
The Fifth Legendary Hero

The legend about the four great heroes who would face the demon lord, and prevail. Joshua read a lot of novels about that, but he never thought he would become one of them... "I know Goddess, I'm one of the four chosen heroes that are blessed by the Gods, right?" Joshua mocked in front of an extraordinary beauty. "How did you know about the four heroes? But you're almost right, you're actually the fifth hero." "Wait, what?" The Gods blessed four individuals from Earth, turning them into four legendary heroes. But something unexpected happened. The God of Gods, who never blessed any individual decided to do that to Joshua. 'He will be the strongest among all, and a back up in case the four heroes can't handle the demon lord.' Joshua didn't want that. He wanted to explore the world as he pleased, and not chase the demon lord. 'I'll live a comfy life filled with beauties' Joshua couldn't wait.

RotGoddess · Fantaisie
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41 Chs


'Where am I?' Joshua didn't know where he was, or what had happened. The back of his head hurt like hell, so he used his right hand to touch it, trying to make it less painful.

"Hello Joshua," a voice interrupted all of Joshua's thoughts, and without realizing beforehand, someone was watching him.

"How do you know my name lady? I don't remember sleeping with you," Joshua said.

The woman's cheek turned red, and for a moment she thought if she could smite him to death, but she couldn't.

'Why did Solan choose this guy?' she thought.

"Stop speaking nonsense. I'm a Goddess, and you are dead."

That sentence stroke Joshua like a lightning. He was so focused on trying to understand the situation that he hadn't recalled what happened to him.

'A random thief shot me, that sucks.' Joshua didn't do anything great back in his previous life, but who knows, this one could be different.

The Goddess stared at him, waiting for some kind of response. She loved the feeling of telling the truth to him. Joshua's shocked face was priceless for her.

"Let me guess, Goddess. I'm one of the four great heroes, blessed by the gods, and I must stop the demon lord."

"How did you know about the four great heroes? Well, you're almost right. You're actually the fifth hero." Her eyebrows moved after hearing what Joshua said. She wondered how that young man knew about the four great heroes.

"Fifth hero? Isn't four enough? I don't want to be part of this nonsense. Can't I just live my life?"

Joshua wasn't so excited to chase the demon lord during all of his life. He wanted to be free and do whatever he wanted.

'Living on my farm, planting and taking care of my animals. And of course, surrounded by beauties.' Joshua thought, but the Goddess woke him up from his daydreams.

"Well, I suppose. Okay, I won't lie to you. There are usually just four heroes anyway, and I'm not certain why you're the fifth. Do whatever you want, I don't care."

The Goddess started to cast some sort of magic. Joshua was lost looking at her, as her boobs bounced up and down while she performed her magic.

"Can you slow down the spell?" Joshua said.

She realized what he meant, and turned red like a tomato. Joshua had been the first to be so brave to stare at her like that.

Anyway, what's good doesn't last, and soon Joshua found himself in the middle of a forest.

'It's funny how they always send us to some random ass location.'

Before even starting to explore, Joshua noticed something peculiar about that world.

[Name: Joshua Moore]

[Level: 1 (0/50)]

[Class: No class]

[Health: 120/120]

[Mana: 60/60]


[Strength: 4]

[Endurance: 2]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Wisdom: 1]

[Intelligence: 1]

[Free points: 0]

Passive skills:

[Blazing Rage(Divine Grade): You're one of the legendary heroes blessed by the Gods. This blessing is given to those with a righteous and calm heart. When in anger, Blazing Rage will activate, turning you into an unstoppable force.]

'This is like an MMORPG. I wonder if everyone has this status screen. Anyway, this skill seems awesome by the description, but I'm not sure what effects I'll have once it's active.'

One thing that surprised Joshua was how accurate the description was. He was indeed a calm and righteous person. He remembered one time back in school where they made fun of him, but he didn't want to beat them, as his parents always told him to be kind. In the end, he couldn't keep his cool anymore and spank them. They ended up in the hospital after that.

Joshua also didn't have a class yet. He was clueless, did the other heroes always start in the same way as him? The only thing he knew about them was that they also came from Earth, and they were probably powerful in their own way.

'These are things to consider in the future. For now, I want a peaceful life.'


