
The Exiled God

Xavier The Exiled God returns to his homeland to seek his revenge. Years of training have made him a force to be reckoned with. God after God he claims victory over until he gets to his father, Uni The Creator. His father being the God who created the universe and was the strongest struck Xavier down. But Uni couldn't kill his own son so he was exiled once more...to a place where he could never return.

hanzomain_1234 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

They grow up so fast

It has been one year since Xavier and his parents had to flee their village. They have built a nice cabin in the woods at which they reside. Matt(Xavier's father) has broken through to the Noble sub-species. His current FL was around 1300. Mary(Xavier's mother) was close to breaking through to the noble Sub-Species with a Fl of 978.

Matt was gathering firewood for tonight's dinner further into the woods. He was accompanied by Xavier who was much bigger than kids his age. Although he was only one years old, he looked as though he was 5.

Xavier was helping his father gather firewood. Despite being as big as he is, his parents still treated him as though he was a newborn. Not letting him so the chores a normal 5 year old would do...at least while Mary was around.

When it was just Matt and Xavier, Matt would train Xavier. Teach him how to survive. Recently Xavier was taught how to track. He would be able to find a boar that was 3 miles away just by a single footprint.

Xavier knew of his past which was why he could be taught so easily. He already knew how to do everything, but it was like he just needed a refresher course.

Whilst gathering the firewood Xavier notices something isn't right. He quickly notifies his father as well.

"Something is off dad. I feel like something bad is going to happen."

As soon as those words left his mouth, both of them heard a blood curdling scream. It was Mary. Both Xavier and Matt ran as fast as they could towards home. Lucky for them they were only about a quarter mile from home and made it their relatively quickly.

They were still to slow. When they got home there was 25 men with the Sub-Species of lord. They had found where they lived and were about to get rid of them like they tried one year ago.

"RUN Xavier...run as fast as you can towards the area we talked about. Run and dont look back. I'll avenge mother and buy you some time. Just remember that we both love you and always will."

Xavier ran as his father had told him. He wanted to stay and fight with his father but his instincts drive him away. This was a fight he could not win.

While Xavier was running, his father was fighting the lord's. He was able to sneak up on 3 of them and take them out swiftly before anyone noticed he was there. Once engaged with the lords he was able to take out 1 more before being defeated.

By the time his father was defeated, Xavier was long gone. He used his tracking knowledge to cover up his tracks as he knew what they could follow. Xavier lost everything in a day and was scared for the first time in his life.