
The Extra of the Exorcist Academy

An Extra? A Magician? An apprentice Exorcist? A brother? A murderer? Who is he? No one truly knows. He only wants to join the most prestigious Academy of Exorcists and he is indeed an Extra among the Elites. The only problem, is that he's possessed... ...and by Villains! ---- *The Cover ain't mine, don't report me to the police I will change it if you show yourself dear artist unless it's AI, I won't care :) *I ain't either Shakespeare, bear with it *My mum always taught me to reply in kind and equal everything given to me including bad things, so sorry in advance :( *2+2=5 *The Mc isn't edgy and starts off very human like any of you bums so don't whin around if he doesn't kill around right away

ChadLord · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs


"N–No way…"


I fell to my knees, all strength draining from my body.

The building in front of me didn't look at all like a venue for a Practical Exam. It was adorned with gaudy pink lights, resembling a small, tacky hotel. Above the entrance, a neon sign blinked: [Pink Lady].

I watched as a stream of men, ranging from boys my age to the elderly, entered through the doors. Women in revealing, flashy dresses welcomed them with seductive smiles, running their hands over the men's bodies and whispering things I didn't want to hear.

"N—No, there has…has to be a mistake," I muttered, glancing again at my right arm.

She lied.

I had memorized what Ariel had written down, and despite washing myself twice since then, the ink hadn't faded.

'Pink Lady Hall ♡' was written in bold letters, the heart seeming like a playful addition. Below, there were directions.

She tricked you.

"No, it can't be…" Desperation creeping in, I approached a man about to enter the building. "Excuse me, please."

"What? Don't you see I'm in a hurry?" He snapped.

Hurry to fool around at your age, old man?!

Make him pay.

That voice again?!

I bit back my frustration and showed him my arm. "Please, I'm just looking for this address."

The elderly man clicked his tongue, then glanced at my arm. A smirk spread across his lips. "Are you joking, kid? You've already found it," he said, pointing to the pink building.

"Not at all! O–Okay, listen," I grasped his arm, panic rising. "I'm a candidate for the Emberia Academy. I have a practical exam today, and someone gave me this address as the location. Is there another place with a similar name? Please, tell me."

The man's smirk widened. "No, kid. This is the only Pink Lady around here. Nice attempt at hiding though I ain't believing you. Just enter with me if you want."


"D–Don't screw with me!" I hardened my grasp, infuriating to whom I didn't even know.

"Get your dirty hand off me brat!"

"Sorry but please…" I felt time slipping away as I nearly begged. "There must be some mistake. Is there any other place, perhaps nearby?"

He shook his head. "Nope. This is it. Good luck with your 'Exam,' kid," he chuckled, pulling away.

Despair and confusion gnawed at me. Was this some cruel joke? Had Ariel misled me? I glanced at the pink building again, trying to make sense of it all.

Kill her.

"What—what are you saying? I'm going insane," I muttered, holding my head with a desperate expression.

I was hearing voices inside me.

Different ones. 


I couldn't give up now. I had to find the right location. The exam was too important.

I glanced at my watch.

I had half an hour left.

I quickly rushed out of the seedy street, my heart pounding in my chest.

I should have known...

The people I had asked for directions earlier had looked at me with disgust. I thought it was because of my clothes, but—

I bit my lip and dashed into the road as soon as I spotted a cab.

"P-PLEASE!!" I waved my Emberia Academy Card.

Fortunately, the driver nodded and let me in.

I was grateful he didn't whine like the man yesterday and quickly understood what I needed.

I gave him the address of the first hall I had visited yesterday. It was a building borrowed by Emberia for the registration process, and I hoped to find someone there who could direct me to the correct location.

Fifteen minutes left.

The cab sped through the streets, weaving in and out of traffic. My heart pounded with every passing second. I couldn't afford to miss this exam. It was my one chance to prove myself, to honor Clay's memory, and to make my sister-in-law and Amy proud.

As we approached the familiar building, I could see people milling around—students but they were different from yesterday. These ones were already wearing uniforms of the Academy and seemed a year or two older than me.

"Thank you!" I shouted to the driver as I handed him the fare and jumped out of the cab.

