
The Fierce and Beautiful She-Devil

She never pretended to be a saint. Her temper is as fiery as her hair. The smile she wears is enchanting. And those silver eyes that could charm anyone. Sure, her beauty could be comparable to a Goddess, but who ever said a Goddess had to be good? *This is my first ever story, I hope you enjoy it!* Cover photo rights belong to the original creator *not me*

slumberingcat · Général
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26 Chs


Roman Alexeev.

Captain of a fleet of war ships.

He belongs to no kingdom nor government. They are soldiers for hire. He is greatly feared by all; however, there is only one that he truly fears . . .


That voice . . . Roman suddenly felt his back drenched, he broke out into a cold sweat.

He was afraid to turn around, and for the first time in their lives, the crewmen saw their Captain scared.

"Roman Alexeev! You better turn around and look at me!" Scarlet yelled as she climbed up the ramp onto the ship with unmatchable speed.

She was walking too fast for Xia to catch up and warn Roman.

Roman slowly turned around to see Scarlet strutting towards him. Her long fiery hair whipped around her thanks to the sea breeze, framing her face with curls. She was still as stunning as always, yet the snarl on her lips is enough to wake anyone up from their day dream.

She drew her sword out too quickly for anyone to react; they were all still memorized by her entrance.

There was a loud whip sound with how fast she drew her sword and pointed it dead center of Romans chest with a vicious glare.

"Big Sister!" his smile glowed, but his eyes betrayed him while he put his hands up in defense.

"You Bastard Roman!" the snarl on her lips could be heard in her voice as her fiery glare pierced his very soul.

The crew finally snapped out of it and pulled out their weapons to help defend their Captain.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain, the red head's magic has always been incomparable.

Not even looking away from her target, with just a snap of her fingers caused all of them to drop their weapons with yelps and screams of pain.

Their swords were suddenly too hot to hold, there was a bright orange glow coming from around the metal that burned their skin.

"Hey, hey there is no need to beat up my crew so mercilessly like that" Roman pouted with puppy dog eyes that could melt anyone on the spot. Sadly enough for him, they never had any effect on her.

"Roman Alexeev" she said slowly through gritted teeth, each word dripping with venom "how dare you?"

"Look-" before Roman could explain, he found himself on his ass with a sore jaw.

After punching his irritating face, Scarlet felt a tiny bit better and sheathed her sword. That didn't stop the oppressing aura to affect everyone around her while she continued to stare down the man on the floor rubbing his jaw.

"You left me!" She hissed through her grinding teeth.

"Aw baby, I didn't know you were so clingy" Roman winked up at the seething beauty. Xia's jaw dropped at her brother's stupidity. This dumbass was obviously testing his luck, but he has flown too close to the sun this time. He was definitely going to get burned.

A flash of absolute pure rage appeared in her silver eyes, and disappeared just as fast. She suddenly took complete control of her emotions and reigned in her oppressive aura. It happened so unexpectedly that no one knew what to do.

However, Roman and Xia glimpsed at each other and visibly gulped in fear. They knew she was beyond angry. If Scarlet simply fought hand to hand with you, she was just angry and the punishment would be light. Yet the calm and relaxed Scarlet was beyond reason. She really did live up to the reputation of red heads being fiery with their short tempers.

As Roman gazed up at her, she resembled a Queen demoness. The air around her was noble but filled with viciousness as her sickly-sweet smile rained down on Roman. She was twisted in the way her anger portrayed itself. The calmer she was, the worse you had it coming.

"Roman, stand-up" she ordered in a neutral tone as she placed her hands behind her back.

Luckily, Roman didn't argue and just stood up obediently. He already knew he fucked up big time.

"If you will, tell everyone here about the incident on Terra Island." Her voice still held the same neutral tone, but it was like nails on a chalk board for Roman.

"I am not sure I reme-"

"That's okay Roman" Scarlet interrupted him. "I remember and don't mind letting everyone know what happened."

The smile on her face was scary, not because it was horrible looking, but because only a monster would be able to hold such a sincere and sweet smile with an incredible amount of rage building upon just behind the exterior.