
The fire of love

Author’s POV which I think is important. :) [skip the first 10 seconds of the chapter cus it just explains the total life of Lana which might be boring ( I think ) but yeah haha also I don’t post everyday but I’m doing my best. I had an idea and wanted to write it down so I hope to receive your support and if you have any advise or any prob pls comments below and I will reply. Thank you and hope u enjoy!! ] ******* After years of living in the shadows, Lana is a mafia princess determined to make her own way in the world. She has the brains and ambition to succeed. However, as the daughter of a powerful mob boss, she must also face the consequences of her familys legacy. With the help of her closest allies, Lana must navigate her way through organized crime. She must ultimately find a place to belong. When she meets Max. a handsome and mysterious stranger, she finds love she never thought possible. But as their romance blossoms, Lana discovers that Max is part of an opposing mafia family. To make matters worse, Max’s family is determined to take control of her father's business. Soon Lana is caught in the middle of a dangerous struggle for power. one that could cost her the life she's worked so hard to build. As Lana and Max struggle to save each other and the people they care about, they must also face the consequences of their families secrets and pasts. Will Lana and Max’s love survive or will their families feud tear them apart? This is a story of romance, loyalty, and power in the mafia world. Will Lana and Max be able to keep their hands off each other long enough to survive the mafia world, or will their passionate relationship only add fuel to the fire? Tune in to find out if they will find a way to make it work or if a kiss is a kiss of death!

Hazelfey · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

A living nightmare shall consume you!

Restless in my sheets, sleep eluded me as thoughts of Max consumed my mind. His unpredictable actions had been troubling me, and throughout the night, they continued to haunt me. When I checked the time, it was already 5 in the morning. I had stayed awake the entire night, lost in my thoughts of him. As a ray of sunlight filtered through the curtains, a sudden idea struck me. Why not go for a refreshing jog this morning? Usually, I would wake up and go jogging with Abi, but these past few weeks had been difficult, and we hadn't been able to make it happen. Determined to clear my mind and energize my body, I quickly got dressed and tiptoed out of the room, not wanting to disturb Abi's peaceful slumber.

Stepping outside, the cool morning air filled my lungs, invigorating my senses. I secured my headphones in place, ready to lose myself in the rhythm of my run. Starting with a leisurely jog, I circled around the house, revealing in the serenity of the surrounding nature. As the sun began its ascent, casting a golden glow upon the world, a sense of calm washed over me.

Feeling rejuvenated, I decided to venture further, letting my feet guide me into the nearby forest. The familiar crunch of leaves underfoot provided a soothing rhythm as I delved deeper into the woods. I marvelled at the vibrant hues of nature and the harmonious symphony of birdsong and rustling leaves. Time seemed to stand still as I immersed myself in the tranquillity, allowing my thoughts to evaporate like mist in the morning air.

An hour passed, and I made my way back home, my body and mind refreshed. The crispness of the morning gradually gave way to the warmth of the coming day. As I entered the house, a mischievous smile played on Butler Zach's face.

"Miss Lana, it seems you've risen early for some exercise. After all, it's the weekend," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I smiled back, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Indeed, Butler Zach. I've always loved doing this, and it's not just good for my health but also for my well-being. The forest was particularly stunning today."

"Well, speaking of exercise, I have a surprise for you," he said, his voice full of intrigue. "There's a sprawling gym located downstairs. You might want to check it out."

Surprised and excited, I jumped at the opportunity. "Really? I had no idea! Can I go look?"

"Of course! Just head toward the garden and take the stairs that lead down. You'll find the gym right in front of you. Unfortunately, the lift is currently out of order, but a mechanic is scheduled to fix it soon," Butler Zach explained.

"Thank you, Butler Zach. I appreciate your help and the new discoveries in this house," I said gratefully, ready to explore this hidden haven of fitness.

Entering the gym, I marvelled at its grandeur. It was equipped with state-of-the-art machines and everything one could possibly need for a good workout. But amidst the breath-taking equipment, I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around to face Max, his presence surprising me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his tone filled with curiosity.

I offered a confused glance. "What do you mean? Why are you here?" I replied, genuinely puzzled by his appearance.

Max seemed to study me for a moment before finally nodding. "Butler Zach mentioned the hidden gym to you, didn't he?"

