

Alex Rockefeller is a son in law of the Assex family. He is bullied by his in laws because he is a poor person. But this changed when he received his father's gift. He found out he was a billionaire. Alex worked hard to be strong for his loved ones.

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Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Come out and face your death, Come out and face your death, Come out and face your death…"

The Stoermers' manor was too large, it was open yet boundless. There was even a mini bridge with water flowing inside, surrounded by fake mountains.

Weiner's loud roar was like rumbling thunder, spreading thousands of miles. There were even echoes. Not only could all the Stoermers within the manor hear it, but anyone outside the Stoermers' manor within a radius of ten miles could notice his voice as well.

However, there was no response in the Stoermers' manor at all. It was dead silent, as if no one was inside.

"Big Bro, did all the Stoermers of Michigan run off after getting the news that we're coming?" The one who spoke was the second son of the Stoermer family, Ivan Stoermer. He was an Intermediate-Earth ranked fighter.

"We'll know if we go and check it out ourselves," The third son, Finn Stoermer, said nonchalantly.