
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

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331 Chs

Chapter 43 The reason why Shen Xiujin went abroad

"Jane Child, tell me clearly!" Su Meng what kind of person, how could she be easily fooled by Jane Child, her pretty face was icy cold: "Dare I say that you're not resting at all because you're physically tired?"

 After saying this, Su Meng picked up her cell phone and looked at Jane Tong, "It's fine if you don't say anything, I'll directly call General Manager Shen."

 Su Meng was also in a hurry before she made such a dim move.

 "Sister Meng, General Manager Shen won't care what happens to me."

 Su Meng froze, this time, what Jane Tong said was really the big truth.

 Su Meng dreamed that when she thought of that person Shen Xiujin, the one who was the most ruthless to Jane Child was him.

 I'm afraid that if she called over at this moment and told him that Jane Child hit her head and got injured, I'm afraid that he would only be indifferent.

 "Okay, little child, you're good. I won't call Mr. Shen, I'll call your PR manager."

 Jian Tong's face turned white, "Don't call Manager Xu." Su Meng was stunned for a moment, Jian Tong is so afraid of Manager Xu? Jane Tong looked at Su Meng with a pale face and begged:

 "Sister Meng, don't call Manager Xu."

 Manager Xu originally did not like himself, if so by Manager Xu on the grudge, to transfer her out of the public relations department, that ... five million dollars, where she raised money to pay back that man?

 "I said, it was me ... who hit the door handle."

 "How did you hit the doorknob?" Su Meng is shrewd, how can a person suddenly bump into the door handle?

 "I went back that day, it suddenly rained, and when I got wet, I was dizzy and lightheaded." In the end, Jane Tong still hid that Qin Mu Mu did those things.

 She is not harboring Qin Mu Mu, nor is she heartbroken for Qin Mu Mu, she just doesn't want to be hated by anyone again because of this.

 She was afraid.

 A Shen Xiujin made her life worse than death.

 The feeling of being hated by someone is not pleasant.

 Su Meng's eyes sharply sized up Jane Tong in front of her, seemingly weighing the truth of Jane Tong's words.

 In the middle of the day, Su Meng's attitude softened: "The injury on your forehead is still not good, go back and recuperate, when it's completely good, then come back to work not too late, where your manager is, I will go to inform a."

 "I don't."

 In addition to the matter of drinking, never obedient to anything Jane child, actually rebelled against Su Meng face to face, Su Meng face stunned: "Obey."

 "I don't, I'm fine."

 "You're not well, the line on your forehead hasn't been removed yet."

 "Sister Dream, if you really feel sorry for me, introduce me to more work."

 It was also this sentence that called Su Meng's heart diaphragmatic and at the same time heartbroken for the person in front of her.

 Knowing well that the person in front of her has no bottom line and no face in the mouth of Jane child, it is the stubbornness in the bones, Su Meng rubbed her eyebrows, "You go out first." Even if she blocked Jane child, it is estimated that this fool will try to make more money by all means.

 Five million dollars, Su Meng is not that she doesn't have it, and it's not that she can't give it to Jane Tong, but she knows that if this matter, let her boss - Shen Xiujin know about it, then I'm afraid that her days won't be too good.

 Jane child left, Su Meng looked at the check on the table, did not hesitate, overnight from their own account, transferred over 100,000 yuan, to the Shen Xiu Jin gave Jane child that bank card.

 The bank was of course closed, but people like them always have connections that can handle some business that others are not able to handle out of date.

 As for the check, Su Meng stuffed her into her safe.

 New York.

 It was daytime, unlike the time difference with S City.

 New York branch of the conference room, located in the entire skyscraper on the 65th floor, the first seat of the conference room, sitting a man, placed on the conference room table cell phone, a vibration, the man lowered his eyes and swept a glance at the cell phone screen, steeply, squinting eyes.

 Over there, the blonde American under his command is still making a report, this side, the man reached out and picked up the cell phone on the conference table, clicked on the unread text messages.

 This is the bank remittance text message, looking at the extra amount above, the man's black eyes flashed danger.

 "Brush pull" a moment, stood up, scared the lower head of the participants one by one to sit down, the report is the old American is even more scared of the sound of the abrupt end, worried that is not their own said what is wrong, offended their Asian boss.

 The man paced to the floor-to-ceiling windows, reached out and dialed a number, "Beep-beep-beep," and after two rings, the other party answered.

 "Who paid her."

 Icy cold voice, through the microphone, passed to Su Meng who was in the East Emperor.

 Su Meng's eyes were full of surprise, but then understood: she remitted the 100,000 dollars that Jane Tong had given her to that bank card of Mr. Shen, and the cell phone linked to the bank card was Mr. Shen's own.

 Then, the money on this side was remitted over, and after a period of time difference, Mr. Shen's side would be able to receive the remittance text message.

 "It's a raw customer."

 Su Meng tried to be as businesslike as possible and didn't hide it.

 "This time, what did she do?"

 This was asked somewhat inexplicably, but Su Meng understood Shen Xiujin's implication that Shen was always asking why someone else would give this hundred thousand dollars to Jane Child, and what Jane Child had exchanged for it.

 Hesitating for a moment, Su Meng didn't know whether to say it or not.

 On this side, the man hesitated at the silence on the phone, impatience surfaced on his handsome face, "You want to help her hide something."

 "It's not ... Jane child didn't do anything excessive." Su Meng couldn't figure out what this Big Boss of hers was thinking, this Big Boss's mind has always been deep, but she also knows that if Shen Xiu Jin this person is ruthless, there really aren't a few people in this entire S city who can carry it, and she can only try to say it politely:

 "Jane Tong just kissed that person."

 Su Meng thinks, this should not be a thing, this East Emperor, a kiss, really not a thing, so, although she is a little worried, but also do not think, just like this, Jane child again able to anger that cold and indifferent big boss.

 New York side, the man coldly cut off the call.

 God is even colder, looking out the window, do not know what to think, the conference room, all the people are scared, this Big Boss deep mind, no one can see, but at this moment the oppressive atmosphere, but the pressure of the conference room full of eight-foot man can not breathe.

 Big men like Old America also had to shrink their shoulders and try not to make a sound.

 Shen Xiujin cold eyes gazing out the window, like jade generally handsome face, also like jade generally cold, thin lips slowly hooked up a cold arc ... is not something excessive?

 Heh ...

 Irony flashed in his eyes, and this irony was accompanied by uncontrollable anger.

 Looking out the window, the night before he came to New York, he also similarly stood in front of the window of that serviced apartment on the 28th floor of the East Emperor, looking out into the night, and for some reason, he was incredibly disgusted to see that woman belittling herself so lowly that she did not have any self-esteem, and he didn't want to see that kind of Jane Tong again!

 He better understand why three years ago Jane child can not affect his mind, and three years after the release of Jane child, but can make himself angry, he just see that Jane child, can not help but the heart of the anger from the heart, do not want to see, then ... come to New York it!

 He thought that his mood swings in these days were just not too used to facing that poor woman who was completely different from his impression.

 Perhaps after coming to New York, there can be a period of time when he does not have to see that kind of lowly, humble and pitiful Jane child, and those inexplicable mood swings will automatically disappear.

 But she ... kissed someone else again?

 When really has been lowly and shameless and indifferent to the point of being able to do anything?

 "Shen Yi, prepare for the return trip." Shen Xiujin gave the order with a frosty face.