
The Fake Son Wants to Live [BL]

Jian rue gazed back at the ugly gray alien while stumbling and running. he clumsily tossed a stone at it "Fuck just leave me alone!!!" Suddenly a warm pair of hand grabbed his waist and tossed him over a study shoulder. "Xing yu!! let me down! you fucker!!! The said man chuckled and playfully smacked his butt. "Honey, I'm saving your life~" "I had it under control. Now, let me go!" Jian rue bit his shoulders hard until the sweet taste of blood filled his mouth. "Hiss.. baby, you're making me hard~" Jian rue froze. "W-why are you following me! why me.." Xing yu stopped running, and with a swing of his sword, the ugly tentacle alien was slayed. He gentnly pulled him down and hugged him close. Peering into his eyes, he smirked, "Because you are my betrothed,"

Lullabybao · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 9 - Just a gray stone

Every single jingle of the key, as it clanged against the grate, made his heartbeat louder in his ear. Jian tightly clung to the walls. "no... no…"

But his prayers were not answered. The cold grated gate banged open and the guard stood there with a huge shit-eating grin.

"Help! Help…" he cried as loud as he could.

"Give up. no one is coming to help you…" the guard ran to him and garbed a hold of his shoulders.

"No! don't touch me!" Jian pushed his hand away with all the strength he could muster. But how can he fight a full-grown man with a body that was improvised for a few days? Just standing made him dizzy.

he could not fight against him.

Sobbing, he watched the man hurriedly yank his clothes away.

'I don't want this... I don't want to go through with this…' he blinked the tears away.

The man's slimy hand grabbed his chin. "How pretty. How did you hide away for so long?" the man licked his cheeks.

"Please..." Jian sobbed loudly. "Let me go,"

"Let you go? Hahaha what a funny guy you are. After I have my way with you, I will sell you to the rich guys out there. I bet they will pay a pretty penny for your face." the man tore through his shirt.

Jian's heart went cold. he was done for.

He can't even die in peace.

His head blanked for a second as he watched the man part his legs.

A subtle sound of wedding bells rang in the cell.

"Hear that? Your brother is getting married to that alien guy." the man grabbed his face forcefully. "And we are having our marriage night Hehe…"

Jian lost the will to cry. 'He did not wish to be disgraced like this. he was in control of his life and he will never agree to this.' with all the force he could muster he pushed the man away and banged his head forcefully on the wall.

"w-what the fuck…" the guard ran close and punched him hard. "You think you can die like that!!"

But no amount of shouting was going to stop the blood pouring off his forehead.

His body started to go cold.

Jian finally smiled. 'at least… at least I get to die with dignity…'

His beautiful grey green eyes lost their shine.

"Fuck." the guard started to sweat. Mister wang had explicitly told them to keep this guy alive... now he was dead!

He hurriedly ran out in fear


"Do you Bian wang take mister Xing Yu as your lawful husband to have and hold through sickness and death?" the pastor softly gazed at him.

Bian shyly nodded. "I do."

"And do you Xing Yu, take mister Bian wang to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and death?" the pastor cast an expectant gaze at the alien general.

But to their surprise, the taller man was peering at the tile under his feet intensely.

"Sir?" paster softly called out to him.

Noticing his irregularity Bian gazed up. "Xing," he gently tugged his sleeve.

Even so, Xing kept gazing at the floor.

He did not know what that feeling was… suddenly he was hit with a strange sense of sadness and helplessness. His heart actually stopped for a second.

'Something is weird… something is wrong...' he frantically looked around

Unexpectedly his frantic eyes saw something.

The pendant.

The pendant on Bian's neck had lost its color. It had turned into a grey stone.

His whole body chilled.

he hurriedly yanked it off of him and caressed its crystal-like surface. "no…"

"Xing!" Bian looked up at him in shock. The necklace was torn off so rudely that it left behind huge welts on his neck. "What are you…"

His eyes fell on the grey crystal pendant. 'why did it lose its color... what does it mean?'

Bian froze over. His heartbeat picked up. "Xing… we can talk about it later. Let's continue with our ceremony." A dangerous premonition came to mind as he gazed at the grey stone. 'I have to finish this mating ceremony. If he is mated to me, he can't leave me for life!'

He gently touched Xing's hand. "Xing… don't you want to marry me?"

"He... he is gone." Xing blindly gazed at him.

From the moment he found Bian he had been having a strange unrestful feeling. But it all made sense. He was not his mate. His mate was... dead.

Rage filled his being. "Die!" he grabbed the human's delicate neck and tore it off cleanly.

The whole venue was filled with screams and gunshots.

Bian couched down, picking up his wretched head. He could feel the Jeta's power pulsing in his forehead. He tore away the human's skin to reveal a beautiful green gem that was losing its luster.

He picked it up carefully.

"What have they done to you…"

His best friend's words ran through his mind. "Two brothers…. One was human and one was mine. Why didn't I realize it..."

Why did he realize it too late?

His mate is gone.

He no longer existed in this world!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" powers exploded out of his body, shattering the whole area.

The floors caved in right under him.

He skillfully jumped into a deep, dark cell.

The green gem in his hand shone faintly floating towards a dark corner.

Dully he walked in like a string doll.

He picked up the cold body off the floor. The young man's beautiful brown eyes were still wide open, his chapped lips were smiling.

Sobs racked through him. "no…. no…. why! WHY!!!!" he gently kissed his bloody forehead. "You were so close…. So close… yet I let you die,"

"These humans… they don't deserve to live… they don't deserve to live."

His Jeda shone a cold blue and everything was destroyed.

Nothing lived.