
Chapter I: My bestfriend

After a long time. Kristan finally send her a chat message. Sophie was thrilled to get in touch with him. The next morning she invited him to their house. She was thinking this was the best time for everything.

     "Hey, It's been a while since our high school graduation," he giggled in front of the phones-front camera.

     "How are you? Why You've never called and texted since then?!" She dramatically asked.

     "I don't have much time before-"

     "Is that so? By the way, come to our house today. We have so much to talk about!"

     "-Sure, ill be there in few minutes!"

Kristan waved for a taxi and went to sophies given address. He was astonished by the giant gate and the house itself. His jaws are dropping because of the state-of-the-art mid-western mansion style.

     "Are you already here?"

     "I'm at your gate-"

     "Perfect! Just wait for me. I'll be there in a minute!"

     "-I just couldn't believe, how successful you are right now!" The structure of the mansion thrilled him.

She was walking elegantly through the gate and greeted Kristan while talking to him on the smartphone. He was vulgarly taking pictures of the property.

     "It's no big deal." She combed her silky hair with her hands while portraying a beautiful smile.

She toured him around their entire house. He took some pictures of every scenic view of the mansion. He was like a child who have been brought to a theme park with his mother because of his astonishment.

     "Wow, what a promising garden!" He took a beautiful shot at the plant.

     "Next we're going to our pool area."

     "Can I make a plunged-"

     "Sure, suit yourself," she said. while sprinkling some liquid on the plants.

     "-in my next visit... Maybe."

After going into the garden, Sophie toured him next to their giant pool. He dipped his two hands in the crystal clear blue water. Sophie sat on the poolside while staring at him.

     "Now, let's eat. It's almost lunchtime!" She glances at her Rolex watch.

     "I'm still full!" His stomach was roaring like a dinosaur.

     "Are you sure?!" She was doubtedly asked while crossing her arms.

Sophie glared at him. They walked through the bricked pathway directly to the kitchen.

She prepared the frying pan and slices of bacon, egg, Red tea, and sandwiches. She opens the chinaware and cleanses it.

     "I see... You're full. why your stomach was growling? Same old—Kristan, eh!"

     "I'm okay I'm just being shy... Look at you now!" He giggles while opening unread messages.

     "No, sit there... In the chair at the right!" She insisted while gesturing with a silver spatula.

She started cooking while Kristan watched her. The fragrance of the bacon spreads everywhere. A Soaking wet man comes out of one of the rooms.

     "Hmmm... Smells great!" he sniffed while whistling into the kitchen.

     "Of course... How about you?"

     "Today is the start of the bulking season," he sat on the left side of the table while answering.

     "I see. That's why you've smelled so horrible!"

     "Horrible—I thought, you like this smell?" He walked through her and lift his thick arms.

     "Ugh—get some shower!"

She finished cooking and set aside the dishes in the elegant tray. She places the ceramic plates, drinking glass, silver spoons, and pitcher, on the tray. She set aside the food tray in the middle of the table.

     "Let's dig in-"

     "Uh, uh, Before we eat, Take a shower first!" She glared while pointing a fork toward him.

     "-fine. Don't start without me!"

Johnny rises from his seat and walked through and descends upstairs into their bedroom. Kristan asked her best friend a million questions about the man.

     "Who is he? Is he your brother? Your cousin? he's like a superhero!" He speaks with his lowest voice.

     "Oh, yeah... I've forgotten to introduce him—"

     "Showers done... Let's eat shall we?"

     "—Okay, let's eat." She serves the bacon at Kristan.

Johnny was glancing at him while Sophie was refilling the red tea in the fridge. Kristan suddenly caught Johnnys making stares. His smiles toward Kristan were interrupted when Sophie seats back in her chair.

     "Sophie, who is he—"

      "Do you want some more dear—"

      "Yes please."

      "—Here... Dear—what is it, Kristan?"

      "—No... Nothing... Maybe, later!"

      "Alright... Eat as much as you want," she said while serving some eggs to him.

The silence was broken when Sophie stated something about why she invited Kristan into their house.  He leaned on the chair while listening to her thoroughly.

     "I know... You're dying to know—Whos Johnny in my life?" while she was looking at him.

     "Not exactly... I'm just curious." He glanced at Johnny.

     "Well, he's my husband!" She kissed him on his cheek.

     "Wow, congratulations to both of you!" He makes a round of applause towards them.

     "Thank you but that wasn't the main reason why I called you... I've thought this for years and years—"

     "What is it?"

     "—I want to say... I'm sorry!" She dramatically expressed towards Kristan.

Kristan takes a deep breath. He spun his eyes and thought of something like some cars was running into his mind before he spoke. He looked at her marble eyes and began to speak.

     "I've  forgiven you—"

     "Whats the main reason for all of this honey—"

      "Way back five years ago... I've stolen his boyfriend—I'm jealous of him!"

     "—Why did you do that!?" He slammed the table and asked.

     "—It's alright johnny. I've forgiven her!" He stared at Johnnys Sapphire's eyes.

     "Thank you, Kristan. You truly are my best friend... After what I've done to you?!" Her eyes become flooded with tears.

She rises from her seat and walked toward Kristan. She gave him a warm embrace that melts kristans heart. He becomes a bit emotional for a fleeting time.

     "Let us start all over again? Friends forever!"

     "Yup!" He nodded when suddenly his smartphone beeped.

     "Enough, dramas... You two. It annoy me!" He abruptly stopped the moment.

      "I should go. The company texted me... Works waiting for me at the office!" He briefly explained.

Johnny escorts him through their gates and called for a taxi. Suddenly Kristan was captivated by johnnys perfect smile. Taxi honks at him numerous times, and he immediately hopped in and the taxis rolled out and heads into the facific century tower.