
Chapter 22 *Part 2: Part 1*


My feet were bare as they ran, and it seemed as if the ground absorbed my feet every time I stepped and it frustrated me to no end. My breaths were too elaborated, and I was panting as if my life depended on it. My legs were aching too much, it seemed as if I hadn't rested in several days.

The trees were more difficult to focus on as I tried to run faster. I didn't even know what I was running away from, and I didn't want to turn around, because as I tried to recall some of my memories, pounding temples regarded me.

A vicious growl was heard at the distance, its harsh sound sending a shiver through my spine. I couldn't find from where direction the growl came from, so I didn't stop running to change directions.

My eyes were blurry, and I couldn't see anything, no matter how hard I tried to focus on what was ahead of me. I squinted them, hoping to get a better result, but it didn't work. I tried to hear my surroundings for any threat, but all I could hear were my loud footsteps as I ran. My lungs expanded with every breath I took, but it seemed it wasn't enough for them as they demanded more oxygen.

My pace was slowing down, and no matter how hard I tried to keep running, I just couldn't. I stood for only a few seconds, trying so hard to return the oxygen to my lungs, before the growl echoed through the forest again. My eyes looked up, just in the time to see a huge wolf emerge from the bushes. His head was held high, making his tall frame intimidating. His midnight fur was beautiful though, and his green eyes made something inside of me stir.

I took a step closer to him, unconsciously calling out to him, but he didn't seem to notice as he looked through me. It was when he let out a loud howl, that I noticed the hundreds of wolves beside and behind him. And fear ran through my veins.

A ball of fire was thrown from behind me, centimeters away from my ear. The whimper of the victim was heard through the forest, and the wolf in front of me growled so viciously, that my knees almost gave up on me.

I turned around, and I gaped at the sight. The man in front of me was ; his tall frame towered over everyone, and his deep blue eyes made the stir inside of me more prominent, but just like the ones of the wolf, they looked through me. And then I realized that there was also a lot of people beside and behind him.

"That was low, even for you"

My head turned so fast, that even my neck protested a little, but I didn't care as a soft gasp escaped my mouth. The man that spoke was beautiful; he was as tall as the man behind me, his tan was perfect, his toned chest was mouthwatering, and his green eyes were gorgeous.

"But we didn't come here to talk did we?" The man behind me spoke, and his voice sent a shiver through my bones.

"No, we came here to fight didn't we, Lucifer?"

Shock ran through my bones, and I could only stumble back from the blue eyed demon as he greeted me with a loud and harsh laugh.

"You are right" And his eyes turned completely black, and bright fire captured his body, dancing with a deadly harmony.

I turned to the man with green eyes when I heard his thunderous growl, and my eyes widened in fascination as his body transformed to the green eyed wolf. But my fascination vanished when the wolves and the demons began attacking themselves, the wolves letting out their true animal, and the demons letting out their inner killer.

And as my eyes watched how everyone attacked each other, the feeling of protecting every single one of them from harm came crashing into me. My heart ached when a wolf fell to the floor, his bloody body covered with fire; like a blanket. Then I watched how the canines of another wolf bit down into the flesh of a demon, and how blood came out; just like a waterfall. And then I watched how a wolf howled and ran to the side of what appeared to be a female, protecting her from the black magic of a demon, and I kept watching how the demon choked him to death with his power, and I watched how the female howled to the air and the sky. And it made my heart ache, it made my bones shake; it made me weak, because the feeling of possessiveness came, just like the storm after the calm.

And I collapsed to the ground, my knees hitting the cold dirt, and my hands supporting my weight, because it was too much for me to bare. And with my heart bleeding out, I watched.

I watched how more wolves were murdered, and heard when howls filled with sorrow were given to the air. I watched how demons fell to the ground, with no life in their eyes. I watched how even though the demons were outnumbered, they still had advantage. I watched how the wolves became more furious, and how they succumbed to their darkest nature. I watched how everyone each other until I couldn't look.

And I heard cries of pain, howls filled with sorrow, until I felt my heart break once again.

