

Alex Rockefeller is a son in law of the Assex family. He is bullied by his in laws because he is a poor person. But this changed when he received his father's gift. He found out he was a billionaire. Alex worked hard to be strong for his loved ones.

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Chapter 716

Chapter 716

For a moment, Alex did not want to walk up to them. He just wanted to turn around and walk off, as if they did not know Alex.

However, Phoebe was already waving at him. "Rockefeller brat, quickly come over. What are you doing standing over there?"

When her cousin turned around and saw Alex, she instantly frowned. Afterwards, she had her mouth agape.

"No way? Cousin, how do you know this scum?" The woman said right away.

"What scum? Judy, don't spew nonsense," said Phoebe instantly as she was confused.

"That's him, that's the scum that I told you on the phone earlier. I don't know which woman he was colluding with to cheat on his girlfriend. He had an affair with his girlfriend's best friend. Is he still not a scum?"

She was quite loud and immediately attracted a crowd of onlookers.

Phoebe was terrified to the core.