I sprinted toward the entrance, scanning the crowd for anyone who looked like they could help. 

Screw it!

I don't have any time to pick just for a question!

"Excuse me!" I called out, breathless, to the first man I saw. "I'm supposed to be at a practical exam, but I was given the wrong address. Can you help me—ugh!"

Before I could finish my words, I felt a strong push from my side and fell on my butt.

"How dare you..."

I looked up and saw a man, tall and muscular, glaring down at me with such hatred that I wondered what I had done to him.

"W-Wait, please, I am just looking for the—aghnnn!!"

I groaned in pain as he kicked me straight in the stomach.

What... why?

I clutched my stomach, coughing weakly. I was only asking a question; why did he hit me?

I weakly reached out my Emberia Card and showed it to him. "I-I am a candidate... please, I just want—"

"Hah?" The man snatched the card from my grasp and examined it before bursting into loud laughter. His laughter was loud enough to draw the attention of other students around us.

I awkwardly stood up, clutching my stomach and wincing in pain, not understanding what was happening.

"A Trip Fees Card, no doubt. He's a country bumpkin from the farthest border, guys," he said loudly.

As soon as the words left his mouth, a chorus of laughter rang out around me. Through my blurry vision, their faces seemed twisted with amusement as they mocked me with all kinds of insults, but the one word I heard most often was "peasant."

I turned toward the first man I had asked, who looked more noble than the others. Despite the humiliation, I desperately needed to know.

"Please, I—I," I coughed into my arm before continuing. "I just need the address where the Practical Entrance Exams for the first years are being held... please." I bowed my head slightly.

"Wilson, give me that dirty card," the noble-looking man ordered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Wilson, the one who had kicked me, smirked and handed him the card.

The noble looked at me with a sneer before snapping the card in half with his fingers in less than a second. My eyes widened in shock as I watched the two halves of my Emberia Academy card fall to the ground.

I reached out instinctively, but before I could grab the pieces, a black shoe stomped down on my hand, crushing it against the pavement.

I grunted in pain, kneeling on the ground with the weight of his shoe pressing down on my hand.


Shut up, please...

You let them down once more.

I gritted my teeth, feeling tears welling up. Alice had given up so much after Clay's death, using the money meant for her and Amy to support me. She trusted me, believed in me, and yet here I was, on the verge of missing my exam because I had naively trusted a girl's directions because she was beautiful. And now, I had naively thought I would find help here.

The laughter around me only deepened my despair.

What could I do? I couldn't even talk back. These nobles had the power to end my life and make Alice's and Amy's lives even worse.

Are there not even a single good hearted person here to help me?

I looked around me for help but no one had a desire to help me. Most of them were amused by the situation.

Do I have to just shut up?

...and let things go like this?

Tell me.

That voice.

I know someone is with me!

So tell me!!!

"Have you had enough fun, Andrew?"

The soft yet stern voice of a woman cut through the air. Andrew, who was stepping on my hand, turned around, giving me a clear view of the newcomer. Her beauty was striking, rivaling Ariel's, but there was something different about her.

"Mavis, have you registered already for next year? Let's do our best again this second year together," Andrew chuckled.

Mavis, with hair the color of a beautiful shade of chestnut brown, ignored Andrew and looked directly at me with her intense hazel-gold eyes. I shivered under her gaze, not used to such a piercing look from any woman before. I quickly averted my eyes, not wanting to repeat my mistake with Ariel, who had betrayed me with her beauty and false kindness.

"You're looking for the practical exams?" She asked suddenly.

I hesitated, unsure if I could trust her so I kept my lips shut.

"They're being held at the Emberia Training Grounds, not here," she stated.

Her words sounded genuine, and hope flickered within me. I raised my gaze to meet hers.

"Where—where is that?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"It's near the campus, a little away. You'd better hurry," Mavis said before turning to leave.

"T–Thank you!" I slipped my hand away from Andrew's now lax foot and quickly grabbed the two pieces of my broken card, shoving them into my pocket.

Don't be lazy guys and gimme your powerstones to support my work :(

ChadLordcreators' thoughts