

Alex Rockefeller is a son in law of the Assex family. He is bullied by his in laws because he is a poor person. But this changed when he received his father's gift. He found out he was a billionaire. Alex worked hard to be strong for his loved ones.

DaoistiWcaVj · Urbain
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Chapter 391

Chapter 391

The woman didn't expect that someone would dare to grab her hands like that. Her fierce face turned to look at Alex and she struggled hard. However, Alex's grip was as firm as vise. No

matter how much strength she exerted, she couldn't break free of his grip. She furiously said, "You mongrel, where did trash like you come out from? How dare you come over and


Let go of me, otherwise I promise that you won't even have this hand after this, and you can only

wipe your *ss with your left hand for the rest of your life." Alex nodded. "I'll fulfill your request." He pressed down lightly in the next moment, and the woman's wrist cracked and snapped in the opposite

direction. "Ahhhh!" The woman jumped and screamed. "It's broken, my wrist is broken!" The onlookers watching the scene were shocked. Earlier, they were worried that a young man who stood up to

injustice like Alex might be beaten up badly by the two bodyguards, and he would never dare to act heroically