
Chapter 16

I looked at the office we entered; light beige walls, fireplace at the right, bookshelves at the left, a desk in the center with a brown leather chair behind it and brown couches in front, and windows behind the desk. I caressed little Kane's fur as I started walking once again. I smelt him before I heard him.

"Welcome, please take a seat" He said from my right, I turned my head to look at him and widened my eyes a little as I took in his features. A black haired beauty stared right back at me, he looked to be in his late forties, with a five o'clock shadow, muscular frame, tall and the greenest eyes I've ever seen. He was a panther; a panther helped my race, he led my race through everything and took care of them.

"Thank you..." I trailed off, expecting a name. He widened his eyes and walked towards me without hesitation. He smiled and stopped right in front of me, extending his hand for a shake and looking right into my eyes.

"Clayton Leningard" He smiled a smile that lit up all of his face, but frowned at me and looked towards his hand to see why I didn't shake it, he widened his eyes once he saw little Kane in my arms.

"Kane?" The shock in his voice was evident as he looked at little Kane with wide eyes. "How did you do that? He has Alpha blood in his veins and he doesn't let anyone touch him, let alone caress. Not even me, and I'm his uncle!" He threw his hands in the air and I couldn't help but to look at him with amusement as I kept caressing little Kane's fur. "How did you do it?" Little Kane purred in my neck as I scratched that spot behind his ear. "He purred!" Clayton grinned. I chuckled and looked at him; he was little Kane's uncle.

"I don't know, Clayton. He came towards me and started to climb my leg" I chuckled as he gaped at me.

"Wow! You're the first person he gives permission to caress him" He shook his head as he walked towards the brown leather chair behind the desk. He motioned me to sit as he sat.

"What do you want to talk about? I mean, you looking for us" He started talking just as I sat in the brown couch. Little Kane positioned himself in my legs and I grinned as he snuggled closer to me.

"There is a war, Clayton. Are you aware of that?" I kept my eyes on little Kane; smiling softly at the little ball of fur that snuggled closer to me.

"I am aware it is between the supernatural races and the demons and angels. I am also aware that you came in here with a demon..." He trailed off suspiciously; I lifted my eyes to him and met his narrowed ones as I sighed.

"I am not a demon, nor do I belong to any supernatural race. I am in neutral territory when it comes to what I am, because I do not belong to anyone that is involved in this war" His eyes stopped narrowing, just to look at me with curiosity and interest. He opened his mouth but I cut him off.

“I will tell you when the time is right” He closed his mouth. “Back to the situation of the war…” He nodded.

“We don’t have every detail of it. We just know it was made and is involved”

“Where does the feline race stands in this war? What side did you chose?” His lips formed a straight line as he looked at me.

“You are wasting your time if you came here to recruit us. We will not be involved in this war, no matter what, period” His voice was calm but if you hear closely, you could hear the anger in his voice.

“Excellent” I smiled and nodded. He looked at me curiously but didn’t comment.

“How many letters have you sent the council?” He widened his eyes a little, his body tensed up and his fists clenched a little in his lap. I hit a sore spot. He gulped softly before answering.

“Do you work for them?” I shook my head and he nodded. “Do you know what they said? What we asked for?” He asked hopefully. My beasts were at the edge, they wanted to claim their property, Pride. They didn’t want to play anymore games; they just wanted to reveal that we are their true Alpha so we could claim them as .

“Yes, and there’s no need for you to worry about anything. I just need you to answer all my questions, then you can ask me anything you want, and I will answer you honestly” His body relaxed as he nodded.

“Okay” He sighed.

“How many letters have you sent them?”

“At least five” I almost growled.

The bastards didn’t even of helping race! Not even of informing me.

Little Kane whined and licked my hand as he sensed my discomfort. I smiled as my beasts purred in delight. He was too cute for his own good.

“Tell me about your race” I lifted my eyes towards him and saw how he nodded.

“The supernatural races began attacking all of the Prides about a hundred years ago. Some ran away, some were killed; some even found a safe place to live. But no matter what, we were always found. So we decided to get together and run away” He paused and lifted his eyes to see me; I smiled softly and motioned him to continue.

“We ran away and found this place, the second neutral territory, and our ancestors and us have been living here since then” He finished.

“Who is your Alpha?” He widened his eyes a little but quickly hid it by frowning.

“What do you mean? I am the Alpha” His body tensed up.

“You are not their Alpha” I said as I stood up with little Kane in my arms; my beasts couldn’t take it anymore. We were going to claim what was ours by right.

“We are” We spoke in our hoarse and deep voice as I released our scent. A shocked expression crossed his face for a minute until hope and admiration replaced it and his lips formed a huge grin. He grinned and walked towards me, his eyes never leaving me and never losing the admiration on them. 

