
The true rumors

*Gets to dorm* "Today was wierd huh Kay." Kay turns and nods. Tyson pats Kay on the head, "It's ok to like a boy don't worry your not the only one." Bryan turns, "HEY STOP THAT IM NOT I TOLD YOU!" Tyson turns, "You're not what?" Bryan kicks off his shoe and throws it at Tysons face.

Meanwhile Kay is watching and eating food. "You know the deadliest weapon is my foot. Wanna know why?" Tyson looks at him with a dumb face, "You know the deadliest weapon is Kays head. Wanna know why?" Kay drops food, "I'm gonna go I don't want my head up his ass. Bye guys!"

*Sits down* "Finally some piece and quiet."

*Tyson and Bryan run out of the dorm chasing each other with shoes and yelling* "And that peace just left ok." Kay then sees Tyler ( the guy that gave him the letter in class), "Yo! Tyler!" Tyler turns, "Oh..." Kay runs and jumps on his shoulders, "What are you doing?" Tyler turns, "I was watching a video." Kay looks at his hair, "Hm... Something doesn't look right."

*Tyson and Bryan stop and start looking at Kay* "Oh I think we are witnessing a tragic man trying to flirt." Tysons jaw drops, "Hey! Stop that he's in love with Chewbacca!" Bryan looks at Tyler, "Hey! You know he sh*t his pants last week in front of us?"

*Kay turns around and starts walking away with his head down.* "Did we say something wrong?" Tyson looks at him 'you dumb piece of sh*t.' Bryan stares at Tyson 'what?' Tyson slaps Bryan in the face then starts running.

Meanwhile Kay is walking alone thinking of all the embarrassing stories he has of Bryan. "Hehehe, he thinks he can embarrass me, you truly underestimate... Best friend."

*The next day* Kay casually walking around, "Oh did you guys know Bryan drank piss before. hmm, when was this? Oh yea this was a week ago." Bryan turns, "HEY WE SAID WE WOULDN"T TALK ABOUT THAT!" Tyson looks at Bryan, "You're truly stupid. Now they know it's true your reaction confirmed you drank..." Bryan covers Tysons mouth, "Hahahaha, what? No I didn't." The class even the teacher looks at him with a dumb look that tyson uses all the time.

What do you guys think so far? Comment and let me know!

Kay_kaysubcreators' thoughts