
The Failure's Path: Using Anime and Mangas to Succeed in another world

A weeb's biggest wish is to live in the world of his favorite animes and manga. A shut-in depressed otaku finds himself reincarnated as a duke's son in a fantasy world. He discovers his biggest wish has come true, as he is now able to use magic, a thing he always dreamed of. Using all his knowledge of killer moves and awesome magic skills that he read about in mangas and comics during his past life, he carves his path to success and power in a world where he is deemed as a failure.

Shadowquill_ · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

A World of Magic and Swords!

"Sir Yvan! Sir Yvan! wake up!" shouted an unfamiliar feminine voice.

It seems I overslept after staying up late reading that manga yesterday…-or so I thought at first. I felt disoriented, as if I were emerging from a foggy dream. My eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden brightness that surrounded me. The last thing I remembered was the quiet night in my room, and now, I was somewhere…entirely different? 

The air was fragrant with an unfamiliar sweetness, and as I blinked, the image before me shifted, revealing a room adorned with opulent furnishings and colorful tapestries. My eyes fluttered open to a world vastly different from the one I'd fallen asleep in. Gone were the familiar surroundings of my quiet bedroom; instead, I found myself lying on a bed draped in rich, embroidered fabrics. 

Where on earth am I?

To my left was the source of the voice—a young woman with striking violet eyes and long, flowing silver hair. She wore a maid outfit, the same one ever so popular in anime and manga! Did I by any chance end up in some cosplay convention?

 As I tried to make sense of my surroundings, I noticed something peculiar. My body felt different, lighter, and when I moved, I realized I was shorter than usual. Glancing down, I saw small hands and a frame that seemed much younger. "What... what happened to me?" I stammered, my voice now higher-pitched and filled with a mix of confusion and disbelief. The realization that I was no longer my former self left me questioning the very nature of my existence. 

"Sir Yvan? Is there something wrong?" asked the maid-dressed girl in the room.

I gathered my thoughts, realizing that my predicament was beyond the scope of ordinary understanding. 

"Uh, yes, there's something... strange," I muttered, my voice betraying my unease.

She looked at me with concern, her violet eyes searching mine for an explanation. 

"What can I do for you, Sir Yvan?"

"Could you... bring me a mirror?" I hesitated, a mix of curiosity and trepidation filling me.

The girl nodded, quickly fetching a mirror from a nearby vanity. As she handed it to me, I couldn't help but gasp at the reflection staring back. The face was undeniably mine, but it belonged to a younger version— a handsome, rich-looking boy with light blond hair cascading neatly and shiny orange eyes that seemed to hold a certain sparkle.

I blinked in disbelief, running a hand through my hair and scrutinizing the features. It was a far cry from my previous self, and the realization hit me – I was no longer the person I used to be. The reflection showed a boy on the cusp of adolescence, his features exuding an air of refinement and affluence.


A wave of excitement washed over me as I looked at my transformed reflection in the mirror. 

"Could it be... I reincarnated in another world?" The thought echoed with the familiarity of countless isekai mangas and anime series I had devoured in my previous life.

A grin spread across my face as the thrill of the idea sank in. This wasn't a dream or a cosplay event; I was living the isekai fantasy I had often daydreamed about. The anticipation and wonder of the possibilities ahead filled me with a newfound energy. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

All the grayness that shrouded my existence before vanished, revealing, at my newfound spark of excitement, a vibrant colorful world of never-seen-before beauty! 

Is this what living is supposed to feel like?

I marveled at the transformation, feeling a surge of gratitude for the unexpected turn of events. As I took in the beauty around me, the thought lingered – perhaps this is the beginning of a story I've always yearned for, a tale where I could be the protagonist of my own vibrant and extraordinary adventure!

"Sir Yvan, is everything fine? You risk being late for the family breakfast if we stay in your room any further!"spoke the young maid that was standing next to my bed.

"The family breakfast?" I asked in confusion. 

After all, if i did reincarnate, i need to collect as much information as i can in order to fit in and not give rise to any unnecessary suspicions around me.

"Oh, did you perhaps forget?" she gasped in surprise. "Lord Edmund Rosendale is visiting today in regards to your training in swordfighting" she said in visible disappointment.

"Lord Edmund Rosendale?" I wondered.

"Yes, a distant uncle of yours sir Yvan" she answered.

So that must've been why it was called a "family breakfast" I assume. More importantly, I am getting a training in swordfighting! Could this get any better?! 

My long awaited fantasy dream is finally coming true! 

I quickly hopped off the bed, eager to embrace the adventures awaiting me. The young maid handed me a set of clothes suitable for the occasion—a wealthy person's attire, rich in detail and craftsmanship. 

As I suspected, this boy I reincarnated into must either be a noble or an aristocrat. While I was changing into the regal garments, I couldn't help but marvel at the intricacies of the design, a stark contrast to the casual clothing of my former life.