“That’s why it was so easy to tell you everything…” He said, more to himself than to me. “Our Alpha, our Agrona. You came” He grinned as he stopped in front of me. “You came to us, you finally came, after so long” He chuckled as a tear started to form in his eye. I smiled softly at him and placed little Kane on the couch; I turned towards Clayton and opened my arms for him. He practically tackled me in the hug but I didn’t care. I was finally with my race, with my people. I was at peace; my beasts were at peace, because our people had been looking for us.

Clayton hugged me with so much force that a grin appeared in my lips. You could practically sense the waves of happiness radiating from him. He stopped hugging me and separated.

“Come on, Alpha. We need to tell everyone” He grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the door.

“Calm down, Clayton” He stopped tugging my hand and turned to look at me with a frown. “Why do you think I didn’t tell you who I was? I wanted to see my people, I wanted to see how they act, how they play, how they ” Realization crossed his eyes as he nodded. “Besides, I can’t leave little Kane here” I said as I turned around. Only that I didn’t found little Kane. Oh, no. I found the most beautiful child in front of me.

He had the appearance of a six year old, with black hair, the purest I’ve ever seen, and the most gorgeous vibrant green eyes you could imagine; they pierced my silver ones with intensity. I stood there, looking at him for a moment until he smiled shyly and walked towards me, hugging both my legs in his little arms. I tried not to melt right there, but it was impossible. I smiled and hugged little Kane back. He separated and looked at me with blushed cheeks and a shy smile. I giggled and smiled at him as I kneeled in front of him.

“Hello little Kane, my name is Agrona” I extended my hand for him to take it and smiled when he raised his hand. Sparks erupted when our hands touched, and I knew right there that he was the person my beasts chose for a mate, and I was his. This beautiful kid was my soul mate. I smiled at him and watched how he frowned in confusion. I approached his ear and whispered, only for him to hear.

“I’ll explain it to you later; let’s go have some fun for now, okay?” I retreated as he nodded. I smiled and stood up from the ground. I was about to walk but little Kane gripped my hand in his. I turned towards him and gave him a questioning look. He smiled shyly and lowered his head so his hair fell to his beautiful eyes.

“What is it honey?” His cheeks turned a beautiful shade of pink as he hid his head in my legs.

“Can you carry me?” His voice was so beautiful, so smooth and exotic, I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't purr out loud, but that didn't stop my beasts.

The only thing I heard in my mind where my beasts purring like little kittens. They adored him; and they had already claimed as theirs. And that scared me a little, because they didn’t even gave Lucifer or the little King a chance. They only saw little Kane and choose him right away. I need to talk to the moon goddess, she owes me explanations.

“Yes, sweetie, come here” I grabbed him by the waist and placed him on my hip, supporting his weight in my body. I turned towards Clayton, who was watching us with a wide grin on his face. He looked really funny. My insides melted at the sound of my little Kane laughing at Clayton.

“Uncle Clayton looks funny! Don’t you think so Agrona?” He turned towards me and gave me a wide smile with shiny teeth. I smiled and turned towards Clayton once more, and indeed he looked funny. His grin spread even wider, I didn’t know that was possible.

“Yes he does” I chuckled. We both laughed at Clayton for a while until I gasped in fake shock, making little Kane tense and look around suspiciously.

“What is it?” He asked frantically. I looked at him and tried not to smile. “It’s the tickle monster!” Little Kane widened his eyes as he caught up on what I meant but it was too late, I was already tickling his sides, making him squirm around like a fish out of the water.

“Please…Stop!” He said between laughs. I laughed as I stopped tickling him; he took in a big breath and narrowed his eyes playfully at me.

“That’s not fair, Agrona! I will call my back up and we will end ” He narrowed his little eyes at me, and I tried my hardest not to purr, but it leaved my lips before I could stop it. My beasts purred at their little Kane like their life depended on it. They snuggled my head closer to him and licked his cheek.

“Ew!” He whined with a smile as he cleaned my mark on his cheek. I smiled and controlled my beasts; they needed to know they were not the ones in control.

“Okay, little Kane, let’s go take a little walk” I smiled. I turned towards Clayton, only to find him looking at me with a knowing smile. I started to walk but Clayton’s grip on my arm stopped me from doing so.

“Don’t worry, his cat already claimed you as his. He doesn’t let anyone touch him like that” He whispered in my ear. He chuckled as I blushed a little, walked towards the door, opened it and held it open for us.

“Let’s go take a walk and have some fun, shall we?” Clayton grinned. Little Kane squealed in excitement and I started to walk towards the door with a grin on my face.

This life was not going to be easy, but it sure was going to be interesting.