
The fastest in a different world.

Hayai Raiden, his father is a famous athlete, his mother was a racer, and his little sister is a prodigy in both sports and studies. But who is Raiden, well he is the 3rd placer in the top record of........... Speed typing. Raiden is an average person but due to his health issues, a blurry left eye, he has a problem in his depth perception, weak lungs, and can't run for very long. Raiden loves the feeling of wind on his face. Just like his family, speed runs in his blood. He just spends the rest of his day playing racing games and RPGs where his role is always the scout. But on one stormy night, everything changed.

Hezmarg · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Everything changes

It was raining heavily, and classes just finished. Everyone is holding on to their umbrella tightly.


Lightning strikes can be heard frequently.

"Why did I forget my umbrella today. it's a good thing today is Friday, they're probably waiting for me."

Hayai Raiden said to himself while walking slowly in the rain.

As Raiden walks on the street less and fewer people can be seen as they are taking shelter already.


Lightning just struck the pavement in front of Raiden. The shock made him jump back and slip hitting his bottom on the street.

"Huh? Are the gods trying to take my life today?"

But as he tries to get up he heard a screeching sound.

A car was moving towards him but the driver was slamming the brakes, due to the wet road the driver had a hard time slowing down. Then the car stopped a meter away from Raiden. "Hey, kid you ok?"

The driver asked Raiden.

Still shocked Raiden walked back a bit then answered

"I'm fine."


But just as he answered another lightning struck, but this time it hit Raiden directly.



Raiden wakes in an unfamiliar place, everything was bright.

"Where am I?"

Raiden shouted hoping that someone would answer.

"Well, you're in my place."

an old man with a long beard answered Raiden.

"What happened? Where is this?"

Raiden asked again but in a more respectful manner to the old man.

"As I said, you are in my place, but sooner or later you wouldn't be, as you can or probably can't see you're dead."

the old man answered in an ironic and not so serious manner.

Raiden stared at the old man, no emotion on his face was showing, he was in deep thought.

"What do you want to be boy?"

the old man asked him a question since Raiden wasn't talking


Raiden asked trying to make sense of the question.

"What is something you want, something you weren't able to do when you were alive?"

the old man asked again clarifying his question so Raiden can understand better.

"I want to be fast, faster than anything that exists."

Raiden answered with his whole heart, something he always wished for.

"Then work for it."

as soon the old man answered everything went black.



With his senses coming back, Raiden realized he's in a forest, "I died?"

Then panic has finally struck Raiden. "What the heck? I died. I can't go back. My games I haven't finished some of them yet, uh the guild is going to kick me for being inactive, and my Lamborghini Veneo is going to rot!"

Raiden cried out with almost teary eyes. He had left everything and if what the old man said, Raiden might not be able to get back.


Raiden heard a noise and he looked back. An animal that looks like a wild boar but almost double in size is staring at Raiden.

"Nice piggy."

Raiden tried to calm down the wild boar but it seems to be concentrated on slamming Raiden.

Then the wild boar started to sprint towards Raiden.

"What the, pigs can run at around 50 kilometers per hour this huge pig is clearly faster than one."

Raiden thought to himself while trying to run for his dear life. As he was running he realized something, "I'm faster."

When he realized he was running faster than the 'abnormal' pig, the boar glowed with a faint light and was dashing towards Raiden.

Raiden stepped to the side as soon as he was about to be hit and the boar crashed towards a tree. The tree broke and fell immediately after it was hit by the boar. A dust cloud was formed and the boar walked out of the dust.

"Easy there piggy, you can be my dinner just don't kill me."

As soon as Raiden spoke the boar started charging at him again.

But before it took one step an arrow pierced its eye. The boars drop dead.

"Hey! What are you doing here alone it's dangerous."

a voice came from the trees and after it was finished talking something jumped down from the tree, it was a girl, she looks to be a year or two younger than Raiden with a short blonde hair, wearing a dark green colored hood to camouflage in the jungle.

"Hey! I said what are you doing here?"

After being lost in admiration Raiden finally answered. "I got lost and ran across that pig."

'Should I let her know I'm not from this place?'

Raiden taught to himself after answering her question.

"Well, it looks like you're not from here so I understand. So to repay me for saving you help me carry this pig."

the girl said while pulling out a rope.

"Sure, by the way, my name is Raiden."

Raiden said happily as if his second life was not in danger a few seconds ago.

"My name is Ena."