
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantaisie
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146 Chs

Chapter 8. Kingdom of Aylans (1) Part-2

Paulie Aylans frowned as he noticed the Pope approaching him. It was unpleasant watching him approach as he shoved around the nobles of Aylans. He didn't understand how the Pope could be so disgraceful. However, these were things that couldn't be expressed outwardly. Salem was the most powerful man on the continent, so much so that even the Kingdom of Aylans, labeled as the Kingdom of Magic, couldn't hope to stand against him. As such, this alliance was very important to set up.

King Paulie stopped his conversation with his wife as Pope Salem approached him.

"Why, if it isn't Pope Salem Gattschuranche! It must have been difficult arriving so late at night. I hope you've rested―"

He couldn't finish his greeting, however, as Salem continued walking past him.

The enjoyable atmosphere of the banquet chilled. King Paulie watched Salem's outstretched hands suddenly clamp onto the wrist of the person next to him.

"Aah, I was looking for you. I came here to see you."

The one that Salem's drug-addled, bloodshot eyes were looking at was King Paulie's wife. A noblewoman in her 30's, the woman with plum colored hair and eyes and wearing a fancy golden colored dress froze in response to the Pope's actions and her mouth clamped shut.

"I was looking for you, Akareal."


Queen Akareal's eyes grew wide, then her expression soured.

"Aah, amazing. It's been dozens of years since we've met, but you managed to maintain your youth? Haha! You're just like me…"

"… You're overstepping your bounds! Let me go… ugh!"

Akareal's expression crumbled as though she was suffering. She looked at her own arm. Her wrist that the Pope was clutching too roughly, with too much force, hurt. It felt as though he might sprain it by mistake.

Paulie, who had been frozen with his warm expression, suddenly turned red as he looked at Salem's arm.

"W-what are you doing!"

Paulie stepped in front of Akareal in a hurry in hopes of defending her and grabbed Salem's wrist. Salem frowned at being interrupted, but as his eyes met with Paulie's, he smiled and relaxed his grip.

"Aaah, I'm sorry. It has been so long since I met my close friend…"

"You've still stepped much too far out of bounds! She may have once been in the party of the former Hero, but she is currently among the royal family!"

The soldiers who hadn't been able to react to King Paulie's angry shouting beforehand began to move now. When the King began to retreat with Akareal in his arms, the knights around them began to form a barrier and the mages raised their staves. The Holy Knights also reached for the grips of their swords.

Paulie frantically examined Akareal's wrist. Once they removed her white gloves, the red hand marks could be seen. King Paulie grit his teeth upon seeing this.

"Are you okay? Dear…? Your wrist…"

The King softly brushed his wife's wrist and began casting healing magic. Her swollen wrist began to recover. Akareal stood dumbfounded and in shock but began to shake her head in an attempt to reassure her king. She forced herself to smile.

"I am fine."

"… I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect you."

King Paulie became enraged by the idea that he couldn't protect his own wife and glared at Salem.

"Haha! It was truly my bad, King Paulie."

Pope Salem smiled without a care as though he had just been playing a joke and lowered his head. The smirk on his lips didn't truly reflect the apologetic gesture, however. Even his speech barely held any formality.

"Is this a joke?!"

"What are you going to do if it was?"


The Pope smirked and glanced around the room. The mood was glacial. The ambient conversations had all stopped and there was no music being played anymore. Everyone's eyes were all on Salem and King Paulie.

"What? Why are you guys so serious…? It wasn't me that put a damper on things, was it? Now, smile. Laugh! Why are you looking so sour at such an enjoyable party?"


The nobles looked stiff. None of them could believe what they were seeing. It was not just the nobles and the royalty of Aylans that were participating in this banquet. There were those from the neighboring kingdoms as well. They were supposed to be celebrating their 'alliance'. However, the mood was flowing in a very different direction now. The most insulting and degrading act in the history of the continent was unfolding right before their eyes, arrogant and proud. Salem wasn't showing even a speck of the dignity expected of a sovereign leader.

