
The Fallen Sun of the Uzumaki's

Naruto Uzumaki is the most powerful Warrior in the Konoharian Kingdom, but, after a bloody war against the Otsutsukians, his kingdom ended up being destroyed. After dying in the Final Battle of the war, Naruto unwittingly returns to the past, and now has a mission to save his people and the world. What is going to happen?

Miguelorneles · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The end


A gigantic Nuclear Explosion occurred in one location, devastating the entire Continent it was on.

Suddenly, in the midst of the explosion of light that followed the nuclear explosion, Naruto Uzumaki is revealed, seriously injured, with a single arm remaining on his body, and a stump in place of the other arm, and blood gushing from a hole in his stomach, knees pierced and oozing blood, and the head pierced in the forehead that gushed and oozed blood.

Naruto, on the other hand, was falling through mid-air, as he advanced downwards in a fall, from which an unknown injured being fell, this being, Isshiki Otsutsuki, in his true form, who looked on with hatred and frustration mixed with contempt. for Naruto.

"THIS IS.....", screaming in fury and determination, Naruto forms a Rasenga in his remaining arm, while transforming into Rikudou Mode, and thus through his Chakra and Magic he transported the Rasengan to the entire structure of the body, converting it into a combat mode, forming an Energy Aura "Rasengan", then, Naruto shouts:

"MY LAST!!!!!.....", with those words, Naruto transfers the Rasengan Aura mixed with Rikudou Mode to the left Leg, then Delivering a Kick right into Isshiki's skull, crushing him in the face, while shouted:

"RASENGAN NO KEN!!! (螺旋丸の拳 [Rasengan Fist!!!])", thus, Naruto creates a blast of Chakral-Magic Energy, which overlaps the Nuclear Blast, and implodes in a large and gigantic flash of light like a flashback....

My Name is Naruto Uzumaki, Son of Imperial King Minato Namikaze, and Harlot Queen Kushina Uzumaki. In my entire life, I fought for one reason: to win. To Win, You Need Strength. And To Have Strength, I did things that I regret to this day. But today I.....

I have a Fresh Start.

4 years Before: 1100 AH(After Hagoromo).

Waking up in the Royal Palace Infirmary, Naruto wonders if everything he lived was a dream.

Until, see the calendar.....

"October 30, 1100...", Recognizing the Date, Naruto notices a detail.

Rising from the Hospital Bed abruptly and in a hurry, he rips the calendar with his bare hands from the Wall, looking terrified and shocked.

"WAIT!!! It's 4 years before 'That' happens....", Realizing how much time he had, Naruto was so surprised and horrified, he didn't even notice his Mother, Kushina, dressed in imperial clothes, and made up, opening her eyes. bedroom door, and entering with a Ramen Tray.

"Naruto??? Are you there, dear?", Kushina questioned, confused, in a gentle tone.

With his reflexes, Naruto, to avoid being caught in the act, jumps high instantly, and in the same second he disappears, reappearing above the ceiling, glued like a Spider.

Camouflaging himself with Magic, Naruto becomes the very tile he was on, thus confusing his mother.

"Wow...., I wanted to see my baby so much.", Sullenly, Kushina complained; huffing, and leaving the room as she closed the door.

After feeling his mother's Mana leave the Royal Palace with his father hours later, Naruto finally breaks free of his camouflage, and lands on the ground silently.

Donning his everyday Armor, Naruto leaps from the window, dons a Samurai Mask, then unsheathes a sharp Katana as he lands on the roof of an Anbu building.

"Anbus. They are the Royal Guard of the Imperial King, and also the Military Army of Secret Missions, usually they are skilled Shinobi and led only by the Imperial King, known around the world as Hokage.

However, there is an Anbu Branch, which was created by the Renegade Military Danzou Shimura, one of the 4 Elder Warriors of War, long ago expelled from the Konoharian Capital by the Former Imperial King, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

These Anbus, also called Root, are secret warriors specializing in Assassination and Combat, carrying out missions of extreme secrecy.

Its best-known member is War General Kakashi Hatake."

Teleporting to Kumo, in Another Continent, Naruto appears decapitating with his Katana each Kumorian army that entered the Kono-Kumo Portal.

Portal de Kono-Kumo, is a gigantic and wide Gate, which is located in the Temple of Rikudou-Rama, a temple that allows transiting Continents through Interdimensional openings.

Being in this location, the Portal serves as a narrow Interdimensional Opening Door, which allows Kumo and Konoha to transition.

But, only Kumo Warriors can use it, and the Kumorian Government itself uses it as a transport for its armies when it wants to secretly attack other nations.

Amidst Blood exploding and gushing, Naruto charged the Kumorian Armies entering the Temple in a counterattack, slicing each soldier into pieces, thus causing seas of blood to explode and spurt.

Stained with Blood, Naruto senses the Imperial King of Kumo in the Spot, and resurfaces where he is, impaling him by surprise in the stomach, causing him to spurt blood and spit out pools of blood.

With a cold look, Naruto says:

"Konoha sends hugs...."