
Chapter 1 Part 6

At the Capitol city of Balak, the chain knight stands in front of the entrance to the kings quarters. The sole survivor of Asher's slaughter.

The entrance door was twenty feet tall, made of pure gold with a ruby door handle. The door made everything in the palace look small and cheap compared to it.

The castle itself was made of pure gold with only magic knights and the kings appointed were aloud to enter.

A man in a pure white garment walked out of the entrance, approached the chain knight and said:

"The King will see you. Please make yourself presentable, Amon."

Amon stared at him with blood shot eyes and said:"I've been waiting for a week, I'm already presentable!," Amon grabbed the man in white and pushed him against the entrance,"Do you not care what happened to my squad members, Tary! We even lost our captain!"

Tary was still being held against the entrance and he said:

"The king will see you now."

Amon let go of Tary, opened the door and walked into the Kings quarters.

The Kings quarters where decked with diamonds, rubies, silver and gold every in the room was easily over a million dollars.

His Throne was made of gold with diamonds encrusted into it and the walls had paintings of every kind.

The room was an easy hundred yards long and wide. The twenty strongest knights in the whole kingdom was there in the room with the King.

The King was in better shape than most of the knights and he was handsome with long brown hair. His eyes were dark blue, with not too long or too short eyelashes. He wore a robe made of the finest clothing in all the kingdom and had his crown sitting on his head.

The King watched as Amon walked into the room and bowed himself before him.

"I'm sorry it took this long for me to get your report. We have been very busy. Now please tell of everything." The King said as Amon started to tell every thing that happened a week ago at the Kadesh Adventurer Guild.

After he was finished, one of the strongest knights yelled:

"That's absurd! One person who trained thier whole lives couldn't take down a whole squad, let alone someone who had just become an Adventurer!"

Amon looked at the person who spoke and he noticed it was Omax, the leader of the strongest knights.

Omax wore solid white armour and had a sword on his left thigh.

"It's true! Everyone said he just became an Adventurer minutes before we arrived! Even our captain, Jin, lost in one strike, he was the first to die," Amon said as tears rolled down his face,"We hit him with all of our strongest magic attacks and even Jin stabbed him in the stomach with his flaming sword but, it didn't even faze him!"

"You didn't mention that in the report!" Omax yelled as he walked towards Amon."Why didn't you mention that!"

"Because it was to painful to remember!" Amon cried as he went to his knees.

"Thank you for your report, Amon," The King said as he got up and looked at everyone before him,"Now, what shall we do about this? What do you think should be his punishment? The man who killed our people."

"That's for you to decide my Lord." Omax said as bowed his head and then looked at the Kings approval.

The King sat back down and thought about it for a minute before he had finally spoke:

"He shall he treated like the Whiskers clan and if anyone sees him they are to kill him at all costs, The king stood up and raised both hands,"Now, draw papers and release them throughout the whole kingdom and it shall read what I had told you."

After that all the knights bowed and proceeded to leave the room except for Omax.

Only Omax and the King was in the room now.

"My Lord, is it right to have everybody try to kill him," Omax looked at the King and continued,"People will die and it'll come down to my squad having to kill him."

"You have said well, Omax," The King said as started to walk out of the room ,"But, only dumb people will try and kill him. Those are the people that I don't need in my perfect Kingdom."