
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
146 Chs

Chapter 14. Traitor (3) Part-1

The doppelganger Ellin was staring at a flower with her usual passive expression, head tilted in curiosity. She was watching as a bee repeatedly landed on and then flew away from a flower, seemingly entranced by its actions. Eventually, her curiosity overcame her caution, causing her to reach out to the bee with a finger. In response, the bee stung her finger before buzzing away for good.


Ellin held her throbbing finger, her eyes turning teary from the pain. She looked around her surroundings, seeing nothing other than the small shed Thoma had built her within this small clearing in the forest. It was what she didn't see that bothered her, she wanted someone to complain to; someone to comfort her and wipe away her tears. She frowned and looked at her finger longingly, before finally making up her mind.

"It hurts. I'm going to tell Ellie."

She rose from her spot and tilted her head once again.

"Could… Ellie be in pain? Ellie is in pain? I'm worried," she softly muttered to herself while staring into the forest. "I want to see her. Ellie." Ellin shook her head as she said this, the promise she'd made coming to mind.

"Ellin! Never, ever leave this place! Aren't you a good girl?"

"… Ellin is a good girl. I'm not bad. I'll keep my promise."

After finishing her conversation with herself, Ellin felt that something was amiss. She quietly scampered into the forest and looked down from atop a small hill. Below her, she saw numerous knights walking in a line, their armor clattering loudly. Her eyes turned to where the knights were headed. In the distance, she could see the lone abbey.


"Wait a minute!"

Ellie held a handkerchief in front of Thoma's face.

"Blow!" she ordered.

"No, wait. Regardless of the situation, this is a bit too…"

"Blow!" she ordered once more, not taking no for an answer.

Still, Thoma couldn't help but be indignant. "I"m not a child, sister!"

"Says the person that was just blubbering in tears…!"

Thoma coughed when he heard that. There was still some lingering pain, but it had mostly subsided, and was much more manageable than before. He'd regained control over his body for the most part, but he still blushed when recalling what had happened just moments ago.

It wasn't like he had no experience with the opposite sex. Even so, this was the first time he'd experienced this foreign feeling. His chest was pounding and a strange sense of excitement tickled his heart. Thoma wanted to be by her side and rely on her even more than before; he knew that what he felt was love.

He looked at her, and unconsciously reached out with his hand to stroke her face. Ellie looked surprised and blushed, but she didn't resist.

"Did you know?" he asked.

Ellie softly held Thoma's hand with her own.

"Are you kidding me? You were swerving around, spaced out, and coughing every day. Who didn't know? If there was such a person, it had to be some of the more indifferent nuns and monks."

"Then why…"

'did you not say anything?' Thoma didn't get to say the last part.

Ellie, who was well aware of what he wanted to say, sighed and replied.

"I was waiting for you to say something," Thoma looked at her sheepishly, "and you've finally said it. In any case, rest up; and don't go wandering off somewhere. I'll be back after I check up on the kids for a bit," Ellie said before rising from her seat.

She turned to Thoma to gauge his reaction, and debated whether to speak any further. Thoma was vaguely aware of what she wanted to ask.

'Can you recover?' was the question stuck in the back of her throat. Thoma remained silent while watching her struggle, then smiled.

"I am getting better."


"I am getting better. Yes, it might take a while, but the pharmacist said I would eventually recover."

Ellie's face brightened at his words.



"Okay! I understand! Oh, right! You didn't eat, right? Wait a moment! I'll bring something!"

Ellie nodded enthusiastically before leaving the room. Her face grew stiff as she closed the door behind her.

"… Liar."

He was truly a monk unfamiliar with lying.


There were children shouting in the garden in front of the abbey.

"Come at me, you evil Demon Lord! I, the Hero, will face you!"

The other children were full of complaints at his words.

"Eeeh? Why are you the Hero? I'm the Hero!"

"There is only one Hero!"

"I want to be the Hero too!"

Watching from the sidelines, the girls shook their heads.

"Why do boys like fighting that much?"

