
The fire of love

Author’s POV which I think is important. :) [skip the first 10 seconds of the chapter cus it just explains the total life of Lana which might be boring ( I think ) but yeah haha also I don’t post everyday but I’m doing my best. I had an idea and wanted to write it down so I hope to receive your support and if you have any advise or any prob pls comments below and I will reply. Thank you and hope u enjoy!! ] ******* After years of living in the shadows, Lana is a mafia princess determined to make her own way in the world. She has the brains and ambition to succeed. However, as the daughter of a powerful mob boss, she must also face the consequences of her familys legacy. With the help of her closest allies, Lana must navigate her way through organized crime. She must ultimately find a place to belong. When she meets Max. a handsome and mysterious stranger, she finds love she never thought possible. But as their romance blossoms, Lana discovers that Max is part of an opposing mafia family. To make matters worse, Max’s family is determined to take control of her father's business. Soon Lana is caught in the middle of a dangerous struggle for power. one that could cost her the life she's worked so hard to build. As Lana and Max struggle to save each other and the people they care about, they must also face the consequences of their families secrets and pasts. Will Lana and Max’s love survive or will their families feud tear them apart? This is a story of romance, loyalty, and power in the mafia world. Will Lana and Max be able to keep their hands off each other long enough to survive the mafia world, or will their passionate relationship only add fuel to the fire? Tune in to find out if they will find a way to make it work or if a kiss is a kiss of death!

Hazelfey · Urbain
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15 Chs


**Lana POV**

It was almost time, and I needed to get ready. Max would be here any minute, and I couldn't help but wonder where he was taking me. Had he found a lead? Was that why he was coming to pick me up? As I pondered over these questions, I rummaged through my closet, trying to decide what to wear.

After several rounds of checking, I found my old favourite black pants. I slipped them on, along with a black vest, a black hoodie, and a hat. Max hadn't given me any specific instructions, so I figured this would do. With a satisfied nod, I finished getting ready and made my way downstairs.

Remembering Max's instructions about not being seen, I quietly slipped out the back door and waited in front of the gate. After a few minutes, Max's car pulled up, and without saying a word, I climbed inside.

"Looking nice " he said glancing at me

"Are you being sarcastic or? " I asked

"No" he simply said

"Okay, where are we going by the way" I asked curious invaded in me.

"You'll soon find out." He said

After a few minutes, we arrived in front of an immense building. I turned to Max, shooting him a questioning look. "What are we doing here, and what is this place?" I asked, hoping for an answer.

Max ignored my question and stepped out of the car. I followed suit, taking in the impressive sight before me. The building was grand and imposing, with tall pillars and intricate designs etched into the stone. Its facade, made of a dark polished material, exuded power and secrecy. The structure stretched several stories high, and its tinted windows made it difficult to peek inside. Security cameras were strategically positioned, suggesting a high level of surveillance. Two sturdy men in suits guarded the entrance, their watchful eyes scanning everyone who passed by.

Turning back to Max, I couldn't help but feel frustrated. "So, you're not going to tell me what this place is?" I demanded, my tone intensifying.

"Don't you remember? This is where I brought you after I kidnapped you," Max said matter-of-factly, his face betraying no emotion.

I racked my brain, realising that in my rush and confusion during my previous visit here, I hadn't paid much attention to my surroundings. But why was he bringing me back?

As we entered the building, an air of deference surrounded Max as everyone we passed greeted him. It seemed as though he commanded ownership over the entire place. Stepping into the elevator, Max swiftly entered a code, guiding us to a floor dedicated to intense combat training. My eyes scanned the area, spotting shooting ranges and boxing areas, clear indications of the rigorous training that took place here.

"Watch over her, Liam," Max instructed, vanishing out of sight.

A few minutes elapsed before Max reappeared, now donning a sleek ensemble of black sports shorts, a matching vest, and a fitted black hoodie. With a silent gesture to Liam, we meandered towards the shooting training sector.

"Do you possess any knowledge of firearm handling?" Max inquired, his question catching me off guard.

I gaped at him, unable to hide my astonishment.

"Are you suggesting that you'll teach me how to shoot?" I asked, my voice laced with genuine surprise.

