

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Rocs (pronounced as:Rawsiss). She was an orphan. And even though she was an orphan, she looked very well cared for. She lived in an orphanage. She looked so, because, she was very neat and clean. She didn't have much money but, she tried to make the most of it. This was one of her specialties, considering the fact that not many children of her age are or rather were as neat and clean as she was. Rocs was twelve years old. She had never been to school, considering the fact that she didn't have much money. She was also very creative and there wasn't a single day when she didn't invent something. Even though she'd never been to school, she was pretty intelligent. She had a knack of learning things way faster than others did so, eventually she started learning new things everyday from the caretakers of the orphanage. And that was how Rocs made a living.

*I'll be releasing the next chapter tomorrow!!