
Chapter 1 Part 3

What the hell is going on! What did they just say?

Did they just threaten Tabatha!

I thought about what had just happened moments ago as my blood boiled with rage.

Tabatha and I was getting ready to leave the guild when a group of magic knights walked into the guild. They stood at the entrance until someone from the twenty tables said something. They walked to the twenty tables were the adventures sat and started talking to them.

They must of called them somehow and told them Tabatha was here, is that why everyone was smiling and some laughing. I wanted to beat everyone in the guild or maybe I wanted to hurt myself for bringing Tabatha with me because if I didn't take her with me, she wouldn't be terrified or threatened. Did they come to kill Tabatha or to just take her to jail? My question was quickly answered as the magic knights stopped twenty feet in front of me and Tabatha.

I felt Tabatha cowering behind me as she clinched my shirt and terrifyingly said:"Please don't leave me."

I turned back just in time to tears falling from her eyes and onto the ground. I calmly reached out and wiped the tears from her face as one of the knights angrily spoke.

"Give us the Bitch! And we'll kill her for you!" Said a knight with black armor as he laughed.

What did they just say! As if I would just hand her over...Wait if I hand her over to them than all my problems will be solved and I can be the perfect protagonist...Yes!

I had made my decision...

I calmly answered back to the knight and said:"Take her..."

This is my decision...I had an experience when I was in my teens and that's why I am who I am now.

I don't care what anyone thinks. I'll do what I want, even if others get hurt. I only do things that will benefit me.

I could see them all smiling after what I had just said as one of the knights in solid black armor said:"That's a good kid right there."

A good kid...You have no right to say that about me, you don't even know me...I'm just like a parasite, living off something until it dies then I find another.

That all I've ever been.

I felt Tabatha quickly pull away from me. I turned around and saw the same face she made when we first met and remember my promise to myself that I would never let her make that face again.

I truly am a horrible person who can't even keep a promise to myself but there is one thing I won't go back on...Parasite or not I won't go back on this one thing.

I felt a smile come on my face as I faced Tabatha, I slowly reached out my hand and patted her head while she stood there frozen from fear as I calmly said:"Please forgive me."

I hope you'll learn to trust me even better starting now...Maybe after...Die.