
Chapter 1 Backstory

Why? Why did I take and protect someone I had just met?

I hadn't even know her for a day and yet why...Oh that's right I remember.

I could feel the warmth and coldness of what I think is my blood...Am I going to die?

Maybe if I did what I did today things would have been different for my brother...Maybe I wouldn't feel this guilt.

I thought back to the last day he was alive...

My brother had always been bullied. By classmates,friends and me.

We bullied him because we blamed him for how our class went. Everything was fine until one day he transferred into our class. Ever since he came we got more homework, our teacher was stricter and hated all of us but him.

We decided one day to get back at him for what he did to our class. We decided we would throw him into the little pond by our school.

We walked to the pond and saw him sitting there staring at the water, which he always did every day after school. Everyone thought it was weird   but, left him alone because the teacher loved him. But not today, today would be different.

We walked to him, and then three of us ran to him, me and Renji grabbed his arms while Tengi Punched him until he couldn't stand. Once he couldn't stand we threw him into the two feet deep pond.

While Tengi punched him he didn't say anything. He just had tears running down his face. He didn't even try to resist the punches.

After that I went home and from that day on he never talked to me or even looked at me unless he had too.

But that day also marked the day we all started to bully him. Day after day we would bully him. Each day would be different, one day we wrote death threats on his desk, the next we would write it on the chalkboard for the whole class to see.

Somedays when the teacher left the class we would pick up his chair and throw it on the ground then drag him out of it, just to throw him into the wall. We cleaned up our mess and put everything back together so the teacher wouldn't know anything. But what made us even more furious was that he never said anything about it to anyone, he just let us do what we wanted to.

It became a game for the whole class, who could make Julius(my brother) cry for us to stop.

Day, after day we would just get worse and our hatred grew towards Julius.

One day we threw him in a locker and he stayed their until a janitor got him out that night. He stayed there all day from eight in the morning to nine at night.

My parents thought he was out playing with friends, they didn't worry about him. He got home and ate then he went strait to bed without saying a word.

Maybe one of the worst things we did was jab a pencil into his eardrum and destroying it.

That day it started as a joke, Renji joked that if we jabbed a pencil into his ear then he would cry for us to stop.

I thought about it until it consumed me and I took action. As soon as the teacher left that day, I got up from my chair and walked over to where he sat with a pencil in my hand. He didn't notice me, as he stared out the window, I jabbed the pencil into his right ear. I watched as he screamed, I ripped the pencil from his ear as he grabbed his right ear.

I watched blood flow from his ear, I looked down at my pencil and saw blood on it too.

That didn't even faze me, in fact I loved seeing him in pain and so did the rest of the class. Seeing him in pain made the whole class happy.

He got up and ran without saying a word, we watched as he left. We rejoiced with great joy at the sight and I was regarded as the class hero.

That night at home he just stayed in his room, the following day mom said he was staying home with a fever.

At school me, Renji and Tengi plotted our next attack on my brother.

"We should bring a knife and stab him in the arm." Renji snickered as acted like his pencil was a knife playfully jabbing Tengi with it.

"Yeah right, we would get expelled for bringing a knife," Tengi said as he pushed Renji,"How about we do something that well for sure make him cry for us to stop?"

"No, we should keep this game going as long as we can." I said staring at both of them."Lets just beat him up tomorrow and lock him in a locker after."

"Okay, we'll do that." Tengi said as the teacher walked back into the room declaring class was back in session.

The next day I left home early and met up with Renji and Tangi at school. We waited in the hall by the lockers for Julius to come by. We waited for five minutes before we finally saw him. We leaped out at dragged him into an empty classroom.

We beat him there, we threw him into the chairs, we threw chairs at him and we loved it laughing at him in pain as blood fell from some of his wounds.

We decided to stop with the chairs and start punching him. Renji and Tangi held him while I punched him until he couldn't move.

By then we had a group of students from our class cheering us on as more students from our class watched as thier hearts jumped with joy.

We continued to punch him until the bells rang and we stuffed him into a locker and left his bruised and bloodied body in there.

They found him in there at lunch when a kid came to get something out of his locker and Julius fell out. He was rushed to the nurses office but he didn't utter a word.

We hated him.