The plains were green, mixed up with different colors as flowers grew along the way. Birds sang restlessly, and the wind blew bringing a cool breeze and making sure to mess with Joshua's hair. He had no idea as to where he was, neither to where he should go. In fact, he had so many possibilities now that he wasn't tied to this demon lord bullshit.

'A river, that's a nice sign. A village must be nearby, all I have to do is follow it.'

Joshua followed the river happily, thinking about the things he should do first, and fighting wasn't in his plans, but in the end, it happened.

"Shut up lady. Screaming will not save your life," a man wearing leather armor said. He had a black hooded cloak covering him from head to toes.

[Class: Rogue]

[Level: 2]

The man wasn't alone. There were other companions with him. A lady was tied up, they probably kidnapped her to sell it as a slave, which was something cruel, sad, and common.

Joshua hid behind a bush, watching everything closely. He wasn't planning on fighting so soon, but he couldn't let them do that to the lady.

[Class: Warrior]

[Level: 3]

[Class: Priest]

[Level: 1]

'Three against one, that will be hard. I don't even have a weapon, and these guys are like an RPG party, tank, damage, and healer. Damn it.'

He wasn't certain on how to proceed, and that was making him nervous. The only thing he had was that divine ability, which he had no idea about its effects.

'Screw it. Let's do this.'

Joshua stepped out of the bush, and the trio quickly found him. For a moment they were scared, as it could be a high-level soldier from the army, but in the end, it was just a classless random dude.

"Brat, what are you doing here? Are you trying to save this lady with your pity strength? Are you one of her secret admirers from the village?" The trio laughed, not taking that guy seriously at all.

"Let her go, and I might let you live," Joshua said.

"HAHAHAHAHA. Aren't you a level 1 piece of shit? Not only level 1 but without a class. How can you save her?" The Warrior who was watching by the side said.

The other man wearing the black cloak, slapped the lady in front of Joshua's, just to see his reaction.

"Do that again and you'll regret it." Joshua was starting to burn with rage. Usually, he didn't get that pissed so fast, perhaps it's due to his ability.

He slapped the lady one more time, and her nose started to bleed badly. That was the end of it. Joshua couldn't take it anymore. Watching some random guy beat a lady wasn't something he could endure.

[Blazing Rage Activated]

The atmosphere got hotter. The sun rays poured inside Joshua's body, granting him immeasurable strength. Joshua grew in size. He usually was a thin man with a height of 1.75m, but now, he was like a tower, more than 2 meters and muscular.

If one looked closely, small sparks of fire surrounded him, making him look like the God of Fire.

[Name: Joshua Moore]

[Level: 1 (0/50)]

[Class: No class]

[Health: 160/160]

[Mana: 80/80]


[Strength: 12]

[Endurance: 6]

[Dexterity: 3]

[Wisdom: 3]

[Intelligence: 3]

[Free points: 0]

'Man I feel good. This thing triples all of my attributes. Wouldn't that make me unstoppable at higher levels?'

That wasn't the time to think about that, it was the time to beat these guys up.

"What the fuck is this thing? Is he some magical best in disguise?"

"I don't know, all of you, start the formation," the Rogue yelled. He didn't want to go one a one against that giant dude. But before they could even use their formation, Joshua rushed. He went directly to the healer, as it would be a pain to fight with that guy healing all of the time.

The healer expected to be the first target, but he didn't expect how fast Joshua was. He got in front of the healer within seconds, and the Warrior couldn't keep with Joshua's speed.

Joshua closed his fist and punched the chest of that poor healer. The punch went like a meteorite, throwing the healer to a nearby tree, unconscious.

"What? Damn it he already spanked your healer." The Warrior thought Joshua was fast, but he sure wasn't as strong as him, so he went into a clash of strength. That wasn't a smart decision.

The man slashed a giant sword, aiming towards Joshua's head. Joshua easily sidestepped it and grabbed the man's hands right after. The man couldn't escape Joshua's grip and was now easy prey.

Multiple punches in the face, and eventually the Warrior couldn't take it anymore and beg for mercy. Joshua hit him a little more until he fainted.

'Now I have a weapon,' Joshua grabbed the huge sword with one hand and looked into the Rogue's eyes with anger.

"Now it's your turn, piece of shit."

I'm not the kind of person to be asking for something, but, if you enjoyed the story, and you're able to help me out with some tips, that would mean a lot to me.


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