave. What he found at the cave changed his life forever. He discovered the mana! With the discovery of mana, everything around him changed. While he was learning magic, he noticed that the world around him isn't as simple as it seems. From an immature and inexperienced high school boy, he will rise to become the legendary figure in history books. He will face the darkness of humanity and the enemies who are beyond humans. This is the new version of my previous story which has the same name. The story will be slow-paced. There isn't much action in the first chapters. Everything in this story is fictional. The names of the people and institutions made up by me.

Shadow_Smoke · Fantaisie
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111 Chs

End Of The Day

It's already dark outside. Jason's date should finish by now. I wonder how it went? I hope he succeeded. He looked so happy before the date.

Well, I should worry about my date tomorrow. Where should I take Carla to? I don't have much money on me, so nowhere expensive. Hmm, arcade? Hey, what was the date of tomorrow? It's September 28th.

There is a festival in the next city tomorrow. They will be celebrating the birthday of their war hero of the previous war. We can spend time there. The name of that city is Izolis. There is a bus from here to Izolis in the morning. It takes about forty-five minutes of travel by bus.

Well, now that I have some sort of plan for tomorrow, I messaged it to Carla. I know that I left the choosing part to her but I kind of felt guilty about it. But turns out she had the exact same plan. We thought the same, huh.

The dating stuff is taken care of. Now it's time to study the magic runes! I want to practice mana strings and some spells but I will keep them for later. Magic runes are kinda all-rounders, they are useable almost everywhere.

I already identified a dozen of magic runes. I asked Kairi about them too, making sure that I'm not doing something that will kill me. There is no mistake so far with magic runes. The most important part is identifying them. If they aren't correctly identified they will be like a bomb with a timer. It will only take time before it explodes on your face.

The second most important part is creating a sentence using magic runes. They are words and letters of the language of the magic runes. Even if runes are similar in nature, there is more than one language of them. And they can mean different things in other languages. So creating a sentence or word with a couple of runes are is important. You have to make sure that you are using them with the correct language and the other runes of the same language.

I have magic runes mostly about water nature. Some others are also helping in spell formations. Like shaping, rotation, floating, and force. Now, these four have great potential. But whenever I try to use them apart from any other runes, their output becomes too unbalanced. It's either too strong or weak.

For example, I used rotation and shaping on the rocks I collected from the forest. The result was half of them turning dust. The other half remained as nothing happened. Then I try to use floating on them. It actually worked, just for a few seconds tho.

The most difficult to understand was the rune of force. When it's in a magic circle of spells, it gave an effect to spell, be it penetrating or piercing. It works as adding effects or boosting them. But when it's alone, it basically works as push. I'm not kidding. All it does pushing. Maybe if I dump vast amounts of mana to it I can cast something similar to A*mighty Push.

My study on the water runes is going better. There are several water runes and almost all of them are the same. There are only small differences between them. So working with them was easier. I mean there is a water rune, then there is a saltwater rune and there is also lake water rune. See, the only difference is the type of water. The water rune creates pure water, only H2O nothing more.

Thanks to my study of the water runes, I can easily manipulate mana to change into water nature without relying on any spell whatsoever. This is how spirits use their mana to perform magic. Manipulating and shaping mana. Spells and magic circles are something they invented later on for some different reasons. Both ways are magic. But if you want to reach instinctively cast magic like spirits who are focusing on their concept the way to go is mana shaping. Well, I'll go both ways.

I will create my own original spells and master mana shaping. This way my arsenal will grow quite big. Now I have mana strings too. If I can change their nature or shape them as I want to after creating them as normal ones, I can make incredible traps.

My Aether Organ is progressing nicely too. Akane's can generate mana at a decent level. I don't know how it works yet. Is it works as it takes nutrients from my blood and produces mana as it processes them? Or there is completely another way? Well, it's made out of Aether and a little bit of mana. They are changing some of my internal structure to accommodate the organ and also gave it a physical form made of my flesh.

Not much left for me to figure it out anyway. I will complete part of my studies for tonight and sleep. I don't want to wake up late tomorrow.

I hate long-distance travel. It makes me uncomfortable and sick. Anyway here is the new chapter. I'm not sure about tomorrow but I will try to finish it soon.

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