None of the spectators could understand just how the Holy Kingdom could continue to function with such a disgraceful leader in power.

"Haha, you guys really don't know how to take a joke." Salem looked directly at Paulie. "Don't be so stiff, King Paulie. Isn't that right, Akareal."

When Salem smiled and turned to Akareal, King Paulie stepped between them.

"Don't talk to my wife with those filthy lips."

"Filthy? Just what are you saying, King Paulie, the one that's dirty isn't me, but…" Salem's mad gaze settled on Akareal. He pointed his fingers and continued. "Wouldn't it be the queen over there? Why? Because anyone that would sleep with an old man like you and refuse me is a whore!"

The surrounding knights of the Kingdom of Aylans drew their swords. Their weapons were suddenly enveloped with auras of fire and frost as mana began to overflow from them. Staves were raised and ice and fire arrows appeared in the air, aimed right at Pope Salem. The surrounding knights and mages glared at him, their eyes filled with rage.

The swords of the Holy Knights were also drawn. Their blades held Holy Power and were shining brightly, filled with energy. The priests wielding staves signaled that they were ready to support them at any time. The Holy Knights and the priests all glared at King Paulie, ready to attack.

The nobles that had been dispatched by the other kingdoms retreated stiffly, not wanting to get involved. It was clear that this was no longer a celebration of the union between kingdoms. It was quickly becoming a battlefield.

"Truly, there is no one more insolent than you, Pope Salem. Do you not possess even a speck of decency?"

King Paulie calmly spat out his reply as he gripped the staff that a magician had brought for him. The weapon began to gather an enormous amount of mana, causing it to shift into the form of a massive spear. The surrounding mana began to resonate and ripple outwards in waves. He was the most powerful man within the Kingdom of Aylans, and he had an enormous pool of mana and a depth of knowledge regarding magic that even the oldest of magicians couldn't hope to match. And now, he was furious.

Salem exploded in laughter. He shook his head as he held his gut.

"Queen? Hahaha! King Paulie, are you truly having satisfying nights with that woman? I find that hard to believe?"


Salem looked around and began to shout.

"An old man like you with a beautiful woman like that in bed…? It's truly chilling!"

Nobody there could believe what they were hearing. It was absolutely unprecedented for a sovereign leader to speak in this way. This insult to the nobility was nothing short of a declaration of war.

King Paulie slammed his staff onto the ground and cast a magic spell that blocked out all sound towards Akareal, who was suddenly looking pale. Then he glared at Salem.

"Are you trying to start a war?"

"Do you really think you'd win if I was?"


King Paulie glared at him with murderous intent as Salem exploded in laughter.

"Hahahahaha-! King of Aylans, do you wish to become my ally?"


"Then get down on your knees. Beg for it. And then hand over your wife."

"It's time for you to leave now."

King Paulie spoke his warning but Salem ignored it. The Pope smiled lecherously and continued to ogle his wife.

She stood frozen in place unsure about what to do.

King Paulie raised his voice once more.

"… I said get out, Salem Gattschuranche! From today forth, I declare war upon your Holy Kingdom! Be grateful that I don't detain you here and now!"

Salem exploded in laughter in response to King Paulie's declaration.

"Hahaha! It isn't that you choose not to detain me, but rather that you can't! That's right. If you do arrest me, you'll be isolated! The continent will rise up once they hear that you dared to arrest the Pope of the Holy Kingdom, the most powerful nation on the continent! Rather, if you want to declare war using my insolence as an excuse, then I guess our two nations, Aylans, and the Holy Kingdom, will be the only nations involved. Well, our Holy Kingdom…" Salem licked his lips as he continued. "… Could we even ask for support from other nations without embarrassing ourselves?"


"Hahahaha! Then… Next time we meet, I'll be after your head… and your wife's bosoms…"

Salem exploded in laughter as he left the banquet. Akareal could only stand there, trembling with clenched teeth.

— Ω —