

Alex Rockefeller is a son in law of the Assex family. He is bullied by his in laws because he is a poor person. But this changed when he received his father's gift. He found out he was a billionaire. Alex worked hard to be strong for his loved ones.

DaoistiWcaVj · Urbain
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783 Chs

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

At this moment, the transsexual woman's belly had reached its limit. Her belly was as large as a bamboo basket.

Due to the overstretching of the skin in a short period, some of the blood capillaries expanded, and bloody spots appeared beneath the skin. Her entire belly was oily and shiny.

Perhaps, because this person had been getting estrogen injections since she was a kid, her skin really was delicate. She was even more feminine than normal women. Unfortunately, as a transsexual woman, she still had a large penis under her clothes… It still wa rded off everyone!

Now, this transsexual woman was in great pain.

Earlier, she had personally witnessed someone committing suicide by jumping off the building. That was why she had temporarily forgotten about her pain and was in a dizzy state. Now, she had come back to her senses. Immediately, she started shouting in pain.