The feeling grew stronger, and I crumbled up, and with one last glance, I turned around and ran away.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I ran. My heart ached to turn and run back to them, but I fought it and ran away. The trees became more blurry and I watched with a shocked face as everything became white. But before I could even dwell on anything, a sweet voice called out my name.

The child standing a few meters away from me had to be made from the Gods. His fluorescent orange eyes captured mine in a fierce yet gentle look, and his beautiful features were too much to bare. He just had to be an angel.

"It is already written, Agrona, your death gets closer everyday" His voice was like a wave of ecstasy, like that familiar cold breeze of air in a summer day.

"Your breaths are counted, love" Silver met fluorescent orange. "I expected another reaction from you" He sighed. "Do you remember me?" The more time I took in responding, the more intense his eyes became, but I didn't understand anything, my brain wasn't capable of catching my thoughts.

Thunder emerged from the clouds, and its loud presentation was heard all over the place. The skies became dark, but even when the sight was a little scary, the feeling of being home greeted me; and that was something I hadn't felt for as long as I can remember.

The child took a step closer, then another, and another, and with every step he took, his appearance changed. He was no longer a child when he stopped in front of me, and I no longer had to look down, but instead, I had to look up to see those vibrant eyes of his. His broad shoulders made me look insignificant; his white hair, which looked so smooth and silky, grew to his shoulders, and instead of looking weird as some people do, it just looked as if that hairstyle was made for him; muscles developed all over his body, and his arms looked so strong and secure, that I just felt like I belonged there. His aura of innocence faded and instead, he oozed wisdom and power.

"Do you even know who you are?" His warm breath hit my cold cheeks, and the warmth of his body enveloped me like a blanket. I could no longer feel the freezing blows of the air as he took yet another step closer to my shivering body, and I had to fight the urge of stepping closer to his warmth.

"My name is Agrona, and I am a four creature hybrid" The words slipped out of my mouth without permission, and I didn't know what to feel about it as he shook his head at me, letting out a chuckle that warmed my insides with butterflies. He tilted his head to the side, almost as if expecting something.

"No, baby, you're not" Disbelief it is.

"I think am capable of knowing who am" My statement wasn't very welcomed though. His eyes changed to a darker orange, and he pursed his lips in irritation, and for some strange reason that made my stomach do a little twist.

"You are more than that, my love" He sighed at the end. "And your name isn't Agrona, that name was assigned to you because of the purpose you were sent here for"

"Who are you? What purpose?" I stuttered out.

He smiled. "It hurts me not to be able to tell you, but you told me not to tell you anything until you completed this task and had your memory back. So I'm afraid you'll have to wait, my love" He smiled one more time before his body began to disappear. My eyes widened as he did so, and I was about to reach out for him in pure impulse before I heard his voice one more time.

"To answer your second question" He paused, and our eyes met. "Your name means slaughter, place the pieces together and you have the answer to the question" He disappeared completely when I opened my mouth to question him more.

I stood there for what felt like hours until my eyes caught movement to the right, I turned around completely, and gasped in terror. Half a dozen of bloody wolves growled at me as they circled my paralyzed body. The ground shook, and fire came out from behind the wolves, along with dozens of demons; all of their hungry eyes on me. There was a moment where everything fell quiet, and nothing could be heard but the intake of our breaths, but it was destroyed by the strong sound of a war cry.

The wolves growled before they leaped at me, and the demons hissed as they too, sprinted towards me. But there was nothing that I could have done at that moment; I couldn't run because I was surrounded; I couldn't call out for help because there was no one else here; I couldn't defend myse-.

The flapping of wings interrupted me from calling out to my beasts, and I opened my eyes, which I had not noticed I had closed, to see an angel right infront of me. His features were extremely beautiful, but I had no time to inspect him more as he swooped my body into his arms. My face collided with his naked torso, and when I tried to look at him, his hands kept my head where it was. His wings carried us higher, and higher, and higher.

And then he dropped me.

I could only hear his harsh laugh above my scream full of terror, and I could only see his green eyes turn black as he looked at me fall.