I also took the opportunity to examine my room and its different unique decorations, but what piqued my interest the most was a family photo, showing both me and my parents, along with what could be my older brother and my younger baby sister. Assuming this photo could be at least 5 years old judging from my appearance in it, my older brother should currently be around 19 years old and my younger sister should be around 5 or 6. Such a contrast to the life I led as an only child in my past life.

Ah! I can now remember my full name, Yvan Emberheart de Möntéclair, the son of marquis Maximillian de Möntéclair. Which means I am a noble! 

I won the lottery!

Additionally, the girl's name is Lilian, she is my personal maid who has been taking care of my needs for the last 4 years. 

Once dressed, I followed Lilian through the enchanting corridors of the mansion, each step echoing with a sense of grandeur and history deeply rooted in nobility. As we approached the dining hall, the aroma of a lavish breakfast filled the air, and my stomach couldn't help but growl in anticipation.

Upon entering the large room, I found myself surrounded by opulence. The long table was adorned with fine silverware, and an array of delectable dishes that seemed to rival the feasts depicted in my favorite fantasy tales. 

The family gathered around the table consisted of my father Maximillian Emberheart de Möntéclair, a distinguished marquis, who possesses an air of regal elegance that commands respect in every room he enters. His long, flowing blond hair, reminiscent of golden strands catching the sunlight, cascades down his broad shoulders. Fierce blue eyes, piercing and filled with an unwavering intensity, exude both authority and wisdom. A majestic beard, carefully groomed, adds to the aura of sophistication that surrounds him. It frames his strong jawline, a symbol of his resilience and strength. With every movement, there's a grace that hints at both his noble lineage and his martial prowess. Maximillian's stature is imposing, standing tall and proud, with a presence that demands attention. His attire, adorned with intricate details and the crest of the Möntéclair family, speaks volumes about his status as a marquis. To his right was my mother, named Guinevere, who carries an air of natural grace and simplicity. Her orange hair flows down in loose waves, reminiscent of a warm sunset, framing her face with a touch of vibrancy. The same hue reflects in her shiny orange eyes, mirroring the warmth and kindness within. In her movements, there's an easy elegance, a quiet assurance that speaks of inner peace. Guinevere's attire, adorned with subtle details, complements rather than overshadows her natural beauty. To my father's left was sitting who I assume to be lord Edmund Rosendale, our distinguished guest of today's breakfast. His once-vibrant hair has gracefully surrendered to the passage of time, now adorned with shades of silver and gray. Despite the changes, there's an undeniable elegance to the way it frames his face. His azure blue eyes, sharp and perceptive, tell tales of a life filled with valor and wisdom. Dressed in attire befitting his noble background, Lord Edmund carries himself with the residual grace of a seasoned warrior. A well-kept beard, touched by hints of silver, adds a touch of distinguished charm to his countenance. He is apparently a retired royal knight that served at the palace as the king's guard.

"Yvan, join us," my father gestured with a welcoming smile, breaking the brief silence that followed my entrance.

I complied, settling into the seat next to my mother. Lord Edmund turned his attention toward me, his azure blue eyes assessing me with a hint of curiosity. 

"Ah, the young Möntéclair. Good morning, Yvan," he greeted, his voice carrying the weight of authority softened by a warm undertone.

"Good morning, Lord Rosendale," I replied, a touch of formality in my response. Despite being a distinguished guest, there was an air of familiarity in the way he carried himself, as if he were a cherished member of the Möntéclair household.

The breakfast continued with a blend of lighthearted banter and discussions about the day's activities. I observed the dynamics between my parents and Lord Edmund, realizing the depth of their connection that went beyond mere camaraderie. While calmly following their chatter, I took the opportunity to sample this great array of dishes that were laid in front of me. A Wide set of pastries, different kinds of juices, bread, butter, honey and distinct types of jam. A buffet I have never experienced in my past life. I marveled at the flavors, savoring each bite as if it were a delicacy from a faraway land. 

What a blessing to be rich!

Lord Rosendale noticed my excitement as I was devouring the pastries, and seized the opportunity to shift the conversation towards my training. "Sir Yvan," he began, his voice carrying a blend of authority and genuine interest, "About your training in swordfighting, it is a crucial aspect of your noble upbringing, a skill that will serve you well in the years to come."

I nodded eagerly, my mouth still tingling with the sweetness of the pastries. "Yes, Lord Rosendale. I am eager to begin my training. It's an honor to learn from someone with your experience."

"Thank you again, Sir Rosendale for agreeing to train our son." Added my father, showing his gratitude to our guest. "It is my honor to train your second son as well marquis!"

Oh? 'Second son' he says? So that means he trained my older brother as well. This realization has added a new layer of curiosity to my growing understanding of the Möntéclair family dynamics.

"Well then, Yvan, we will be starting this afternoon" said Lord Rosendale with a serious tone.

"Understood!" I answered in excitement, I can't wait to wield a sword for the first time!

"I will have my servants make the necessary preparations, sir Edmund, please make yourself at home." added my father, extending hospitality to our guest.

As the breakfast officially came to an end, the clinking of cutlery ceased, and the family members began to disperse. My father and Lord Rosendale engaged in a more private conversation, leaving me with a sense of anticipation for the afternoon's training.

