
Chapter 20

"We will play hide and seek today" The races frowned but no one commented; they finally learned. "You will hide your scent and chose a place to hide in the forest. One of you will start searching for all of the races and if he finds anyone they will start looking for the rest" I scanned the crowd and nodded when no one spoke.

"You" The coven leader I pointed at took a step closer to me and nodded. "He will be the first. Now, hide your scent and go hide!" I turned my head to the coven leader. "Close your eyes, hide your scent and prepare to run" He did as told and nodded at the last part.

I waited two minutes until I decided it was enough time. "Go and find them, return here when they are all caught" The coven leader grinned while nodding and sprinted with vampire speed towards the trees.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. It's been almost four days since I last saw the angels and demons, I have to go to them today and mend things with Lucifer. I really don't know how I will tell him I don't want anything to do with him. I am that he will be pissed, but how pissed will he be? Will he threaten me, my race? Or would he threaten Nikolai? Or even my little Kane?

A growled escaped my lips as my thoughts carried me away. I was so lost that I almost didn't hear the flapping of wings. I silenced my beasts from doing any noise out loud, but that didn't stop them from hissing and growling inside of my head.

They growled so loud that I almost flinched; they must be really angry if they had the energy to talk that loud inside my head and without my consent. I tensed a little as I heard a branch crunch slightly above me. I forced my body to relax and acted as if I was deep in thought.

But I got lost in my thoughts anyways.

What are they doing here? What do they want? Is it Dexter, Nicolas, Lucifer, or the three of them? Will they notice my change of attitude towards them? Nikolai said I shouldn't be too harsh towards them or they may notice but I don't think I can make it; my beasts were still hissing and growling, but they were quieter now.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I inhaled and caught the faint scent of Nikolai. I looked around as I searched for him; the situation with the angels and demons going out of the window as I grinned and started to walk towards his scent. He smelt nice, like fresh pine and rain. I allowed my feet to move as my nose tracked Nikolai's scent. I passed trees, logs and rocks as I tracked him down. I reached a clearing with a cave after three minutes. My eyes rolled on their own accord.

That would be the first place I would look for.

Rolling my eyes one more time, I walked towards the entrance of the cave and sniffed. Grinning in amusement, I entered the cave, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dim light. I sniffed one more time and smirked as I spoke.

"Really, Nikolai? Inside the cave? A branch would've been more original" I smirked, but chuckled when I heard a low growl. Behind me, the scent started to get stronger. I grinned in amusement and turned around exactly when he was a step away from me.

"Gotcha!" I poked my finger to his chest as I grinned; he groaned and slapped my finger away.

"Not fair, Agrona" Nikolai pouted. I laughed at him and grabbed his hand as I started walking out of the cave.

"Don't do that"

"What?" He continued pouting.

"That pout" I said as I turned around.

"Why?" I almost growled, he was still pouting.

"Because the temptation is too much to handle" I said as I stupidly touched his bottom lip, trying to stop him from doing it.

Nikolai took my thumb into his mouth and sucked on it. My eyes snapped towards his, only to find golden orbs instead of green. I felt how little swirls of red started to appear, mixing with the silver of my eyes. He sucked harder and softly bit on it.

"Nikolai" His eyes started to change back to green and I allowed my eyes to change too. He blinked and realized my thumb was in his mouth.

He let go off my thumb. "This is interesting. Care to explain?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I blinked.

"You took my thumb in your mouth when I touched your lip" I said, he nodded knowingly.

"That was Eagle (e-a-gle), my wolf" He informed me, I nodded my head in understanding and turned around just when I saw him grinning.

"Did you like it?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to his chest. I scoffed as I relaxed against him.

"Ew, no. Germs" I winkled my nose and made a face. His throaty chuckle vibrated through my entire body and I couldn't help but to smile too.

"Then why didn't you remove your thumb if you were, oh so disgusted by my germs?" He smirked.

Damn, I couldn't be any more busted, could I?

Heat crawled up on my neck and to my cheeks, painting them in a soft pink. He grinned at me as I wiggled out of his embrace and started walking.

"Shut up, we need to get to the others" I mumbled as I continued walking. Nikolai chuckled and walked by my side.

But I felt watched the entire time.


"You can go" The races turned around and walked away. I waved Nikolai goodbye and he waved back while grinning. I laughed when he tripped and almost fell to the ground; he blushed a little and scurried away once he finished waving. I sighed and watched as everyone walked away, towards their home. A blonde vampire was the last one to go, the vampire catching up with her coven members.

I felt his anger before I even saw him. I turned around and met the dark blue eyes of a fuming Lucifer. I remained silent and with a neutral face as I waited for him to explode; he did, eventually.

"I saw you with him" He paused, his voice calm but shaking with anger. "I came earlier with Dexter, you didn't saw us but we saw you" His eyes narrowed at me. "With the Werewolf King" His voice shook with anger and his eyes glared daggers as I remained with a blank face.

He turned to me, his eyes meeting mine. "I don't want you to talk to him, I forbid you to" His voice was firm and hard. I controlled my beasts before they could start scratching their way to the surface; my anger was a different case though.

"What did you said?" If I didn't use this voice often, I would've flinched at the hardness and coldness in it.

His eyes were bright as they meet mine. "to even turn in the direction of the Werewolf King" He put emphasis on the first sentence, and my anger grew in size.

I crossed my arms, met his eyes, and spoke. "And who do you you are to tell what to do?" I paused. " name is " His eyes widened in disbelief and anger.

"I I am King. I have to tell what to do" He raised his voice. My right eye twitched at his outburst, at his raised voice.

"You are not King" I spat; my tolerance going out of the window, and in its place was the hatred and anger my beasts held. "I am my own person. I will do what I want" I sneered.

"You are my Queen, Agrona. You to and I can, and , tell you what you can and can't do" He snarled.

"I never accepted to be your Queen" I paused and smirked smugly at him when he stiffened, but gained my seriousness when I spoke. "And the answer is " A pained expression crossed his face and eyes, until rage dominated him. His once deep blue eyes were now the purest black I've ever seen.

"What does have that don't? He is nothing compared to me" Lucifer snarled, his hands clenched in fists at his sides and his body tensed.

"I think it's the other way around, " I paused. " are nothing compared to " Something cracked in his clenched jaw.

"He will be dead before he even has the chance to claim you as his" His voice was surprisingly calm.

"Yeah" I paused, sending him a bored look. "By " He frowned, confusion lingering in his eyes.

"Then who are you choosing?" His voice held a hint of frustration.

"I am not choosing nor am I choosing " His jaw clenched as a look of realization crossed his features.

"There's someone else, isn't it?" His hard eyes met my blank ones. A cold and bitter laugh was heard through the air when I didn't answer. "Who is ?" He snarled at me as he took a step closer.

I prepared myself to go. "That information is none of your concern" And I disappeared.