
The First Cultivator - Changing Existence

Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am powerful

Han_Jue_Fan · Fantaisie
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574 Chs

New Job - 15

The examiner continued asking questions after the first man was removed. After he lost, the questions seemed to get harder. Of course, Zhou Fan still had no problem getting through.

It wasn't too much longer until the next person lost. It was the middle-aged lady.

With three people remaining, the tension was high.

Finally, the middle-aged man lost.

"Who was the 4th emperor of the truth empire?"

"Bing Yonshun?"

"Incorrect. Please take your leave."

With his loss, only Zhou Fan and one of the old men were left.

"Congratulations. You two have passed. Please tell us your names"

The old man went first, "My name is metor emphilios."

'Sounds like royalty', Zhou Fan thought to himself.

"My name is Zhou Fan."

"It is a pleasure to meet you two. Please follow me, and I will lead you two to the registration."

Both Zhou Fan and the old man immediately got up and followed her downstairs.

While walking, the lady started talking to Zhou Fan.

"It's not very often that someone your age gets hired here. How old are you?"

"17," said Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan had chosen 17 because once his foundation finishes molding, he estimated he would look 18.

"Really? You look quite young"

"I didn't have time to fix my hair this morning," Zhou Fan said, lying through his teeth.

Zhou Fans hair was 2 inches long. He didn't even have the ability to fix up his hair.

Speaking of Zhou Fans hair, something weird had been going on. As his body was rapidly growing older, his hair showed signs of turning grey. Initially, Zhou Fan thought that it was a side effect of his rapid aging.

However, when he realized that his hair wasn't growing longer, Zhou Fan decided that it was unlikely. Instead, Zhou Fan came to the conclusion that it was a result of cultivation.

He came to such a conclusion after noticing that his hair was the same shade of grey as Qi itself. Perhaps cultivation isn't free from side effects?

In the midst of his thoughts, Zhou Fan and the other two reached the first floor. Zhou Fan decided to think about cultivation later.

They quickly reached the front desk. The lady pulled out a key and inserted it into the door next to it.

Stepping inside, Zhou Fan saw a big room. The walls were white, and there were a few other people sitting in chairs around a circular table.

The lady who led them to the room turned around and started talking to Zhou Fan and the old man, "Come over here and sign this contract. After signing it, you will receive an advance pay of 10 silver and a silver library card that will grant you access to the 5th - 10th floors."

After hearing that he would be able to get a silver card as a signing bonus, Zhou Fan was excited. A silver card cost 1 gold. Even if Zhou Fan saved up every silver he earned at this job, it would take more than half a year to obtain a gold coin.

"You should have saw on the sign that you will be paid 3 silver a week. What the sign didn't say was that based on your contributions to the library, you can gain even more."

"How do you contribute to the library?"the old man asked.

"You can contribute by either writing books or outstanding performance."

Zhou Fan was glad to hear that. Even though 3 silver a week was more than enough to live off of, he would prefer to be richer. Zhou Fan was also interested in writing a book. Although he had no idea what he would write, he could figure that out another day.

After reading through the contract and making sure he wasn't being scammed, Zhou Fan signed it.

"All right. Both of you will start next week. Although there is no dress code, please wear something nice."

Hearing that, Zhou Fan decided to head to the clothing store and buy something nice with his 10 silver. He didn't plan to spend it all ,however. Zhou Fan also needed to move out of the inn. Although it was fairly clean and came with breakfast, Zhou Fan preferred privacy.

There wasn't much of that when you could hear through the thin walls.

Zhou Fan left the library and made his way to the inn. Zhou Fan hadn't brought much to the city besides his sword and horse. Remembering the horse, Zhou Fan decided to sell it. He had no plans to venture out of the city for a while, and even if he did, he was much faster than the horse.

After asking the patrons of the inn, Zhou Fan found someone willing to buy it for 50 copper. A reasonable price.

Zhou Fan chose to keep the sword. It was quite good at wide range attacks after all. After eating dinner at the inn, Zhou Fan started walking to the Lang Yang clothing shop in order to buy some work clothes.

When he walked in, he saw the same lady he saw last time.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the shopping attendant asked.

"Hello, I would like to buy some nice looking work clothes. Something around 5 silver."

"Okay, please follow me"

Zhou Fan and the attendant soon came to a good-looking section of the shop.

"These are all fine noble clothes. Their prices range from 3 silver to 1 gold."

Zhou Fan scanned the clothes and quickly found some nice looking blue clothes. 2 of them would cost 6 silver. Although above his initial limit, Zhou Fan decided that it was worth it.

The buying process was quick and easy. It wasn't long before he was back at the inn.

After putting his clothes up, Zhou Fan headed out to look for a house for sale. Although he didn't come across any, he did stumble upon a real estate agency. When he walked in, he noticed five other people were there, forming a line. At the front was a lady behind a desk.

Zhou Fan walked to the back of the line and waited his turn.