"Right, they should just play nice like us."

The girls were playing house with the playset that Thoma had built for them. Just then, the girls heard something approaching them from behind, trampling on their toys. All of the children stopped what they were doing and stood still in surprise. More Holy Knights than they could count were standing before them. They were fully kitted for battle, wearing plate armour and carrying their large shields and cross-spears.

The commander of the Holy Knights surveyed the abbey before shouting and raising his warhammer over his head.


The Holy Knights brandished their weapons and rushed into the abbey, kicking down the front doors and breaking through windows.

"W-what is this?"

Ellie looked at the Holy Knights in surprise.

"That sister is…?"

"… A heretic using drugs."

Ellie went wide-eyed at their words.

"Drugs? W-what are you saying…?!"

"Capture her!"

A Holy Knight roughly grabbed her arm and began dragging her away. Thoma, hearing the sudden racket from outside his room, quickly grabbed his staff and stood up from his bed. He also grabbed his sword in case things turned dangerous..

When he finally opened the door, he found dozens of blades aimed at his neck.

"The Order of Holy Knights?" he asked in confusion, realizing just who was here.

A portion of the Holy Knights lowered their spears and moved aside to form a path, through which their commander walked.

"I'll be inspecting your room for a moment," he told Thoma.

"What's going on…?"

The commander turned to one of his men, who immediately swept Thoma's legs out from under him with his spear, sending him toppling over onto the floor. The commander stepped over Thoma and began searching through his things, soon coming back out with something in hand. It was the bag of medicine that Kelvin had prescribed to him.

"Now we're certain. These are narcotics."

"N-narcotics? What are you saying?"

The commander peered down at Thoma as he spoke.

"Save your excuses for the Court of Heresy, Monk Thoma."

"Wait! What are you saying?" Thoma asked in confusion. "Did I do something…"


The Holy Knights shackled his arms and legs and forced him to stand back up, immediately and roughly dragging him toward the abbey's entrance.

"Wait, t-there's been a mistake! Just let me explain…!"

Thoma struggled frantically while yelling at the commander, but once they were outside he saw something that made his blood run cold. Holy Knights had surrounded the children, coldly pointing their spears at them. Ellie was also there, embracing the crying children as they huddled against her.

"Wait! What are you doing to children!"

The commander scoffed. "We are protecting them."

"Protecting? Protecting?! Don't joke around! You're going to tell me you're protecting them at spearpoint?! Damned bastards! Thoma shouted through clenched teeth. "What crime have I committed?! What is the reason for all of this…"

"Your crimes consist of the embezzlement donations and taxes, the possession of narcotics, the mistreatment of children, and threatening the other priests with violence."

"What kind of bullshit are you spewing?"

Something was definitely wrong. Holy Knights had suddenly burst in and accused him of possessing drugs, mistreating children, and assault? It was all bullshit! For someone like him who had just moments ago been enjoying another peaceful day, this was truly an astounding situation.

"We also have a witness," the commander said with a smile.

Thoma looked at the Holy Knight in surprise. Meeting his gaze, the Holy Knight and gestured to his side. Thoma followed his gaze and found that the nuns and monks who had left to help out with the festival in Lania were gathered there. They jumped when their eyes met Thoma's and quickly averted their eyes.

"They have testified against you."

"Testified?" Thoma asked in disbelief.

"They say that they have been threatened by you."


Thoma turned to his congregation once again, eyes wide. Someone walked out from among them. Thoma was very familiar with the man, it was Brother Faron. He looked pitiful. His hair had all but completely fallen out and his skin was bruised and cut all over. There were sear marks across his face, and he was limping badly. He looked back at Thoma with trembling eyes.

"If you don't believe us," the commander said, "we will prove it to you." He turned to Faron. "Brother Faron, tell this man the truth."

Faron shut his chapped lips at the commander's orders. He peeked at Thoma as to say something, but eventually lowered his head. His entire body was trembling. He began to recall what had happened to him in the brief past.