However, as the servants cleared the table, a question lingered in my mind. Where were my siblings, and why hadn't they attended this family gathering?

I shall ask Lilian about this matter later!

Now, for the thing I awaited the most; finding out if this world has magic or not! Our next destination; the mansion's library!

Realizing I needed guidance to navigate the vast mansion and find the library, I decided to seek out Lilian, my trusted maid. I left the dining room and strolled through the grand corridors, the opulence of the Emberheart mansion still feeling somewhat unfamiliar.

After a brief search, I found Lilian attending to her duties in one of the hallways. Her eyes lit up as she noticed me approaching.

"Sir Yvan, is there anything you need?" she inquired.

"Yes, Lilian. I was hoping you could assist me in finding the mansion's library. I'm looking for a book actually." I explained, eager to find whatever trace of magic in this newfound world.

Her expression shifted to one of warmth and understanding. "Of course, Sir Yvan. Follow me, and I'll show you the way to the library." Then she added, "What is the book you're looking for sir Yvan?".

"Oh, I was hoping to find something about ... .magic." I hesitated, after all, I could sound like a crazy guy if magic doesn't exist in this world.

"Magic?" She asked in a surprised yet confused tone.

"Yes…." I hesitated even more.

"But all the books about magic in the library are below your level, sir Yvan, first-intermediate class at best," she answered.

My heart skipped a beat, and a grin spread across my face. Magic existed in this world! The sheer confirmation of its existence filled me with overwhelming gratitude and absolute excitement.

"That's fine, Lilian, I only wish to confirm something," I replied with a bluff. I actually wish to learn magic and manipulate it, as I have no memory whatsoever about anything related to it.

Lilian nodded at my reply, and continued guiding me across the long halls of the mansion. I followed her through the grand corridors, anticipation building with each step.

Lilian and I finally arrived at the library, its grand doors standing as a portal to a world of untold stories and ancient wisdom. The scent of aged parchment and paper, along with the hushed whispers of knowledge enveloped us as we stepped inside.

The library, with its towering shelves, held countless volumes that seemed to beckon with the promise of secrets waiting to be discovered. The librarian, an elderly figure with a pair of glasses perched on her nose, looked up from her desk and greeted us with a nod.

"Welcome, Sir Yvan. How may I assist you today?" the librarian inquired, her eyes glinting with curiosity.

"I am looking for some books about magic." I answered.

"Oh, oh, it's fine Mrs. Beatrice! I will show him the magic section," panicked Lilian, perhaps due to the old woman's age.

"Thank you Lilian, please continue to take care of our young master." Smiled the librarian addressing Lilian with a tone of warmth and kindness.

"Yes!" answered Lilian in joy.

With Lilian leading the way, I followed her towards the magic section of the library. The shelves seemed to hold the promise of arcane knowledge, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of diving into the world of magic that awaited me. As we reached the designated section, Lilian gestured toward the array of books that lined the shelves. 

"Here we are, Sir Yvan. Feel free to explore, and if you need any assistance, I'll be nearby."

"Thank you, Lilian," I expressed my gratitude as I started browsing the titles. 

Before long, I noticed a book titled "Beginner's guide to magic". The perfect book to start my learning!

I grab the book and head to a nearby table. As I sat, I couldn't help but gasp at how even a forgotten table in the library is well adorned and furnished. This family's wealth must be beyond my wildest imagination.

I opened the book, and began reading its first pages. Such a long awaited dream, a heaven come true for any isekai lover!

As I read further, my speculation about the fundamental properties of magic in this world was confirmed. Magic here had two crucial aspects: attributes and types. Attributes were linked to elemental affinities: water, fire, earth, wind, and light as the main elements. Types, on the other hand, categorized magic into offensive, defensive, healing, supporting, utility, and more. Each individual has the potential to wield various types of magic, but their magic attribute is determined at birth based on their affinity to one of the elements.

The book also shed light on the hierarchical structure of mages, from beginners to advanced, and the rare Master Mages who either serve as imperial mages serving directly under the ruler, or seclude themselves in research towers.

Intriguingly, the guide explained the process of casting magic; you must first channel your inner mana, manipulate it by having an image of the spell you're casting, then pronounce the activation words. Additionally, stronger spells need a long incantation to be activated. The book also provides a selection of basic spells for practice.

Now let me try my hands at some basic spell, ah, how about conjuring a small flame. On second thought, that sounds like a bad idea since I'm in a place filled with books that burn easily. I found the perfect spell; conjuring a small ball of water!

First of all, channel my mana…I don't know how to do that though…

What a disappointment.

"Mrs Beatrice" I called.

"Yes, young master?" she replies promptly.

"I will take this book to my room, will there be no problem?" I inquired.

"Of course not, young master, please make sure to return it after you've completed your reading though!" She added.

"Absolutely!" I affirmed as I quit the room. It seems I need more time to figure out how to use magic after all. I should probably finish reading the book later, hoping it mentions something about how to properly channel your mana. For the time being, I will go to my room and prepare for my training.

Noon is approaching.