
Eyes on hills

Aarav went to search for water, But he couldn't find anything. He was a bit nervous about thinking that he left neethi alone. So he decided to go back. But he saw Neethi in a fainted state.

He tried to wake her up but to no avail. Suddenly It's started raining. Neethi woke up finally. Suddenly, they could hear a drowning noise that sounded like someone breathing, but very loud for it to be a person breathing, they looked around and to their horror realized it was the hill. As they turned and looked at that hill, they witnessed two big pairs of eyes slowly opening on the hill, as if it was alive.

They were stunned, looking at those eyes. They got scared. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Suddenly that eye blinked looking at them. Neethi started crying. They both ran from that place to hide somewhere. But they couldn't escape from that place. The breathing sound kept increasing as if the hill itself was angry. They feared too much. They didn't know what to do. As they were running, a boy appeared out of nowhere and helped them to escape from that place. He dragged them inside a temple. They couldn't hear the breathing sound anymore. They were still in shock. Neethi suddenly fainted in fear. Aarav thanked that guy who helped them. But they didn't understand who this person was and what he was doing in a creepy place like this.

"Thank you for helping us. Who are you? What are you doing in this place?"Aarav asked that guy. That guy replied, "I am Sai and I've been trapped in this place for years". Aarav was shocked to hear that he has been trapped in this place for years. Then he started to think about how he came to this place. He still couldn't remember anything. But maybe if he asked Sai, he might know how this might have happened.

"Sai may I know how you got trapped in this place? Did you try to escape? How did you manage to survive for so many years, Is there a way to get some food and water? We have so many questions"

Then Sai started telling his story of how he got stuck in this place and how he managed to survive in this creepy place.