
The Failure's Path: Using Anime and Mangas to Succeed in another world

A weeb's biggest wish is to live in the world of his favorite animes and manga. A shut-in depressed otaku finds himself reincarnated as a duke's son in a fantasy world. He discovers his biggest wish has come true, as he is now able to use magic, a thing he always dreamed of. Using all his knowledge of killer moves and awesome magic skills that he read about in mangas and comics during his past life, he carves his path to success and power in a world where he is deemed as a failure.

Shadowquill_ · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Once a failure, always a failure.

The following morning, I woke up to the soft light filtering through the curtains. As reality settled in, the memories of the previous night's magical experiments surged to the forefront of my mind. My fear of all of this being but a dream vanished, as I found myself being the young Emberheart yet another time.

Today, I will be meeting Miss Lysandra Aurelie for my formal magic training. The prospect of refining and expanding my magical abilities under the guidance of an experienced instructor filled me with eagerness.

As usual, Lilian greeted me after waking up and proceeded to prepare my attire for the day. After putting on my clothes, I followed her to the dining hall to have my breakfast.

The familiar faces of my family members greeted me, and the morning chatter provided a comforting backdrop.

 As I took my seat, I couldn't help but notice the absence of Lord Rosendale from the morning gathering.

"Good morning, Yvan," my father acknowledged with a warm smile. "Today marks the beginning of your formal training in both swordsmanship and magic. Are you prepared?" he asked.

"Yes, father. I am ready for the challenges ahead," I responded with determination.

The meal was a hearty affair, and conversations revolved around the day's schedule. It seemed my training sessions would be more structured moving forward, starting the day with my swordsmanship training, and meeting with Miss Lysandra later in the afternoon to study magic. 

After breakfast, I made my way to the training grounds where Lord Rosendale awaited to continue my swordsmanship training. I couldn't help but ask him about his absence during today's breakfast.

"Oh, that," he said, "I was speaking with chefs and the maids, discussing with them the specifics of your diet."

"My diet?" I asked in surprise.

"We can't have you eating too much sweets and greasy foods during your training after all." He added, laughing mockingly at my sad expression. He must've noticed my -uh, 'special interest' in sweets yesterday at breakfast….

Goodbye to all the delicious pastries and cakes…

Lord Rosendale chuckled at my apparent disappointment. He explained that maintaining a balanced and healthy diet was crucial for a noble undergoing rigorous training, and he assured me that the new meal plan would contribute to my overall well-being.

As the training started, I found myself adapting to the routine of swordplay under Lord Rosendale's guidance. The morning progressed with a mix of physical exertion and swinging my sword endlessly in the air. "You must first become familiar with holding a sword", that's what he said…

Where are the cool action-filled sparring sessions I was waiting for…?

 I reminded myself that every great swordsman had once started with the basics. With each swing of the sword, I focused on my form, internalizing the fundamental movements that would lay the foundation for more advanced techniques.

During the training, I found out that my stamina was quite weak.


The physical demands of the training took a toll on my energy, and I found myself tired sooner than I had anticipated. Lord Rosendale, noticing my struggle, emphasized the importance of building endurance in addition to mastering the technical aspects of swordplay. He then announced that we would focus more on building my stamina during the first months.

He will definitely have me running all day long, I feel it coming…

Later in the day…

As the afternoon approached, It was time to transition to magical training with Miss Lysandra. Lilian guided me to a study room where my new teacher awaited. The room was adorned with shelves of books and a comfortable study desk. Miss Lysandra, a young graceful woman with a calm demeanor, greeted me warmly as I entered.

"Oh, young master! Welcome !" she joyously said, looking up from her desk and waving at me with a warm smile. The sight of her enthusiasm instantly made the room feel more inviting.

"Good afternoon, Miss Lysandra," I greeted her respectfully.

"Well then, before starting, let me first explain what we'll be doing today," she then stood from her desk and walked to the bookshelves searching for something, "First of all, we will be determining your magical affinities with the help of this device !" Pointing at a dusty box she has just pulled out from the shelves.

Could this perhaps be….The stereotypical crystal ball that always shatters due to the protagonist's overpowered magic ?!

Oh god how much I dreamed about this moment!

She placed the dusty box on the table, and to my surprise -or rather disappointment, it wasn't a crystal ball but a peculiar-looking square-shaped device with a series of embedded crystals and a set of intricate symbols inscribed on its surface. 

"It's called an Affinity Resonator," she explained, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "This device will help us identify your magical affinities, which are the elemental connections unique to each individual."