Caught off guard, I replied, "Yes, he did. I thought it would be an interesting experience. I wanted to try working out here."

A subtle shift in Max's expression hinted at something more beneath the surface. "No problem, Lana. It's just that you seem like you've already had exercise. I was curious why you decided to come here now," he explained.

Relieved that there was no underlying issue, I shrugged off his observation. "Well, it's a good opportunity to get familiar with the gym and start anew. Anyway, I won't keep you any longer. You seem busy, and I should focus on my workout," I said, attempting to maintain composure.

As he turned to leave, Max paused halfway and glanced back at me. "Don't forget, we have plans at 7 sharp," he said mysteriously before disappearing down the corridor.

I stood there, Finally, I could breathe. I tried hard not to blush or act stupid and embarrass myself in front of him. It was incredibly tough, the images kept showing up in front of my eyes and I couldn't help but be reminded of the kisses he gave me, plus he was looking so fucking handsome, the sweat and wet hair ugh it's just crazy it drives me crazy.

I took a deep breath and slowly looked away, feeling my heart racing. I was relieved when he finally looked away. I just stood there, my heart pounding, as he disappeared in front of my sight.

I went on and looked around before quickly leaving to have a bath and change for breakfast.



"Any update?" Mr Smith asked.

"I am sorry to inform you that we are still trying to track her down. She made sure to make all her steps disappear. "Mr jack responded.

"Have you checked if she rented a house or something?" he said "trace her name and see if there is anything under her name. I don't care, I just need an update or lead!" he shouted.

"Yes, boss. I'll do that." Mr jack responded before turning to leave.

20 minutes later.

Jack Russel pov. {Mr jack}

I can't believe this kid is making me seem stupid Infront of boss. I must find her.

I too my phone and dialled a number.

3 rings before the pickup.

"I need to speak to your boss." i said.

"Any problem?" Liam was heard from the other side.

"Yes, it's about Lana." I spoke.

"Okay, I'll send you the meet up details." He said before hanging up.

20 seconds later I received a message from Liam.

"Riverview Lodge

1432 River Bend Lane

Willowbrook, Oregon 98765.

12 this afternoon, don't be late! "

I have an hour before the meeting with Mr Max and I'm sure he will be able to help me find her, but for now I have unfinished business with that woman.

15 minutes later.

I fucking hate this building; it disgusts me even from afar. I took my gun, adjusted and putting it behind my shirt before getting out of my car.

I arrived Infront of the door and I knocked twice before a child coming to open the door.

"Who are you?" The kid asked.

"Is your mother home?" I asked.

"Mom" he called.

"Yes, baby who is it? "

He turned and gave me the expression on his face like 'who are you'.

"Jack "I said.

"it's uncle jack mom."

I kept looking at every step that child made, he seemed to be 5 years old I suppose. This woman told me can't give birth when I married her, he dossed me before running away. I found her last week after trying to search for her for the past 6 years. I was going to torture her to my satisfaction but now I can't. At least not in-front of his beautiful child.

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking terrified of my sight.

"Janice, what's wrong surprised to see me after 6 years apart? "

She tried to close the door, but I was fast to catch it on time. I forced my way in, looking around.

"What a beautiful house you have, you know how to hide perfectly wife. Wow" I said. "I'm impressed." I spoke.

"I asked what you are doing here, please leave I don't wish to see you." She spat back. "baby go to the room, I'll call you when I'm done talking to the visitor okay" she said as she pushes him to his room directions.

"Chill down wife, I was watching you for the past week, but I got bored, so I thought it's time to meet you again." I spoke. "But too bad, time is not with me today." I said while checking my watch.

"Now dear wife, don't try me okay, trust me running away again will be useless Listen carefully, for I offer you a chilling truth. Should you dare to flee, a living nightmare shall consume you. No corner of this world, no disguise, no sanctuary can shield you from my wrath. The echoes of your every breath will be drowned by the pounding of your own terrified heart. The devil's grip tightens, my dear wife, and your escape will only lead you deeper into an inferno of unimaginable horrors." I said as I stared deep into her soul. I wanted to make sure she not goes anywhere but of course my people will be watching her every step. I thought giving a Malicious grin before tuning to leave.