
The fire of love

Author’s POV which I think is important. :) [skip the first 10 seconds of the chapter cus it just explains the total life of Lana which might be boring ( I think ) but yeah haha also I don’t post everyday but I’m doing my best. I had an idea and wanted to write it down so I hope to receive your support and if you have any advise or any prob pls comments below and I will reply. Thank you and hope u enjoy!! ] ******* After years of living in the shadows, Lana is a mafia princess determined to make her own way in the world. She has the brains and ambition to succeed. However, as the daughter of a powerful mob boss, she must also face the consequences of her familys legacy. With the help of her closest allies, Lana must navigate her way through organized crime. She must ultimately find a place to belong. When she meets Max. a handsome and mysterious stranger, she finds love she never thought possible. But as their romance blossoms, Lana discovers that Max is part of an opposing mafia family. To make matters worse, Max’s family is determined to take control of her father's business. Soon Lana is caught in the middle of a dangerous struggle for power. one that could cost her the life she's worked so hard to build. As Lana and Max struggle to save each other and the people they care about, they must also face the consequences of their families secrets and pasts. Will Lana and Max’s love survive or will their families feud tear them apart? This is a story of romance, loyalty, and power in the mafia world. Will Lana and Max be able to keep their hands off each other long enough to survive the mafia world, or will their passionate relationship only add fuel to the fire? Tune in to find out if they will find a way to make it work or if a kiss is a kiss of death!

Hazelfey · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

50 Days

It made me happy but confused. I didn't know how to take this. Are we in a relationship? I stood up and ran towards him as he left. But it wasn't possible to ask at least one question before it was too late. He had already left.

I stood outside in a space. I had a lot in my head, my father, Abi, and Max. I sighed and knew that I had to find out by myself. Before the hospital, I walked to the trunk parking lot and ordered a few fruits for Abi. While I walked back, I saw a car that I was familiar with. My father's car.

"Oh no, not this time!" I said to myself. I quickly turned around and walked the opposite way. I was aware I couldn't face him yet. I needed more time. I felt my heart racing and I could feel the lump in my throat. I had to take a few deep breaths before I could calm down. I knew I would have to talk to him eventually, but I wasn't ready yet. I still had a lot I needed to figure out. I was planning to hide behind the trunk but suddenly my heart told me to follow him. I knew it was risky but I wanted to know the reason that brought him there. I followed him closely, keeping a safe distance. I knew I had to be careful not to get caught. I was determined to find out what he was up to

He eventually entered the hospital and Mr Jack talked to the receptionist.

Mr Jack is my dad's right handman so speaking on his behalf is not surprising.

Near the reception were a few Kentia palm trees, and I hid behind them.

"Hello, what can I help you with today Mr Jack?" The receptionist said.

Wait so they know him? Does he often come here? But for what purpose? What is my dad up to now? I thought.

"I came to see Mariana Michael." Mr Jack responded.

"Okay, just a minute," she said. The patient is on the third floor, room 241.

"Isn't she supposed to be cared for?" He asked.

"YES, but since she is in a coma, we put her in the VIP room, as requested. However, she is still undergoing medical treatment." The receptionist responded.

Who is Mariana Michael? My dad has never mentioned her name before. Why is my dad visiting her frequently and for how long has she been in a coma? I thought.

I needed to figure everything out, to be able to have a weapon against him. All I needed was his weakness.

They proceeded to the elevator heading to the patient room.

Mr Jack knocked twice before heading in. I wanted to see who was the person behind the door. But I can't just go in. Otherwise, they are going to know I'm here.

I tried listening to the door, to hear what they were talking about but I couldn't hear much since they just stayed quiet looking at the patient.

I was about to leave when I heard,

"How's the search going?" My father asked.

"We're still trying to locate her, sir. We will soon be able to give you a reply." he responded. 

"You better find her asap! I need her to be able to sign the contract with the GaseveRNT group. I need her alive and healthy otherwise how will the deal go. Eliminate anyone who dares to interfere. You have 50 days." 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They have 50 days to find me, and I'm sure since now they have been given a deadline they will do it much quicker. That's not enough time for me.

I need to move out and hide somewhere that my dad will never find me, or at least it will take more time to do so.

I quickly left and went to Abi's room. I needed to comprehend what I heard and figure out what to do. I knew I had to act fast.

I had none other than Abi, and I didn't want to put her in any trouble.

I grabbed the fruits and chopped them for when Abi woke up, before heading outside for some fresh air.

I took a taxi to a famous park and stared at the waterfalls for long enough to decide. Doing everything without risking Abi.

I need to find an apartment near my house since that will be the last place for them to guess. I need to prepare for the worst.

I took my phone and dialled my workplace.

'Hello, this is Karma Delicious Desserts, how can we help you today?" Was heard on the other side of the phone.

"Hello, it's me, Lana. has anyone came looking for me except for my friend Abi?".

"Ooh hi Lana, no not really why?" She asked.

"It's nothing. Is the boss coming tomorrow? Or is he in now?" I asked, I wanted to meet either my boss or my manager as fast as possible.

"Ooh no the boss is not in today but the manager is. Should I hand him the phone?" she quickly responded. 

"No that's fine, I'll see you soon then Anna." After hanging up the phone, I took a taxi to the restaurant.

**Half an hour later**

I finally managed to delete all my data from my workplace, including my address, phone number and other details.

I ascended to the hospital only to find that Abigail was awake. I felt ecstatic. Seeing me, she smiled. That's all I need to see to rethink my decision.

Instead of leaving her in the dark, I decided to face her and let her know what I'm going through so that she can be aware.

She started asking me many questions that I couldn't answer. I didn't know how to respond to her sudden questions or would rather say that I didn't know where to start.

Abi, I was kidnapped. I looked down to avoid her gaze.

"By who? Did you see their faces? And how did you manage to escape? Are you okay Lana? shouldn't we inform the police?" she asked. 

I looked down trying to avoid her sad gaze. However, I was unable to help myself but force myself to face her since sooner or later I will face her to tell her anyways. I hesitated but that wasn't my priority.

"I didn't escape." I said. "He brought me back. The kidnapper." I added.

She was shocked beyond belief. I couldn't see through her since she had mixed emotions but one thing for sure is that she was worried sick about me.

I'm okay Abi see, I can stand, walk, and even run. So get better first then everything else will come later. I'll make sure to let you know if anything arises, but for now have some rest. We'll talk later. I tried to change the topic and quickly lift the mood.

"Okay Lana." she said while lying down.

I left the room to get some air since I forgot to breathe inside. I needed to figure out the situation asap.

I took my notebook that I always carry with me and wrote down my to-do list.

First things first, find a safe place to hide for the time being.

Second. Find out who Mariana Michael is.

Third, I find my father's weakness.

Fourth, I would like to know what my father does, as well as everything about my family.

Fifth, Max.