"Affinity Resonator?" I asked in surprise. After all, I never saw such a device in all the mangas I read.

I mean, at least this world is original.

"Yes, let's see what your magical affinities are, young master," Lysandra said with a smile, " The process is simple, what you need to do is to channel a bit of your mana into the device. Then the crystals you see here will react based on your affinity to the corresponding element. Red, blue, brown, green, and yellow are crystals corresponding to fire, water, earth, wind, and light magical attributes respectively. ", she then noticed my hesitation and added: "All you have to do is to focus on channeling your mana into it. Feel the energy within you, and let it flow into the crystal. The Affinity Resonator will do the rest.", she reassured me.

People who reincarnate into other worlds with magic always have the ability to cast all the elements! It's an unspoken rule of the Isekai genre.

I can't wait to see all the crystals shining!

 I nodded.

Closing my eyes, I followed her guidance, trying to connect with the warm, flowing mana within me.

With a subtle glow, the crystals on the device started to react. Each symbol lit up in response to the unique signature of my mana. The process felt both fascinating and mysterious, like unlocking a secret part of myself.


Why do I only see two crystals shining, out of 5?

 The blue and green crystals…

"What... What is the meaning of this?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of worry. Almost as if she didn't believe the results in front of her. 

Was she disappointed? worried? scared? terrified? I couldn't tell what expressions were on her face.

"M-Miss Lysandra…is-…is there something wrong?" I inquired, her reaction worried me.

 "The Emberheart family is renowned for its mastery of fire and light magic, passed down through generations. To witness a child born without an affinity for neither…" Her concern was palpable, and it resonated with me deeply…

Lysandra's voice trailed off, leaving an unsettling silence in the room. She seemed torn between the significance of the results and their implications for my future in this household.

"If word got out, it could cause considerable trouble…both for you and for the marquis' house," she added, her tone heavy with concern.

Is this the end of my two days-long peaceful life in another world…?

I could sense the weight of expectation and the potential backlash from the revelation. The Emberheart family's reputation for fire and light magic was deeply ingrained in their identity and my apparent lack of affinity to them created a dissonance that could disrupt the established order.

"I don't understand," she continued, pacing slightly. "There had never been a case like this born into The Emberheart House."

Are magic affinities hereditary perhaps in this world?

I took a deep breath, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The revelation marked a significant departure from the family's magical heritage, and the consequences were uncertain.

"We must keep this information confidential," Lysandra declared, her eyes narrowing in determination. "Your magical affinity is a personal matter, and revealing it could bring unwanted attention and speculation. We'll find a way to navigate this delicate situation together, Yvan."

And just like that, today's session came to an abrupt end…and I was sent back to my room.

During my confinement, I took the chance to rest after today's physical training with the sword before I resumed my practice of water magic secretly in my room. It seems I started to master the simple spells, and I now feel somewhat familiar with my mana and how to use it to cast spells. 

Before I knew it, I was already soundly asleep on my bed- for the first time in a while.

When I woke up after a rough sleep, the night was quiet, and the events of the day lingered in my mind. As I lay in bed, contemplating the implications of my unusual magical affinity, an unexpected outburst shattered the calm.

"Why can't the boy wield fire magic?" he angrily shouts, thinking his whispers never left the confines of his room.

"Dear! Please calm down!" my mother desperately requests, perhaps afraid the voices would reach me.

"What good is he to the Emberheart name if he can't carry on our legacy?" My father's frustration echoed in the hallway.

"He is still our son, dear. His worth extends beyond his magical affinity," my mother argued, her voice filled with loyal affection.

My father, Maximillian, responded with frustration evident in his tone, "Guinevere, this is a stain on our family's honor! How can we face our peers and rivals when our own son lacks the essence of our identity?" 

The gravity of their words bore down on me. I felt like an intruder in this family's lineage. The family's reputation and standing in the noble hierarchy were at stake, and I had become an unwanted source of discord.

So I am a failure in this world too huh?...

"Ugh- this sa-and getting in m-my ey-es…so annoying"

….they were tears.

"We must find a way to conceal this truth. Please, I implore you" my mother sincerely requests.

Why did I have to be born without a damn affinity to these elements? 

Would I ever be able to live up to the expectations of my family?

Will this life be another hell?


Ah, let me just face it; 

In this life too….

I am a failure.

I'd appreciate it if you would show some support for my main novel too: Agent Hollow: Voidsent.


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