
Ranks and Aether (*Spoilers)

-->There are 7 known ranks on Earth. These are -

1. Meta : Lvl1 - Lvl 10

2. Iota : Lvl 11 - Lvl 25

3. Enma : Lvl 25 - Lvl 50

4. Tesla : ???

5. Hatamoto : ???

6. Gamma : ???

7. Sandra : ???

--> Aether: The primary driving force of the universe. Due to its pure and chaotic nature humans can't wield Aether. As such humans harness Aether into into its constituents for use.

1. Mana - It influences the world to manifest phenomena, called magic, through chants. Used by magicians.

2. Aura - Aura circulates inside one's body and continuously refines it to perfection. Used by awakeners that focuses on martial arts.

3. Ether - A constituent of Aether which contains all the properties of Aether. Presently only Nathan is known to use Ether.

4. ??? - Used by Goliath unit.



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