"Considering your need to seek revenge on your father, a mafia leader, this training is imperative," Max explained, his voice unwavering. "Henceforth, I will personally guide you through this process until you are prepared to confront him independently. Can I count on you being a dedicated student?"

With those words, he reached for a nearby firearm and handed it to me, his eyes holding a mix of determination and concern.

"Now, shoot," he commanded, pointing towards the shooting board. "Show me what you've got," he added.

Holding the gun in my trembling hand, I realised the weight of the decision I had made. I had never held a gun before, let alone fired one. The gravity of my situation weighed heavily upon me, but I knew that if I didn't seize this opportunity, it would cost me dearly. Taking a deep breath, I set my sights on the board and squeezed the trigger.

The sound of the shot reverberated through the room, momentarily deafening me. Slowly, I opened my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. Looking at the shooting board, the target had been hit, although not dead centre. It was about 6.5 points off.

"Not too bad," Max commented, a hint of pride in his voice. "Just a little more training to help you shoot at the centre."

I turned to face him, my expression a mix of hope and uncertainty. "How many lessons do I have?" I asked, eager to know the extent of what awaited me.

"I'm not sure; it depends on how fast you learn," Max replied, his eyes scanning my demeanour. He seemed to measure my determination, as if trying to ascertain the depth of my commitment.

"So, is that it? Is shooting all I have to do?" I questioned, my voice filled with a mix of relief and doubt.

Max paused for a moment, his piercing gaze never leaving my eyes. "No, my plan is for you to not only be able to shoot, but also fight," he revealed, his words sending a shockwave through my body. "In just three weeks' time."

I gasped, the weight of his statement crashing down on me. "Fight? No, I don't think I can do that," I protested, my voice filled with panic. "And in just three weeks? It seems impossible."

He remained calm, exuding a sense of confidence that was both reassuring and intimidating. "I believe in my skills, and more importantly, I believe in your passion for revenge," Max assured me, his conviction unwavering. "The training will begin tomorrow and will continue every day. Moreover, you can come here anytime to practice. I own this place," he said, handing me a pass card. "Should anyone trouble you, just show them this card."

As Max turned to leave, a mix of excitement and trepidation filled my being. The path of revenge I had chosen was filled with risks and uncertainties, but with Max by my side and his unwavering belief in me, I couldn't help feeling a sliver of hope. In three weeks' time, I would be transformed into a force to be reckoned with, ready to face my father and bring him the justice he deserved. It was a daunting journey that lay ahead, but one that I was willing to embark on.

After a few minutes he came back changed, he showed me around the building which was soo awesome, everybody kept giving me looks it made me slightly uncomfortable but it didn't bother me much. After that we left heading back home.

**Max POV**

After dealing with Richard Merlo, I returned to my office to prepare for the QuantumX Project synopsis, which was scheduled for tomorrow night at the masquerade party. As I worked on the project details, an idea struck me. What if I asked Lana to be my partner at the masquerade party? It could add a fun and exciting twist to the event. I imagined the surprise and delight on her face when I would propose this partnership. It seemed like a thrilling prospect, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought."

A few hours later, I got ready to leave and pick up Lana for training. I wanted her to gain strength and independence without relying on my assistance. I was determined to support her in achieving her goals.

As we arrived, I saw Lana standing in front, waving at the car. Liam stopped the car, and she got in. She smelled incredible and was dressed exactly as I had envisioned, without any specific dress code given by me. It was as if she instinctively knew where we were headed. Although I wanted to speak to her, she remained quiet, so I broke the silence.

When we reached the training center, I felt the urge to reveal who I am, my role, and assure her that she can trust me. I wanted to help her improve, so I asked her to demonstrate her shooting skills. I wanted to assess her abilities as the daughter of a famous mafia leader. However, it became apparent that she knew very little. Although she was far from where I wanted her to be, I was determined to teach her all my skills, just as I would to my wife.

I could have easily taken the easy route and eliminated her father within minutes. However, I wanted Lana to be in a position to exact her own retribution. I vowed to make it easy for her. If anyone dared to harm her, they would regret their existence.